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Posts posted by Araneidae

  1. Oh no! Sound is *sooo* fragile. Switching to the menus and there's a 50-50 chance of losing sound altogether.


    How can I tell that setting dmargs.txt is actually doing anything? There doesn't seem to be anything relevant in the log, which is instead flooded with messages of the form


    WARNING:Couldn't load ...


    where the ... is numerous images, guis and sounds.


    Here are the messages from the last time sound suddenly vanished for me:



    Changed location from 'snd_hub' to 'snd_stealth'.

    The ambient 'snd_stealth' for location 'snd_stealth' is now playing.

    missed 1 sound updates

    snd_pcm_writei 4096 frames failed: Broken pipe

    preparing audio device for output

    snd_pcm_writei 4096 frames failed: Broken pipe

    preparing audio device for output

    snd_pcm_writei 4096 frames failed: Broken pipe

    preparing audio device for output


    Alas, the Wine version is loads more reliable :(

  2. I'm going to revive this old thread: sound and TDM. Oh dear, Pulseaudio, what a shame. Alas, I'm on Xubuntu, so I have to suck it up.


    As described above, the best solution for me was to write +set s_alsa_pcm sysdefault:CARD=PCH into ~/.doom3/darkmod/dmargs.txt ... however, before going on to describe a remaining problem, let me point out an extra hint that may be helpful.


    How on earth do you figure out *what* to set s_alsa_pcm to? Running aplay -L is a start, but out of 37 different devices it's not very clear which to chose. The answer is (still requires an irritating amount of trial and error) is to run


    aplay -D $card /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav


    as $card varies over the available options. This could be scripted as for card in $(aplay -L |sed '/^ /d'); do aplay ...; done but that seems excessive.


    Alas, sound is still not working perfectly: in the lock picking part of the training mission at the back of the room where there's a noisy generator that's supposed to be masking the sounds of the locks -- I can't hear it. All the other sounds work perfectly, I can hear my footsteps, pages turning, lock picking sounds, menu clicks when in the menu ... but the noisy generator is silent.

  3. It's been years since I played this, but can't you frob the gate?


    Wow. Turns out I can! ... so why on earth didn't I discover this?


    Have a feeling this issue (or its relatives) has been rehearsed ad-nauseam this thread -- I completely failed to spot the highlight on the gate, as it's barely visible, and I must have only tried frobbing on the edges when I tried it last night. Or ... which is just as likely, my focus was between the gate bars when I tried, and as the highlight is virtually invisible (at least on my system, for whatever reason), I was just unlucky.


    Whoops. I will tread carefully with this mission... :blush:


    Edit: Haha: just climbed into the skybox that crashes doom3!


    The wandering guards with torches adds a nice touch that we didn't have in T2 (at least, I don't remember seeing it in any mods).

  4. I'm feeling really dumb here. I can't get *anywhere*! I've read this whole topic, and the only reference to the problem I'm seeing references a "second" garden, whereas I can't even get past the first...


    I start the level with a gate in front of me which I can mantle up a little, but presumably this is where I entered. Turn around, and there's an L-shaped courtyard with a gate to the left which I can neither open nor mantle over (and a patrolling guard with a torch on the other side), and high crenelated walls all around. On the right is a garden ... guess this is the only avenue of entry. There's a stack of boxes right in front, but they're neither movable nor high enough to be useful.


    The garden has two trees, numerous flowers (one of which contains a moss arrow) and a path which leads into a wall (significant?) and three patches of luminous fungus. I can climb into each tree, but that leads nowhere, and I've tried frobbing each flower in turn with nothing to find. I'm completely out of ideas...


    What really baffles me is that nobody else has complained of being stuck here. What on earth am I missing?!

  5. I'm running the Steam version of Doom3 under Wine (see elsewhere for my efforts with the native Doom3), and I'm encountering an unfortunate interaction with the restart required to "install" a mission and Wine.

    1. I start darkmod in the approved way, the menu screen comes up and tells me I have no missions installed.
    2. I select to install the training mission
    3. The game tells me "mission installed" and then restarts
    4. Darkmod exits
    5. Steam reports Error: This game is currently unavailable (Application running).
    6. When I restart darkmod, it tells me again I have no missions installed.

    What's going on here? Point (5) is presumably a subtle Wine error, but why isn't darkmod able to go ahead and load the mission anyway when I restart at point (6)? Is there any workaround?


    For what it's worth, Doom3 plays *perfectly* (apart from being a rather crap game, IMHO) under Wine.


    Edit: http://forums.thedar...ing-with-steam/ seems to be a similar problem, *without* wine! Only, I'm *not* getting the mission installed when I restart :(


    Edit: Aha: the trick is to ignore the advice in the wiki which says to run

    steam -applaunch 9050 +set fs_game_base darkmod

    and instead to run



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  6. However, this also is a problem for us - I guess v1.08 would then be equally broken on Arch? E.g. you cannot use the package that we compile for you? That might mean we need to get rid of boost (if that is what prevents you from using our pre-compiled packages).


    I'm not aware of a precompiled package on Arch, let me explain briefly: Arch has two types of packages, supported and "unsupported"; for supported packages there are precompiled binary packages that are automatically available to install, like most distributions, whereas "unsupported" packages need to be built from source, but this uses the same mechanism used to build the supported packages. If you look at http://aur.archlinux...es.php?ID=31788 the PKGBUILD file contains the automated build instructions. I think AUR here stands for Arch Unsupported Repository.


    Regarding boost, all the files are in the darkmod source tree, so fixing it was easy enough, I don't seem to have any boost files installed on my machine. As for using/not using boost, that's such a major strategic decision ... I imagine you're stuck with it! I can't really comment, I now avoid C++ for new projects.


    Would you be willing to help us test v1.08?


    Certainly. Is there a git repository or other publicly visible source control mechanism? I can only find snapshot downloads on the main web site.

  7. The melee weapons animate and play their sounds, but there's never any sound of any collision, just the woosh of swiping the weapon. I neither receive or deal any damage. However, I can kill AIs with arrows.


    My best guess is that my build is somehow subtly broken -- there are a *lot* of warnings in the compile, and it looks as if gcc has changed some rules recently, look at my patch: http://sprunge.us/dgLI. It'd be good to add -Werror to the compile flags ... but painful!

  8. I've just installed The Dark Mod on Arch using the package here: http://aur.archlinux...es.php?ID=31788


    As you can see, I had to make two source patches to get it to compile with the latest new and shiny gcc 4.7.0 compiler (the annoyances of using arch), see http://sprunge.us/dgLI, but it seems to be working perfectly well now I've installed it ... except for one little detail.


    Melee does nothing! I first discovered when trying to blackjack the kitchen staff right at the start of The Crown of Penitence (yes, lazy, I know) without success, and then discovered that the guards couldn't hurt me either (but they can box me in), but then when I went back to the training mission I discovered that melee in the training room doesn't do anything either.


    I've got a bunch of other little issues, not sure whether to gather them into one post, but this is the most obvious game spoiling bug! (Except, I suppose, I should be trying to ghost, but right at the beginning in a completely unfamiliar engine and map it's a bit tough.)

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