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Posts posted by guido81

  1. Nope, I don't see it difficult, most likely it is easier than translating the text files by hand. You need to install DR. Set it up, it uses darkmod-folder contents as a default.


    Then you would need to extract parts of the to-be-translated mission in you darkmod-folder.

    You need to copy maps and xdata folders from the mission.pk4 into your darkmod -folder.


    Then you start DR and open the .map file from the /maps -folder. In DR, try to locate the readables. You can move around by right clicking the camera window and then use the arrow keys on you keyboard to move around. Mouselook works. Right clicking again ends the camera movement. Then find the mission readables, select the readable by holding shift and left-clicking it.


    Then from the upper menu bar choose "readable editor." That was in one of the pull-down menus, can't remember which. Then the WYSIWYG editor appears with the readable text in. You can now translate the text and see how your modifications are seen in the game. When you press save, the changes are written in the darkmod/xdata/mission.xd file, which you can distribute when the translation is completed.


    After translating a bit, you know the basics of DR and can start learning to map great missions for this mod too. :laugh:;)


    even!!! :P:P


    ok this afternoon i will check it..thanks again for your help!!!





    and for the game itself?? i mean menu ecc

  2. I would also love to see this for containers. It always annoys me in T1/T2 that AI's don't take notice of treasure chests being open. Would be cool if AI's in TDM could take notice and start search. Or is such AI behavior already possible but up to the mapper to implement and not used so far?


    or also for big treasure on tables ecc (like a mission of a crown..i don't remeber the name).....

  3. If you edit the xdata text files with a normal text editor, then yes, the text should be of the same length. If your text goes over the page, it will not automatically reach the next page. Text going over is not seen at all. You need to guess/test to know when to start writing the next page.


    However, if you translate the text in the readable editor in dark radiant, then it works like what-you-see-is-what-you-get text editor and the resulting translation length can deviate in all ways from the original.


    clear..i don't already take a look of dark radiant...it would be difficult do it that way??

  4. Just don't make the mistake to install a newer version of Catalyst if you don't absolutely have to. Without the feature to turn off Catalyst AI playing TDM becomes tedious work (see the beginning of this thread).




    but in case it is possible to download an old drivers and than disable AI...or not??

  5. if it is possible, make the body of blackjacked person fall always with back exposed(after i pick up him and released it down)...in order to see always if he carry somethin with him...


    or auto-rob a corpse while pick-up/pull a body...or it is too smart?? :)

  6. i don't know if is already in this way(because i played on TDM for a little) but i think it would be more realistic, if AI try to investigate on a door (open or closed) who is in a "wrong position"..


    if it has to be closed (because i forgot it), and AI find it open ..investigate and close it after


    if it has to be open (because i closed it in order to get the room dark, for example) , and AI find it close ..investigate and open it after



    even if AI don't investigate..i think they should put doors at the "beginning conditions"...more realistic

  7. probably i do not say nothing..because this version is the first i've tried, but i don't find any problems blackjacking ...


    i can do it also on a sleeping guard (but not always...just if there is enought space ...)


    i find that bj - ops i mean blackjacking ....sorry for my poor english i am italian :) :) - it is more realistic and enjoyable than thief 2...



  8. Hi to all


    i am italian ... and yesterday i installed TDM for the very first time, simply amazing!!

    Let me thanks every person who is involved in this project!!!


    but i have a questinon..it is possible to translate all the writing ( mission texts, journals ecc)??


    I mean...if i (and some friend of mine) translate them in italian, it is an heavy/impossible thing to make a patch (or other mission's version) ??we can start with a little mission ..

    Also TDM maybe...


    because a lot of italian people don't speech english very well (me also :) ....in this way we make tdm enjoyable for them...and who knows...maybe also a sweden-spanish ecc people would do the same!!


    please don't take it like a criticism or whatever..it is just a way to meke TDM "ecumenical"!! :) :)


    thanks again and keep on working on it!!

  9. hi to all


    also me had a lot of problems with tdm..i have an ATI 4750x2....ultra slow playing and reversed sky; sounds errors etc


    I disabled AI from Catalist Pannel (without reinstalling drivers ecc) and now i can play at 1600*1200 full details and max texture ...just some problems with 16x AA...but if i put 8x AA it is ok!!!



    thanks for your trick!!!

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