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Posts posted by Radiant

  1. I've got two questions about the DarkRadiant editor:

    1: Is there a way to show every texture, that is available, when I press t? (Like in the GTK and QEradiant) Instead of selecting them at first in the media brwoser and apply them to a brush.


    2: Can I set up a custom Build menu, so I don't have to use the D3 console for compiling? Or is there a button I just missed? (If not: Maybe this is an idea for the wishlist?)

  2. Hi Radiant, sorry wg. der späten Antwort: Ich habe beschlossen, dass "The Builders" (Plural) als "Die Werker" übersetzt werden, während "The (Master) Builder" = "Der Erbauer" ist. Ich habe hin und her probiert, aber alles andere bringt uns in Teufels Küche: Die Begriffe tauchen ja auch in Schriften auf, und dann ist gern von "the builders who worship the Master Builder" die Rede. "Die Erbauer, die Den Erbauer anbeten", dass passt einfach nicht. Außerdem impliziert der Begriff "Werker", dass die Jungs für ihren Oberboss am malochen sind, passt also. Der Erbauer hingegen hat die Welt einst erbaut und schaukelt seither seine... äh, Beine.


    Danke dir für die Antwort.

    Hm, meinste nicht, das ist dann nicht Fisch und nicht Fleisch, wenn du sowohl Werker, als auch Erbauer verwendest? Es ist dann vielleicht nicht sofort klar, dass die zusammengehören.

    "the builders who worship the Master Builder" würde ich mit Adjektiven übersetzen:

    "Die Erbauer, die den großen Erbauer verehren." alternativ:

    "Die Erbauer, die den allmächtigen Erbauer verehren."


    Naja, Zwiespalt.

    Auch Thief 2 verwendet stehts "der große Erbauer" oder "der allmächtige Erbauer", wenn ich mich recht entsinne.

    Wahrscheinlich kann man über das Thema noch lange, vortrefflich streiten. Ich nehms jetzt einfach mal so hin, denke aber, dass auch die Umfrage eher Richtung Erbauer geht udn man sich bei Master Builder vielleicht eher was ausdenken sollte, anstatt gleich die ganze Gilde umzutaufen.

  3. Jetzt muss ich dieses Thema doch nochmal aus der Mottenkiste holen, da ich gerade darüber gestolpert bin.


    Das Wiki macht die Vorgabe, dass "The Builders" mit "Die Werker" zu übersetzen ist:


    Die Abstimmung hier zeigt aber ein so völlig anderes Bild und deswegen wollt ich nochmal nachfragen.


    Bleibt es bei Werker?


    (Auch ich bin der Meinung, dass das Wort Meisterwerker nur schwer erkennen lässt, dass es sich um den Master Builder handelt.)

    *Fass auf mach*

  4. Ok. Do you would mind if I try to find some german voice actors? There are websites out there where you can introduce your project to a whole voice actors community and try to find someone. Hoertalk.de is a good example.


    But before all of this could happen all lines must be written down. So why not using the translated lines/strings as subtitles, when the particular soundfile is played? Are there any interests in this? (For sure it needs a switch in the options menu.)

    It was handled like this in the german Thief 3 version. Here is an example:




  5. I recently walked through this map. I also really liked the outer terrain very much like pusianka already said it.

    What I missed was a map, because on of the stairways looked really similair on all levels. Beside that, the lightning in the hallway in the upper levels near to Otto's room is cool.


    I think this map can also be improved by different backgroundmusic. I get bored by the same title on and on after some minutes.

  6. Well, shopemployees have got the same qualification like the call center agents. They might have told you to go to a shop to avoid the situation.

    I'm sure the shopemployees will call the tech support in front of you. ;-)


    However, good luck.


    Btw.: You've got a pm. Just mentioning it, because I haven't received an answer yet.

  7. I think that DLC politics is bullshit, when content is ripped off the product before the release, to sell it later (like in DiRT3) or it hinders modding.


