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Posts posted by simplen00b

  1. I second that

    Me too. (**gazes glumly at twisty turny tunnel that took hours to build badly and resulted in 15 secs of utterly tedious gameplay**)


    On the topic of recreating TDS missions, you might be interested in this: Child of Karras at TTLG has spent ages building (or starting to, at least) a T2 version of the city hubs in TDS, i.e. the whole thing - South Quarter, Stonemarket, Auldale, Docks etc - but without the loading zones.


    Re copyright, the consensus seemed to be that just rebuilding the cityscape in itself wouldn't be a problem; trying to recreate the gameplay so people could 'play TDS' without buying it might be. Apparently there have been a couple of copyright issues with FMs and TTLG stopped hosting them, but this one is still available. The thread's here: http://www.ttlg.com/...ad.php?t=129213. (CoK has handed it on now; he was starting to reach the limits of DromEd but that was before the New Dark patch so someone else may be working on it again.)


    But, like Sotha said: doing an 'inspired by' mission is probably safer and more creative. :smile:

  2. KO everyone, quick save & load as often as I remember/need to. If I get busted I'll try to run & hide - I'm useless with the sword - but that doesn't work too often (certainly not as often as it did in TDS :ph34r: ). Forced ghosting I usually find unenjoyably tense - Obsttorte's two missions are the only exceptions I can think of.


    Usually play on 'Easy' first time round, but will look at the medium/advanced objectives and try to achieve them if possible.


    Never kill unless someone's a total pain or an undead. Undead I will happily spend ages clearing out of the way if possible. Can't stand them even being around.

    I can't stand it when people reload every time they miss with a water arrow.
    Don't usually miss with water arrows (he bragged) but I nearly always quicksave before firing a rope arrow. Got into the habit playing T1/2 FMs when I'd often make a mess of it (wrong angle usually), and never got out of it.
  3. Finished this last night - initially I managed to miss the priest's room which held things up a bit, but once I got in there, the rest of the mission unfolded fairly straightforwardly. Some general comments in no particular order: -

    1. Liked the use of a caption appearing to give helpful info (re the two guys in the bar area). I wonder if captions could be used more often as a way of the character commenting on particular situations/problems (like Garrett's voice-overs in Thief, but you can imagine whatever voice you want :) ).

    2. The mist effect in the cellar was absolutely beautiful and the screenshot doesn't do it justice.

    3. I hate forced ghosting. Hate not having a blackjack. Hate it. So please consider it a great compliment that I enjoyed this mission so much I'm actually trying it in Thief mode. (I guess that being "seen" means alert level 5 - yes? I've already survived an alert level 2 anyway.)

    4. The grass looks nice but is a bit weird to walk through - more like walking on top it, and sometimes I get stuck. A TDM issue I guess. Looks good though.

    5. I had one of the best "Can't believe I didn't just get busted" moments ever: -


    I was in the store room (? - the room with the ladder going up to the weapons stash) after reading the diary. This elite guard suddenly appeared out of nowhere - I managed to quickly scamper behind some barrels with no more than a "Was that something there?" comment. Then peering between the barrels I saw - he had a key! I scuttled back out to grab it, expecting him to walk out the way he had come in. Just as I snatched the key, crouching next to him, he turned and started walking right into me. I just panicked, turned and crouch-walked away from him, totally expecting to get whacked - he was right on top of me - but somehow he must have just missed me. Watched him go out the room and then just sat there for two minutes waiting for my heart rate to subside. :)

    It's moments like that that make Thief/TDM my favourite game ever.

    6. Playing in Taffer mode, I wondered if the guys in the bar were on some sort of 'slow alert' mode. Reason I wondered is that

    I decided to try snatching the key from the guy's belt, not expecting to succeed; but, even though I got within frobbing distance and my light gem was fairly bright, I managed it with no more than an alert level 3 (actually, may have been 4 - can't remember if he drew a weapon or not).


    7. Just on its own, it's a really good mission. As a two-week build, it's pretty awesome. Well done, Obsttorte, and many thanks.

  4. I kinda want to have my cake and eat it with this - most of the time I'm quite happy to bumble around cluelessly carefully explore the environment and see where I end up, but if I do get lost/stuck, then by heck there'd better be a map or else. So I think option 2 is the right one for me.

    It seems that some mappers are unsure if they are worth the effort.

    In case any mappers are reading this and thinking, "Oh great, now I've got ANOTHER thing to add to the to-do list", a hopefully encouraging suggestion: this is a job that someone else could help with. I made up some (fairly basic) maps for Deceptive Shadows - my approach was to open the map in DR, take screenshots of each level on its own, open them in Fireworks and trace over them on a separate layer. IIRC, it took an hour or two (I'm not a fast worker), but in some ways Deceptive Shadows was a fairly straightforward map - one location, three floors, done. (In other ways it wasn't at all straightforward, which is why I made the maps in the first place. :smile:)


    If a mapper had an FM that was at the stage where all the structures were in place and he was focusing more on details, grime, AI etc, he could send that map to someone (the mapmaker? This could get confusing) who could start putting something together using the above method, ideally with some direction from the mapper on what kind of map he'd like (level of detail, any particular style, etc). Maybe there could be two versions for sale - a low detail map (cheaper) and a high detail one (dearer).


