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Posts posted by angua

  1. There's a little bug in multiplayer: if one of the players pick up an item in the inventory right before the server is saving and tries to put it back while the screen is greyed out, it can happen that the item gets duplicated (but it can also happen that it is gone completely, so be careful...)

  2. It seems to be at least partially related to the world origin. In xz or yz view, if I can see the map at first and the move the origin out of the sceen at the upper edge of the ortho-view, everything is gone. If I move it back, everything's there again. This doesn't work in the xy-top-view, and I'm sure that this is not the only problem, as I often don't see anything even if the origin is on the screen.


    Edit: no, this was wrong. In bonehoard, everything disappears when the height of 512 is moved out at the upper edge while the origin is well inside the visible part of the map (and it's the only thing still showing up...).


    Edit2: and even this is not reproducable :wacko:


    More edit: but it always helps in Askave to delete all the lights

  3. I have this problem, especially in large maps. Sometimes everything is gone completely, sometimes things appear if I zoom out and disappear if I zoom in again (this also depends on the area I'm looking on, this is more likely to happen if there is more on the screen) and sometimes only the cam view is screwed (depending on the viewing angle, everything disappears/reappears). I usually reload the map a few times until everything works fine again.

    I don't know what could be causing this, but I thought it could be a graphics card/driver issue.

  4. No, I paid a little more (to be exact, my parents did, this was one of the best presents I got from them), it was about 1600 then.


    I currently run Doom3 on High quality, but ultra quality works well too. Usually I get high enough FPS for fluent gameplay (I didn't with our bonehoard map at the beginning, but that was before we figured out what visportals and caulking was for... :D ).


    One thing that is slow is testmap for example, because it fills and fills the RAM until it is 99% full...

  5. There are some motion improvements in the latest SVN - when you are in right-click Mouselook mode, you can hold down Ctrl and move the mouse to strafe sideways and up/down, and Ctrl+Shift to strafe forwards/back/left/right.

    I often use Shift+Ctrl+LMB in mouselook mode to select faces. You can guess that I was pretty surprised when I suddenly zoomed off into space like starship enterprise... :D


    I would either suggest using different keybindings (like Alt, for example) or making the strafe ability an option that users can turn on or off.

  6. You also have to make sure that your green light comes from the bottom and not from the top like in the tutorial. You can invert the direction of the green channel by activating "Neg" in the "map to" menu (right above the green rectangle).

    We got some pretty funny effects with the wrong lighting... :blink:

  7. So just that you know I've not been sitting around doing nothing, I'll show you some of my work (which did, in fact, involve a lot of Sitting Around but not much of Doing Nothing)


    More architecture

    holywater1ym0.th.jpg holywater2ao2.th.jpg room1ll4.th.jpg room2ru9.th.jpg


    some new textures



    a light emitting gemstone



    and a new skull


    which took me the last 4 weeks :rolleyes: . I'm currently working on his teeth...

  8. I get an error message on opening the "choose model" window the second time. (It works well the first time I open it)




    I can continue to work, but the model preview is gone. I get the same message every time I open the model window afterwards.


    I get two more messages on closing DarkRadiant, don't know if those are related to the model problem:




    I'm using the latest compile of DarkRadiant. (from today, around 3 hours ago)

  9. New screenies!


    shot5xn7.th.jpg shot6rg7.th.jpg shot7ww8.th.jpg


    shot8lw2.th.jpg shot9rh0.th.jpg


    We've expanded our little bonehoard with a corridor and a room with 2 graves, which is not in the classic map. Not much new, just a few textures have been added, the rest was tweaking and lighting. Any suggestions for improvement? We plan to make our own custom bonehoard starting from this room, still inspired by the classic level, but taking more and more "artistic freedom".

  10. Wow, thanks for all the positive feedback! :)


    So would I be able to use DarkRadiant?

    Yes, we downloaded it from SourceForge as New Horizon said, but you have to compile it before using it, which is not that trivial.


    To be honest I'd work on something tailored for TDM. That is to say do a "spiritual successor" rather than a direct exact copy. I'm not sure the old games fit in the new engine.

    We are not planning to rebuild the whole level, but we found it much easier to rebuild something for getting used to the dimensions and learning the basics. If you take a closer look, you will also notice that there are some differences from the original level. All the textures and models are custom and there are other small alterations as well.


    However the old shots remind me of how gloriously gaudy TG was. Plus the crazy beams just for rope arrows.
    As if you had any of them at Bafford's <_<
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