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Posts posted by Komag

  1. I think they'd be more interested in artistic support at this point in the cycle. All the main development ideas were brainstormed and discussed/debated a year or two ago, and right now the main work is implementing the agreed upon stuff.


    I could be wrong though. In any case, artistic support (skinning/texturing/etc) would be VERY welcome!

  2. Just a hobby. I ordered a simple set of lockpicks from http://www.southord.com/index.htm last year


    I can pick some simple locks, but normal "front door" types have stumped me. I can pick the lock on my desk at work, a few cabinets in the office, a couple simple locks I have at home, etc. I have some other locks I've never gotten, and I've never gotten the lock on our apartment door yet.

  3. It's the problem of democracy of the wallet. Lowest common denominator thing.


    That's an elitest comment I guess, hinting that the tastes of the masses are crap, but when a utter crap game like 50 Cent's Bullitproof sells over a million units, it's hard to not feel elitest.


    But yeah, independent dev support is a great thing, especially direct distribution like on Xbox Live to lessen publishing costs, allows for more unique/niche/test/risky titles to actually get released.

  4. 8)I must admit: I have never tried lockpicking in my life. I do know however, that it would be great to have traps sometimes... If the t3 system, it would work like a certain point (like the one that you can pick) and if you were nearing the trap-point, you could sense it, so you'd have to go around it. (Mmmm, hard to explain). However, I'm pretty sure real lockpicking looks nothing like in DS, so perhaps somebody could help out with this?


    I've done some lockpicking, but nothing medieval, and I know that locks back then were completely different from typical pin/tumbler locks of today

  5. ... The latest hitman you don't even have a jump button, he really has no need to jump on the players whim, only at certain places where a jump is necessary and to trigger that you have to walk upto the spot and push forward. This of course does equate to level designers needing to specifically implement it (and potentially unique animations need to be made to cover unique situations).


    That's something about the demo that turned me off very badly. It made the game feel like "go here, do this, go here, do this..." holding my hand instead of letting me play.

  6. I'm sure you liked typing that last sentence...


    That's the main reason I might not get the full game, if there's a lot of that sort of thing. I probably will get it, but it will be in spite of that aspect

  7. What about sports, card games, or other things like that? Baseball and Poker haven't changed much in 100 years or more.


    Maybe computer games with similar plots/gameplay could be seen like that, more of the same isn't always a bad thing if the same is still fun.

  8. But when I installed Doom 3 and Res of Evil it asked me to install DX9 b or c or whatever. I don't know how it all works though, maybe the regular game while playing doesn't really use it, but it needs it for some little thing

  9. The textures wouldn't even have to be very accurate. Look at Gothic - they had these big flat walls covering the forests, but when you get closer, they fade away and the real forest with all the trees and stuff is behind. It works well enough.

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