    Anyways. Jussan idea. :smile:

  5. It's a very fast arena style multyplayer FPS (something like UT or doom in network).

    Just looked at some YouTube vids and started getting motion sickness in less than a minute. How do people play that AND type messages at the same time? :blink: I'd last three seconds tops.

    Re the MarbleFX trackball - it is generally recognised* that it's the best trackball Logitech ever produced and second-hand ones can still sell for $80-100. Someone's trying to sell an apparently new one on ebay for nearly $500. No, I'm not joking.

    *Source: some people on the internet.

  6. Maybe you should upload a let's play of you playing quake III arena. (Just for entertainment ;) )

    Seriously genuinely honestly - I have no idea what kind of game Quake is (I assume FPS, but whether sci-fi/horror/fantasy/warfare/medieval - not a clue). Still suspect I'd get less fun out of playing it than other people would watching me play it. :P

    Are you still using the mouse buttons for movement?

    Yup. Adapting to it surprisingly well. I have the basic Logitech trackball, and the two small buttons above the big buttons I never really use due to being v. fiddly - ideally I guess I'd have a model that has easier access to other buttons so I could attack/interact with the mouse as well, but not being a full-on gamer, I don't really care that much B) .

    Re arm-ache - left arm does ache slightly with the remapped keys but nowhere near as much as it did using the WASD keys. However (another exciting story coming up), my first ever trackball was the classic but now defunct Logitech Marble FX (which I still have connected to my work PC). After two days of using that, my right arm was in so much pain I gave up using it. Didn't touch it for two weeks then thought, 'ah well, give it another go', and - absolutely no problems. No arm-ache at all. :blink: (Told you it was an exciting story.)

  7. @woah - I think watching my gaming technique would make many people cry with laughter. Or just cry.


    @psychomorph - yeah, like Obs said, I'm now starting to use my trackball. May need to adjust the settings as you advise - mostly it's fine but while playing Glenham Tower last night, I was running away from a pursuing revenant; went to turn a sharp corner but in my panic I turned 360 degrees and ran right back into his welcoming skeletal sword-wielding arms.


    @jaxa - maybe it's because I have big hands/long fingers, but after 30 mins of trying WASD with Dishonored, my whole left arm (up to and including the side of my neck) was aching very unpleasantly. (I think it was mainly from having to hold left-shift/ctrl down with my little finger while moving.) Really didn't enjoy it.


    At the risk of making anyone keel over with excitement, I shall list my remapped LH key settings. You may want to sit down or hold onto something secure: -

    Frob/interact - X;

    Attack - Z;

    Crouch - C;

    Use - F (guess where I got that from? :smile: );

    Cycle lockpicks - backwards slash (on the left of the Z - got fed up reaching over to the P).

    I think most of the other controls are unchanged. Been playing TDM for a couple of hours with the new settings and given I'm changing a style I've used for about five years, it's mostly working really well - I get the occasional regression and start tapping the arrow keys and then wonder why I'm blundering around so clumsily. The trackball rules. B)

  8. Thanks for the suggestions guys - on reflection (and after doing a bit more research) I think trying to master a gamepad would drive me potty (and headtracking gear would be overkill for my limited needs).


    What I've done is allocate move forward/backward to mouse buttons 1 & 2 on my trackball - yes Obs! I have a trackball too! They're great! - and remapped LH keyboard keys for attack/interact etc. I've given it a go in TDM (so I can try it without having to learn a new game at the same time) and - well, wow. Moving around already feels loads more fluid, and as long as I can get used to the remapped LH keys I think it'll make my previous touchpad technique look pretty clumsy. I actually did a mantle while moving backwards, which I don't think I've ever done.

    Isnt "turning" with the keyboard instead of "strafing" + mouse looking outdated since about 15 years or so now?
    Say 9-10 years - it was included with Doom 3 after all, which came out 2004 - but otherwise, yup, you've hit the the nail on the head; 'looking outdated' pretty much sums me up gaming-wise. :smile:
    wait wait wait, is it even possible to play a game without a mouse?!?!

    Well, I've been using my laptop touchpad for years. Very happily too. But I think the trackball thing is going to be better.


    Hey, it only took me five years, but finally I may be starting to learn how to use a mouse properly in gaming. Yay! Woot! etc etc

  9. Just so I understand you. Does this mean that you play PC Games without using a mouse? Sounds awful.

    Um. Er. Well. If laptop touchpad = mouse, then yes, I use a mouse. :unsure: Arrow keys to steer in RH, touchpad/spacebar/other keys in LH. Never could handle steering with LH via WASD and up till now it's never been a problem.
    I use a wacom tablet for the mouse, not the on board mouse. Problem is the readable area is too small and I can never turn around fast (without making mouse over sensitive then on the PC it would be slow...) So yeah , i don't actually play too much. Sidecrollers are my best bet.

