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Posts posted by motorsep

  1. So here is another real life story happened to my coworker a few days ago. He bought AMD 280X, played H1Z1 with it at 30-40 fps. Swapped it for Nvidia 970 and was running the game at 90-100 fps (in both cases he was using ultra settings).


    So does it even make sense to jump through hoops as a developer to support AMD, when Nvidia makes sure drivers do the job and allow games run at max performance ?

  2. What R9 models people ran TDM on ? I am fixing to buy R9 285 for my programmer to see if he can determine whether something can be done to the engine to make it run on AMD as fast as on Nvidia. Looking at the specs http://www.amd.com/en-gb/markets/r9 Isee that R9 285 has different architecture compare to 280X and below. So I wonder if 285+ R9 models run with TDM fine. I wouldn't want to spend money on the GPU that already works fine.

  3. gave this one a try (still running on R9 270X dualX) and no big improvements detected.. it was round 40 fps as it is now with new driver installed :mellow:


    So I guess it goes in line with what AMD rep told me - no resources for indies (which also means no resources for OpenGL since no engine except of id Tech 5 uses OpenGL; and I am betting id Tech 6 will be DX11/12 only).


    Time to implement Direct3D wrapper or add D3D rendering path ;)

  4. So I spent two evenings trying to make good water surface using whatever capacity Doom 3 has and I found it impossible :(


    How did you make it in TDM ? Did you have custom ARB shaders ?


    Here is what I came up with (realtime reflection is a custom shader and has artifacts on object partially submerged into water, so unless we fix that, I won't use it):



    Basically it's just a brush with 5 sides of nodraw and surface having my water material:

    	qer_editorimage textures/water/water_surface1_strip16_editor.tga
    		vertexProgram		heatHaze.glsl		
    		vertexParm		0	time * .1, time * 0.08		
    		vertexParm		1	2
    		fragmentProgram		heatHaze.glsl		
    		fragmentMap		0	_currentRender
    		fragmentMap		1	normalMap textures/water/water_surface1_local.tga
    		blend blend
    		map textures/water/water_surface1_d.tga		
    		alpha 0.15
    		scroll sinTable[time * .02] * .01, time * 0.02		
    		shear sinTable[time * .02] * .02, cosTable[time * .02] * .02
    		rotate sinTable[time * .01] * .01
    		blend bumpmap
    		map textures/water/water_surface1_local.tga		
    		scroll sinTable[time * .02] * .01, time * 0.02		
    		shear sinTable[time * .02] * .02, cosTable[time * .02] * .02
    		rotate sinTable[time * .01] * .01
    		blend specularmap
    		map textures/water/water_surface1_s.tga	
    		scroll sinTable[time * .02] * .01, time * 0.02		
    		shear sinTable[time * .02] * .02, cosTable[time * .02] * .02
    		rotate sinTable[time * .01] * .01

    If I add cubemap reflection, it looks like crap, since it just sits there, doesn't deform or anything like that, so my water looks like ice (I tested it in stock Doom 3 and it's the same story):



    I recall TDM having decent water, and I wonder how that was achieved. Thanks!

  5. Erm.. yes now you come to mention it, I think that that can be done. What I think you can't do is create, resize or cut brushes using the python api. But you *can* move selections, which is probably enough. I'm not sure about loading the prefabs though.


    Yeah, I wouldn't need to do anything with brushes, except moving them. Who would be able to know more about Python API in DR to tell if prefabs can or can not be loaded (or .map files imported). The idea is to have modules saves as either prefabs or .map files, and then Python scrip would load each into each layer, properly name layer, use sorting by name to select certain pieces and then duplicate one of the modular pieces, move them to a "construction" layer, move them on the grid to match other pieces, etc.

  6. If you're not proposing Steam Workshop than why go forward with the GPL the C++ code and everything else?

    You know where this is heading.


    You sure do, Mr. conspiracist.


    Some people don't know what Steamwork SDK requires (or publishing on Steam) and propose/ask for certain things that can't be done. I've explained why.

  7. The lack of self-awareness is strong with this one. C'mon, man, you've been doing nothing but bringing up steamworks and slagging people off for pages.


    No, someone just didn't read my posts at all. Please read #321 carefully.


    I have been bringing Steamworks to light because various people suggested various things that can not be implemented either due to GPL, or because it's not possible at all. And I have been simply clarifying things.

  8. I'm not a moderator nor a TDM team member but imo Motorsep please refrain from being rude, you can explain people your point of view without resorting to that kind of language, it makes for a bad environment on the forum.


    I am just giving Airship Ballet his own medicine.. I wasn't rude to anyone, and yet he took it upon himself. I explained my point across several pages already.

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