    So in my opinion good DLC politics have been made in the following products:

    Portal 2 (free DLC + new map editor!)

    The Witcher 2 (free DLC)


    Bad politics have been made in:

    DiRT 3 (I can't finish the game without buying them. §/*%[$!)

    Overlord 2 (DLC only available for consoles.)

    Need for Speed series (certain cars only in the "limited edition" - this wasn't limited, NFS:The Run LE is stilles selled, after 1 year.)

    Assassin's Creed 3 (limited editions, PS exclusive stuff, preorder items)

    ... and many, many more!


    I don't want to buy the Very-Special-Imba-Über-Collector's Edition to have like 2 whatever cars beside the other 30, this isn't worth a new edition, even though it is the same price. EA only does this, to sell their year-to-year re-released products at full price to as much people as they can.

    It also feels like I missed something, when an item is only selled at a particular shop like Amazon or GameStop. So you can never get the FULL game. -.-


    I always cast an eye on the Steam Summer Sale, to get all this crappy DLCs for a penny.


    To sum things up: I want Addons back, like in the good old days too. (DLC politics tend to have more benefits for companies than for customers.)

  8. Sure, there will be DLCs, just have a look at Deus Ex 3: HR. ;-)

    They releases an optionial part of the story which was actually pretty nice. (Compare it to Thief Gold if you like.)

    On the other hand they also offer weapon packs which are far off, I think. They are way too strong.

  9. I enjoyed To Give Is To Force, and there's even a conversion mod for Amnesia called White Night, makes the setting more modern (kinda like Penumbra I guess), which is creepy too, a nice counter to the brutal high speed fear of To Give.

    Oh, I have to check out this one. Thanks for mentioning. Because I liked Penumbra a little bit more. Don't know why... maybe, because Amnesia scares me to death. >_<

  10. Mapping is a very personal artistic endeavor. The confusion around the *shiver* translation thread is one instance of this.


    Indeed it is. I worked at a D3 mapping project in the past with 2 other guys. We "solved" this artistic differences by splitting the map into thematic areas. The machine room and the cantine for example. They could be totally different in style, because the first one is dark and loud and the second one is for living. We also made certain to only use a specific set of textures for one area. So it also can be an opportunity. (Mapping the things you are best at.)

    The areas has been put together by the main mapper, so yes, it needs one person who is able to look at all the neccesary tweaks and possible issues.


    To come back to the idea: The concept would include layouts and rough concept art as well, so you have less latitude to break the style. - I still think that it is possible with the right persons and a very high level of quality control.

    It also needs many rules, which begin at the high of a brushed table. x_X

  11. Let us put it like this:

    TDM is still alive. Many mods die prematurely. Therefore TDM has been a success. Since we cannot know what would have been the other decisions fate, we must assume, because TDM is still alive, that the decision must have been the correct one.


    It is not trivial to generate unique background story for a mod. If it were written poorly, it would have facilitated the early demise of TDM.


    I see two big things coming:

    1) standalone

    2) the campaign


    These two are the big things that can, if PR is played correctly, elevate TDM to the rank of #1 stealth game out there. Imagine how cool it would be if these two were to coincide. TDM 2.0 release, fully standalone and comes bundled with a killer, full, long campaign of high quality. Standalone would make it available to everyone. Campaign would flesh out the factions and the game world. Yup, if that would not work, nothing will.

    I really appreciate this idea.

    I think the main issue for working at a whole campaign is to motivate a team over months to years. So here is an alternative idea: Why not think out a whole story concept, in communication with the community. After that, seperate the story into ~5-10 levels with some guidelines and objectives. Anyone of the active mappers in the whole community can pick up their favorite level and work on that. It is also an opportunity for a mapper when he is lacking of ideas for a new mission. He can open up his own thread, get some feedback, ask for help to join him, etc.

    When the motivation is down, he can give the map back into the hands of the community, so someone else completes the work.

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