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Posts posted by BlackThief

  1. I don't like Warren, don't like source engine (yes changed my mind since winter last year), don't like steam :P


    yes he was part of LGS and involved in SS2 and thief, but imho this guy never understood what thief really is. wondering why he's using Steam though - will there be a Steam for consoles?? few years ago he said the pc is dead - only console games have a future.....



    oh and btw the website of his studio:



    sorry to say that, but that's the most amateurish website I've seen for ages.

  2. I just use photoshop BT. Format: TGA with RLE 24 bit Lossless Compression.


    Just follow the guidelines here if you aren't sure what size to make some of them. :)




    Take care to only use lossless compression as we don't want to sacrifice the quality. On average, the diffuse textures should work down to around 700kb at 512X512



    ah, thought there was some special programm to compress the tgas. Just checked my files and they're all around 760kb, so I guess that's ok.



    @oddity when you take a look into the textures folder you can see that I very rarely use speculars. I created one for the bricks because I wanted them to look a little bit wet/shiny.

  3. Not to throw poop, :) but can you check the file sizes for the newest textures? I'm not at home right now, but if I remember correctly, the cobblestones, possibly others, and the latest models (city watch) have the big mombo 4Mb TGAs instead of the optimized 768kb versions.


    And yes they look awesome.



    well if anyone can give me a link to the converter I could optimize them ;)

  4. The cobblestone looks awesome! The bricks are good but maybe the specular is a bit too strong.


    that's easy to tweak - I'll do that, when the texture is in an actual map and I can see how it fits to the environment.



    just to show you guys that I was busy today - another texture. also pretty simple: a marble trim. It's for the entrance hall of my mansion map.


  5. Yes, that looks good BT, however, the problem with making it a strong pattern like that is that it really stands out that it's the same image plastered on all six sides of the crate, whereas the boring image isn't so obviously repeating.


    of course that's always the problem with repeating or tiling textures - the more interesting the texture is, the more obvious is the repeating.

    but in case of the crate is isn't THAT bad - I made a comparion shot - see the attachment. (Have to make a darker specular for the metal though.)


    @isht yes I'll keep two versions of the crates.


  6. haven't posted my textures for a while here, but I think you've all seen them on the screens of my map.


    anyway while waiting for CVS I got bored and so I started to overwork my old crate texture, which was a little bit too clean imho.


    1st version:



    revised version:


  7. Only politicians know what's good for you. You should not spend time with something as obscene as thinking, because that's what the politicians are for.


    of course - they're thinking and talking the whole day. that's why they end up looking like this :D


  8. yeah, I read this here: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/politik/0,1518,385496,00.html some days ago.


    This is really frustrating - our country has got thousands of problems, but the politicians don't do anything but populistic laws against gamers. Of course why not? Gamers don't have a rich lobby in Berlin such as the other media or the car industry. There are a lot fatal accidents on german 'Autobahnen' (highways) every year, but there's not a single conservative politician who calls for a speedlimit (there are still a lot highways here that don't have any speedlimit). Why? Well because DaimlerCrysler, Porsche etc. contribute millions of Euros for the parties election campaigns.


    I think the youth protection laws are really good - but if parents don't care about what their children are playing on their PC/console, the best law won't prevent the kids from playing adult games (no I don't mean sex games :P imho: adult games = games with lots of violence).

    I'm of age, I am responsible for myself - so it's over to me to decide what I want to see on my screen.

  9. gosh you guys have too much freetime, right`? this is page _7_ of a thread about _ghosts_




    nevertheless I enjoyed reading it. NH you make me really happy, because I never believed in life after death, but to fly around as a blueish fog thingy scaring off people must be really cool. I think I'd enjoy it. Probably I'm going to see the spagetthi monster too






  10. ok thanks for you feedback. tried to fix the cheeks.


    I agree with most of your crits, but I don't think that's right:

    plus that big fold coming down from the nose to the mouth is too long and protruding, it starts too high and ends too low.


    that fold starts at the place were the "wing" of the nose connects with the head and it's like that on my head. I exaggerated it a bit to give him a little more character, but imho it doesn't look very unnatural.



    regarding the texture: yes it isn't finished yet - there's also still some stretching going on I have to fix first.


  11. well as I said I made some progress in lightwave and a few days ago I started a new attempt in modelling a head.


    Here's the hipoly model:




    and here's the lowpoly model with the normalmap generated from the highpoly in doom3



    He's supposed to be some kind of thug or maybe a poor houseguard.

  12. You know, I love innovation. I think this looks like a good idea.


    But I've also no idea how precise or not it will be.


    And niether do you.


    So please, please, please can you not spout stuff like "I think it is waay too imprecise for FPS games" when you have no idea, and know that you have no idea, whether it will be suitable or not.


    However - if you see the whole video of the announcement you will know that FPS games are precisely PRECISELY what Saturo Iwata was saying the controller will be good for.


    And there is ALREADY a retro-fitted Metroid Prime 2 that has been playtested. It's discussed on the net somewhere (Google) it. Apparently... awesome.


    Actually, I realise that you haven't read about properly BlackThief. Go read the tests, then tell me it's just a lightgun.  :rolleyes:


    I never said it is just a simple lightgun, I'm just a little less enthusiastic when a company like nintendo says it's got something totally innovative. I'm no expert on consoles, but I remember the playstation eyetoy stuff and what people said about it before release. It was also supposed to be a total revolution especially for sports games, but all games that support eyetoy I've seen so far are simple, ridiculous games for kids.


    Regarding tests - I looked for tests (probably not long enough), but I don't think there are any objective tests out there yet. There's just the usual "OMG this is sooo awesome"-stuff, that is spread by nintendo and its fanboys, around.



    Back to FPS games - the reason I think it's not precise enough, is simply that you have to hold the whole thing in your hands. Your hands aren't very precise as long as you can't apply them anywhere (hope that's the right term, I'm no native speaker),

    or why do you think snipers (in RL) always apply their rifles onto something ?

  13. definitely looks interesting, but I think it is waay too imprecise for FPS games (maybe not for doom, but I don't want to play any tactical shooter with this).

    If I remember correctly the only thing that's new is, that the controller is wireless - there used to be controllers (in form of guns for console fps-games) that work like that before.

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