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Posts posted by Radiant

  1. I've got a question about the ambient_light: As far as I understood every brush is rendered, which is touched by a light, the player is currently seeing. Is this correct?

    And what about the ambient_light? Doesn't this one touches everything, so everything needs to be rendered?

  2. I like the modules idea. And in some way I already build like this in the editor, because it is easier to handle when no brush is messing up all the dimensions, and you don't have to think: "is this brush 64x128 or 56x128 or why is it off the thicker lines (at gridsize 4)"?

    I think this tunnel concept works for manor houses and caverns.

    On open city maps you probably need a "upside down" concept of this. ^^ So you have got a plane surface and place walls of buildings on it.



    Perhaps, in the future, TDM mapping will be easier.

    Ok, let's assume a newbie is using these modules. There is still this hurdle to place everything right without leaks, to put in you own readables, items, triggers and so on.

    When you look at the new Portal 2 editor you will see that this one took away all this hurdles. But sadly I don't see this for DarkRadiant coming. - So what other opportunities do we have? Maybe it can be even be handled by a webinterface and some php+html+jQuery? o.O Imagine a chequerboard on the right and a list with images of all modules on the left. Then just drag and drop (via jQuery) the module to the field you like. Some modules can have a textfield for a readable. Or a pulldownmenu to place a zombie or guard.

    In the end you just click "Save to map." (Sure, you have to compile this on your machine with dmap. -.-' Which is another hurdle. Isn't there a way to compile it on the server and zip up your own pk4?)


    Sure, it doesn't need php+html for this because it would work the same way in any other programming language. But these are easy to build up in a short time and are beginner friendly (in maintenance and handling).

  3. Könnt ihr mir bitte beim Umrechnen dieser Werte helfen? ^^

    Ich habe da zwei Druckangaben in Pfund pro Quadratzoll:

    1#/sq. in. und

    300#/sq. in.



    Die Druckwelle der Explosion ist groesser als 300#/sq. in.


    Wie soll ich das am Besten übersetzen? Vielleicht in Pascal oder in Bar?


    Ein weiterer Satz beinhaltet ein Wortspiel, das ich so lassen würde, ohne Umrechnung. - Wie seht ihr das?

    Achte darauf, sie nicht aus mehr als 3 Fuss Hoehe fallen zu lassen, oder du wirst keine Fuesse mehr haben.



    Ich denke, dass mit Cleighmoor bestimmt eher der Lehm gemeint ist. (Clay)

    Ich denke da an ein altes Moor mit Lehmgruben, in denen die Insassen den Lehm abbauen mussten.

  4. Ah, here is why I can't play this :)


    Maybe next year.

    The wiki says you only need the SDK on Steam. The orange box isn't necessarily needed:

    The only requirement to play Black Mesa is to have Source SDK Base 2007 installed on Steam. If you don't have it installed when you try to launch Black Mesa, Steam will download it for you [3]. For more details, see the full list of System Requirements.



    Full installation guide:


  5. Junx, reden wir vllt. an einander vorbei? Was genau ist Newport? Eine Stadt? Ein Stadtviertel? Einfach nur in zweiter Stadthafen?


    Eine Stadt: Neehaven (analog zu Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Brückhaven etc.)

    Ein Stadtviertel: Neuer Hafen (analog zu Neuer Anbau, ist ein Stadtgebiet bei mir in der Nähe)

    Stadthafen: Neuer Hafen.

    Ich hab jetzt extra nochmal nachgeguckt, in welcher Mission das war: The Parcel

    Es kommt in nur einem String vor:

    	"#str_20019"	"Dear John Randell,\n\nWe were pleased to hear that you would be willing to part with your small collection for the sum that we offered, what we were not pleased about was that the collection was incomplete according to our appraisers. You understand as the top Museum in Newport that we only take complete collections. If you should come into possession of all the pieces please do not hesitate to contact us as we would be willing to raise our original sum for the complete collection.\n\nJared Finch\nNewport Museum Actuation Dept.\n"


    Ich bin für Neuhaven, weils stimmig mit Brückhaven ist. Sonst müsste man "Brück" auch ins Niederländische übersetzen.


