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Posts posted by Diego

  1. 3446122127.png


    This is my home connection and it doesn't come cheap. It's also the best connection of my life! ah, the developing world.


    And upload is always, always 1 MB. No one cares, no one asks for more, no one knows what it means, thus no internet provider cares to offer more. I once uploaded a playthrough of a TDM mission to youtube, and the plan was to upload more but nope. Never again. Takes way too long to get a large video online.

  2. And what about the story?? When I saw the trailers it seemed so exciting! During one night Batman will be hunted down by a series of assassins, all orchestrated by a new villain! But...





    oh... it's not Black Mask. It's the Joker. Again.

    And you never really feel hunted, some of the assassins are bosses others are side quests etc. DeadShot was ridiculous, he CALLED Batman and said "come here so I can kill you". That's some novel hunting tactics right there.


  3. I keep finding new bugs as I play.


    This is another one of those cases where I really wish there were names associated with a game instead of companies. I want to know who is responsible for the games I like so I can follow his work. What's the point in knowing it's made by "eidos montreal" if the people in there change completely from game to game? In this case it's not even made by the same company but the point is still valid.

  4. Is it just me? I was looking forward to this game, I really like both previous games. But I'm finding that, besides the graphics, all is either the same quality or worse. It's clearly made by different people, so different was to be expected.


    The combat dynamics feels slightly different, not harder or easier, just different and less fun. I think some basic rules have changed like the ability to cancel a strike to do a counter attack for example.


    When gliding (or simply standing) I find it really difficult to find grapple points, even when I can clearly see points that I should be able to grapple.


    All arkham games rely on careful positioning of zones that change the player's state, much like assassins creed and so many others. When done well the game works and it's really fun. But in this particular game seems it seems to lack in that aspect. The game is filled with ledges that looks grappable but are not, platforms that looks climbable but are not, holes that look you could crouch under it but cannot etc.


    Then there's the new zipline. I think the ability to attach it to enemies as well is incredibly fun! but other than that you can only attach it to specific points. They missed an opportunity to make something as fun as the grapple from Just cause and made one that is even more constrained than the previous arkham's zipline.


    But I'm having fun nonetheless. The game looks fantastic! Sometimes I just run around in circles just to look at that beautiful snow with displacement map.

  5. Finally a well researched article about the cleaning and decontamination plans in Fukushima, written by engineers. It is very refreshing not to read BS written by some green peace activists for once. Please don't get me wrong, I am all for saving the environment, but the articles of people like that tend to be factually wrong / exaggerated / hilarious.


    Japanese engineers won't have any troubles finding jobs in the course of the next 40 years, the single good thing about this catastrophe.


    "Depending on whom you ask, nuclear power stations like Fukushima Daiichi are exemplars of either humanity’s ingenuity or hubris. But [...] these metallic blobs [corium], plucked from the heart of an industrial horror, prove something else—that we humans also have the grit and perseverance to clean up our mistakes."


    I know what you mean. Anything related to environment is at the same time extremely complicated, usually not completely understood scientifically, very important and dominated by layman people. It's frustrating and unhelpful.

  6. Thanks a ton for all of those Diego! If you have the access for it, you could also add those in the Gone in Smoke thread (that was the working name for this FM) on the beta forums. It pretty often happens that FM threads become a long list of bugs and glitches, which might give other players a bit negative impression :D


    Oh and that last image made me do a reality check! I'm pretty sure its not from my FM.


    :blush: Woops! it's from a noble home.


    Next time I'll take all these annotations to the beta testing then. I decided to put them here because I figured beta testing was over. You want me to move the comments there to keep this thread less about technicalities?

    • Like 1
  7. The problem with the demo is that I need to cram in very few levels both a challenge and an introduction to the game. The last level is the only puzzle on the demo. The level with the falling boxes is linear, but I needed to tell the player that dynamic objects have their own gravity and it is unaffected by curves (which is something I haven't made my mind up yet). Ideally, after that the player would get to solve some puzzles in the next level involving dynamic objects, which is what you're missing, but everyone that tested was having so much trouble beating what was supposed to be a linear level that making an actual puzzle after that seemed harsh.


    It was supposed to have more puzzles there but the fact that almost every tester failed to beat these levels was driving me insane, so I decided to go easy there. The final game will have more room for learning curve without compromising the puzzles :)


    Thanks for the compliments, guys! I'm glad you're enjoying the game. (also, finally some people that can finish the demo!)

    • Like 1
  8. Hi all


    I realized something from my previous game dev projects, they are either dead or still in its infancy despite the amount of work I put in. So I decided to start a new one with a simpler premise, it's a 2d puzzle platformer called Apple and Worm: Patching Holes In Spacetime. (BTW, that stealth project is still going, it's just being reorganized :P ) And this plan is working nicely. I no longer spend weeks on a single model, asset creation is much faster.


    In a nutshell, you play as a small apple that exists in a space with curved regions and you have to navigate each level to a wormhole. Hard to explain but easy to understand once you play. There is a story too but I'm still working on it. Also, some levels contain a bonus secret, a "natural philosopher" that you have to jump on his head. It's kind of a bonus thing, each philosopher you bonk on the head will unlock a small lecture on a subject of physics and math that are loosely related to the game mechanics.


    This big animated gif is a good illustration of the game I think: (I'm not going to put img tags on it because it's rather large)



    If anyone wants to take a look and tell me what you think, I have a webplayer and a standalone alpha demo ready :) here are the links:


    Web player version

    Standalone version

    • Like 2
  9. Anyone played this? I'm giving my best to like this game, I love the idea! but it's so clunky and awkward and difficult.


    I had two bugs during the short amount of time playing the tutorials. I think the fact that you control an animated model with a camera on top doesn't help much, you jerk all over the place, clip through things, get stuck on things. It makes Thief: deadly shadows feel smooth and fluid!


    Besides bugs, there's so much stuff going on at the same time it's overwhelming. You control a guy that moves to a monitor central, there you see three monitors, each with a character you can control. Each with a different set of actions and skills and responsibilities. And everything coordinated to complete a mission. And then there's the whole radio signal gameplay! phew, talk about a learning curve.


    Anyway, I'm still hopeful that I can learn the ropes on this game and enjoy it. The game already has my respect for being so original.



  10. Ok, this is what a responsive site looks like. Have a look on a big screen.


    If you have a smartphone I suggest you look at it on that too, and also on any tablets or small screen devices you have. Rotate the screen and see what happens, especially if you have something like a Nexus 7.


    Only the News and the Downloads sections work. All links are dummy links.


    So - some caveats.

    1. This in not my final suggested template.
    2. This is to show you what a difference in approach can make.
    3. I haven't used all the graphics on the current site (and the onclick images on the main menu are all broken btw).
    4. I built this with my own templating system. thedarkmod.com is built on Wordpress which has respsonsive templates. I'm not suggesting using my templates, but rather just using a responsive template from Wordpress.

    Tell me what you think.


    Here is the link: http://www.southquar...mweb/index.html



    I didn't see that link before, it actually looks much better than the original. The original always has a black bar on the right, it doesn't adjust to my screen size at all.


    The downloads and missions together look better than what I imagined. But I still prefer to have a "missions" link independent of the downloads though. Putting things together makes sense when they are complementary, for example: downloads and instructions on installation. But no one that downloads the mod is interested in that organized missions list yet and vice versa.

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