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Posts posted by Vadrosaul

  1. Perhaps when the mod is out you could have a button on the page so people can donate some moolah for all your hard work via PayPal if they so choose.

    I wouldn't recommend anything like that. It could cause splintering among the group unless there is someone all members trust to spread the wealth fairly.

  2. Classic creatures from the original Dark Project :) Sounds like too much of a stretch to expect anything inspired by them to make it into the release Dark Mod. The tough part I can see is modelling the animations of the creatures' walks since they had an alien gait.

  3. Well at least we didn't get owned that bad. Also we scored a nice Touchdown at the end. I think we can win in two weeks. This week we got a bye :).

    When your team hasn't won a single game in half the season, it's time to face reality :mellow:

  4. The first thing that came to mind from the demo is that Crysis IS Far Cry style gameplay with a few superpowers mixed in. As a Far Cry fan, that’s a good thing to start building from.


    The engine is highly demanding, and I could not get a smooth framerate with 1600*1200 everything maxed. 1280*960 with everything maxed and post-processing effects turned to medium (because I dislike the overdone, headache-inducing motion blur used) gave me a consistent 30+ rate with little dips under when heavy firefighting commenced.


    Crysis improves in small doses upon everything its predecessor had. Destructible buildings and trees, modifications for weapons, improved binoculars, improved graphics, improved narrative & pacing, improved actors, improved interactivity with the environment (you can pick up and throw chickens & ducks). All quality improvements, but nothing spectacularly innovative or jaw-dropping (except the graphics). The scope of the game appears at a glance to be quite epic, and the polish on all mechanics and functionality is blindingly pristine.


    Like the characters name too ;)

  5. Just downloaded the 50 MB version. Wow! That’s Thief 4 right there, Triple A quality nailed :) Cheers to whomever designed the Hammerite gears architecture at the front of the manse.


    I seriously hope some of the team stay around after 1.0 release and put their energies towards a story campaign.




    PS what was that croaking starting at 3:25?

  6. I certainly hope the voices are WIP too :P


    I was reminded of the Bonehoard during the first couple of minutes, infused with an atmospheric sense similar to the ‘Air Filled Tunnels’ in Call of Cthulhu. I hope that map makes its way into the 1.0 release package.


    The music and ambient SFX are top notch. Props to your sound guy for the excellent work :)


    Is it possible at the 1:58 mark to add an animation + environment manipulation to allow the player to brush aside the overgrowth that’s in their way w/ the sword?

  7. The lighting is perfect, and, though I hate to use a clichéd term, quite realistic. You guys have really outdone yourselves :) The breadth of the village and its buildings trumps even the original LGS Thief’s.


    What kind of mapping are you using for the sky? Is it a skybox? How is the moon effect done? Is there any luminescence from the moon and does it act as a light source to a limited degree?

  8. Tried it. Not bad, but the demo is only 5 minutes. 1GB for 5 fucking minutes?!?! How the fuck do they expect to make a sale to fringe interest with 5 minutes of a couple of corridors and the same enemy 10 times?


    Couple things I noticed:


    - The music is too over-the-top halloween horror carnivàle style. It doesn't evoke feelings of dread or fearful trepidation for what comes next, it evokes feelings that you're in a game with a stock videogame soundtrack.


    - The Jericho squad members banter too much to each other. Cut the chatter, Red 2! This is suppose to be a frightening gruesome atmosphere, but the excessive blathering needs to be toned down in favor of volume for ambience.


    The player character not having a corporeal form is something fresh, but unless the story gives him quality character moments, he's going to be easily overshadowed by the personalities of the team members. There is an opportunity there for the man to convey his despair over being on death row, his "soul" fated for oblivion.

  9. Which reminds me of the whole low-fat catchphrase being thrown around so often here. Some women literally come into a donut shop to buy "Low fat donuts". Lady, if you want to lose weight do some fucking jogging.


    In my experience, they usually do both the exercise and the diet. Why bother choosing unhealthy snacks that attempt to be benign with "low fat" or "low carb"? Lady should lay off donuts altogether ;)

  10. What a bizarre connection, considering Wesker is older than JCD. I can't imagine the movie having anything redeemable to it, seeing how the first 2 RE movies stunk something fierce. Definite torrent material.


    They should concentrate their effort on making a decent Deus Ex movie instead. ;)

  11. (There's nothing hyperbolic about that post, was there?)


    Kinda felt it in the last sentence, but that's passion speaking :), and it has truth to it. Hopefully with more thoughtful mods like TDM, and commercial releases like Bioshock, the game audience will expect more than just flashy graphics and a retread of a franchise, and focus more on deeper elements of gaming.

  12. Miller said he takes drunken driving seriously, "but we were doing things as safe as possible."


    Come again? :rolleyes:


    Meh, they probably weren't that drunk, since they managed to control the vehicle using the paired control system they had going and managed to not hit anyone or anything. Then again, it's Wisconsin, so that's moot anyways.

  13. You're the one who mentioned innovation in the first place.

    Maybe, but one of the other reasons was because people wanted to make fan missions in TDS, but couldn't (at the time - the editor didn't get released until later). Which suggests they quite liked TDS, because who would want to make missions for a game they didn't like?


    Your move. :P


    Jdude mentioned good elements from all Thief games. I simply scratched my head trying to figure out any that came from TDS that were not shoddily implemented or borrowed from the predecessors. Basically "where's the innovation?". Granted Thief 2 didn't have it much either ;)


    Until the Dark Mod is released, I can't see FM's being created in the TDS editor as anything more than hardcore fans making do with what they got: Use either the old Dark Engine, or use the weaksauce modified Unreal Engine 2. Thus the salvation that the Dark Mod brings us in due time :)

  14. I don't agree with many of those points. The mantling suffered from the poor third-person feeling of drunken lurching movement, as did the body awareness. Climbing gloves were a moot point when the vertical gamespace was so limited. Conversations is a matter of story, the responsibility of other creative forces.


    Even though they included these 'enhancements', they felt like they could have easily been implemented better. Poor choice of engine, or poor job in modifying engine?


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not hatin' on TDS, but rather I fail to see where it brings any fresh or well executed NEW elements to the Thief series. Many games cobble together the best ideas from other classic games and execute them in a thrilling game, but we should not be throwing the innovation stamp where it does not belong, especially with a sequel which should have tried its damndest to what essentially you guys are doing with the Dark Mod in your spare time.


    @Crispy: Remember one of the reasons the Dark Mod came to fruition was due to ill sentiment towards TDS ;)

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