    Um gleich noch die nächste (Ogott, warum mach ich das nur?) Diskussion in Gange zu bringen:

    Es gibt auch noch das Gefängnis "Cleighmoor Gaol" (Gaol = Gefängnis). Das habe ich bisher unübersetzt gelassen. Gibts da auch Vorschläge/Wünsche? ^^

  6. wie issn der Kontext, Heidenlevel oder so


    dann wärs vielleicht der Turm der Baumarmee

    Kontext ist, dass es sich um einen verlassenen Tum auf einer Mine handelt.

    Ein ehemaliger Anhänger der Kirche beschreibt seine Funde aus der Mine, udn dass er sein Labor nun in den Turm verlegt hat.

    Von Heiden gibts keine Spur.


    Na denn nehme ich Eschenturm. - Danke!

  7. ...

    noch ne Frage, gibt es nen einfachen Weg, die Formatierung zu überprüfen, sonst müsst ich das per Hand machen

    ich nehm mal an jeder string ist eine Seite und \n steht für Zeilenumbruch


    Eventuell kannst du die Formatierung im Readable-Editor (unter Entity in der Menüleiste) des DarkRadiant anschauen. Dafür musst du das pk4-Archiv aber erstmal in seine Bestandteile entpacken. Es kann auch passieren, dass du dir die xd-Dateien bei dem Versuch wieder überschreibst. (Mir wars zu aufwendig, weswegen ich es dann doch letztlich ingame überprüfe.)


    Ja, mit dem Schwindler haste wohl recht. Aber den Waldfürsten kannste doch nehmen. ^^

  8. @RPGista: Because most missions are like "let's rob this place", like you've said it, it is no problem to put them in without any connection.

    About this 3-4 halloween missions:

    You can strengthen the worlds appereance by putting in a ton of readables and maybe some conversations into the hub level. So you can whether choose: "I just want to play a quick mission." Or: "I want to get every additional information that can be found about this world."


    About other universes:

    Winter harvest can play on a far snowy mountain.

    Missions that are totally off can be reffered as a dream after a trap or something.

  9. That is exactly what I said. I liked it in thief 3 that it all matched to the city you were in every time.

    Ok, maybe I got it wrong. I thought you meant level segments have to be created at first for mappers so they can put them at their missions startpoint. - Which aren't that necessary if you just make up a locations in the hub level which tend to match (not exactly).

  10. Your first idea with different rooms remembers me of DiRT2. ^^ - I think it is a nice idea, if you could select a mission on a painted city map, which lays on a table. It's easier than a hub level and still immersive.


    At a next step I would prefer a hub level like in Thief 3.

    I think that you can already insert most missions without a change. The Mission "Pandora's Box" for example plays at the docks for example, as well as "Too late". At the first one you have to get into a crate to get onto a ship. At the second one you just enter in a workshop/warehouse. So the hub level just needs the docks and two warehouses. One is open with open crates in it. And one is closed with an open window on top, you can enter. So you will have level entries for both fanmissions at the docks. :D


    (It would be cool if the mappers would allow the use of the front brushes of thier manors. [For all the manor missions.] To set them into the hub map, so you stand in front of the fences and already see your missions target.)

  11. xdata\readables.xd should be placed in fmname.pk4 (not _l10n).

    You can ignore README.txt

    Have you checked the map file with notepad? (Just search for "xdata".)


    Hm... just translating the english.lang should make it...

    Sometimes a part of the translated lang file doesn't show up, because you left some text in between the lines without a // as commentary function before. From this left line of text on, which is interpretated as an instruction, the russian language file is ignored.


    I think you should have a look at Tels new lang file and send him just the translation.

  12. @Chelsun: Have you made sure, you created the following folder in your pk4 archive?





    The readables/briefings in these xd files must contain something like this for your lang file:

    "page1_left_body" : "#str_20027"

    Your map file also has to show up the following reference at the readable entity:

    // entity 236
    "classname" "atdm:readable_immobile_scroll01"
    "xdata_contents" "yourReadable"

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