    I have a wacom tablet but whenever I tried to use it in Thief I just span round and round wildly with no control at all. Maybe I should experiment with the settings. And yeah, apart from Thief, sidescrollers and point&click are pretty much it for me too gamewise. But hey, Raptor still holds up for me B)


    I was about to have a WHY OH WHY vent about the Death of Turning as a Keyboard Option in Modern Gaming, but I'm going to go to bed instead.

  10. The cable length is two meters and the force feedback is relatively stronge and fine-tuned. It is suited for large hands.

    Force feedback I don't really care about but 'suited for large hands' sounds good. (I think this is why standard WASD-style playing doesn't work for me - I have to contort my fingers to hover over the right keys and it's Quite Painful.)


    Anyway, have started a separate thread about this (which hopefully won't descend into a KBM vs gamepad flame war) :P

  11. I finally got round to trying to play Dishonored and Mirror's Edge last night, and I've realised that I'm really out of touch with modern gaming (surprise surprise).


    It looks like having keyboard controls to 'turn' left and right (rather than strafe) isn't an option any more, so I can't use my usual Thief keyboard controls. Tried the WASD settings and, apart from hating having to strafe instead of turning, my left arm ached horribly after 30 mins.


    So it looks like the only hope I have of playing these games is with a console-style controller for Windows and I wondered if anyone had any recommendations. I've never used a console and I'd be surprised if I play anything much other than DH and ME with whatever controller I get. (Skyrim, Oblivion, Minecraft, CoD etc have no interest for me.)


    I'm inclining towards the Microsoft Xbox 360 Common Controller, while Obsttorte's suggested the Logitech F510. Any other recommendations? Or should I try something else entirely? All & any advice gratefully received!

  12. The lack of keyboard turning was what put me off Oblivion and a factor in my getting an Xbox a few years ago. You might google for mouse emulators I suppose or a joypad.
    Glad it's not just me who misses keyboard turning. This & Mirror's Edge are the first 'modern' first-person-pov games I've bought for years so I'm evidently out of touch with these new-fangled gaming conventions. Re joypads - I did look at the Microsoft Xbox controller for PC on Amazon last night. May start a thread asking how others play games on their PC/laptop and see what suggestions they have. :)
  13. Welcome to the forums Nightrider!

    I was thinking that it would be great to import the levels of Thief 1 and 2

    Short answer - can't be done due to copyright issues (you can read more at this thread: http://forums.thedar...-and-thief-tma/) Don't be disappointed - there are loads of great FMs to play. For me, some of them have done more to capture the immersiveness (sp?) of playing the original missions than any other Thief FMs I've played (after a bit of a learning curve). :P
  14. There's a list of the folios and other stuff we need to replace on our wiki somewhere... Just a second... Here it is: http://wiki.thedarkm...lone_TDM#Sounds
    I did start to go through these to see if there were any I thought I could recreate, but RL and a fried laptop put a stop to much progress. It looked to me like it'd be fairly painstaking work and not particularly glamorous, but that's probably true of most of the standalone work needed.
    I STRONGLY believe that one of the most important and often overlooked features of any video game is the audio, ALL of it
    + 1, and I wouldn't limit it to video games. From my (very limited) experience of working in film & TV, getting the sound recorded well seemed to be often more difficult than getting the visuals right, but maybe I just happened to be around badly-trained sound recordists. ;)

    Anyway. Really encouraging to get an offer of help from a pro; any & all contributions welcome!

  15. This might be too late, but why not have 2 sub categories for the contest? Rank fresh missions against other fresh missions, and WIP missions against other WIP missions?

    I think something along those lines would help - it still leaves the problem of how to judge, e.g. Sotha's FM (quite a bit of stuff put together already) against e.g. Fieldmedic's FM (stuff drawn on paper), but I don't think there's any straightforward solution to that one.


    I had a kinda similar-but-different idea, which was to have one award for 'Most enjoyable FM' (where build time is irrelevant) and another for 'Most creative FM', where marks were biased in favour of mappers starting from scratch, but Xarg's idea is simpler and therefore probably better. :smile:

  16. It really just comes down to luck at that point...if the new guard is too close to the door, you're going to be spotted and there's nothing you can do if you're out of gas arrows. Although, having said that, I did get past both, without reloading, so.....

    I did comment to Obs when I was beta-testing that I felt like I often got away more by chance than by planning, but the fact is - I often got away with it. I had more "I cannot believe I didn't just get busted" moments with this mission than any other I can remember playing (which I loved) - made me wonder if he had some brilliant AI routing system in place that was engineered to give the player loads of narrow squeaks. :smile:


    P.S. Very impressed you got past the torch-bearing guards without water-arrowing the torches. Just the idea of trying that makes me go all faint and giddy...

  17. Well, it's just gone back to the manufacturer. They went through the procedure for removing the RAM and the hard drive with me over the phone last week (it was pretty easy) but somehow it still stayed stuck in hibernation, and then stopped working completely.


    So who knows. May lose everything on the drive if that's the problem, but heigh-ho; lost enough HDs in my time to realise that there's usually very little that's totally irreplaceable... ^_^

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