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Posts posted by sparhawk

  1. I tried playing Stalker, but somehow It didn't get me caught. Another shooter. OK, I just played it maybe 20 minutes and then stopped, so maybe it gets better when it's played longer.


    The only game that really caught my attention in the last few years is Overlord. That's a really funny game, and I love to watch my minions running around attacking things and the comments they make while doing it. :)

  2. The reason you're not wanted is that most adults who live in the real world can't cope with the blind optimism and unrestrained enthusiasm you have for EVERYTHING.

    The sooner you realise that the world, and everything in it, is shit and needs to be scorned snd derided at every opportunity, the sooner you'll be welcomed back with open arms.


    Not everybody is a misanthropic troll, you know?

  3. They played dirty, were caught cheating, and I believe GOD came in and punished them harshly for their sins.


    Please! Don't be THAT stupid! It was a game, and one of the players is bound to win. There is no draw in such a game, so it MUST be one of them. That a team won, that nobody expected, may be surprising, but happens all the time in sports, so what exactly was the divine intervention called for?


    And do you REALLY believe that a god, who doesn't care for the death of millions (which he is supposed to care for) would really go out of his way to help a stupid football team? Come on, get real!


    Of the kid standing up to the bully in the school yard and punching him in the mouth.


    Football IS about bullying. Last time I looked at it, it was not exactly like chess, where you have to think about your move. You just hit the oponent so that he goes down and try to run past him before the judge notices it.


    They will go down as legends and will be remembered for a long time to come.


    Yes. Probably until the next season. Thats about as long as something like this is remembered.

  4. It wan't called Nike in those days Macsen, it was called the ROMAN EMPIRE. Is there a difference? Well, Nike doesn't make the players play, but they do exploit the players and their customers and charge WAY to much for their 3rd world slaveshop shoes because of it.


    So you are the rare customer who actually pays more for his stuff to support local economy? No? Thought so.


    Those "evil" companies are acting the way they do for a simple reason. To maximize their profit. And how do they do this? With the support of the customer. So if customers complain that the poor third world countries are exploited by evil money grubbers, then those very customers should realize that the buckt starts with them. If customers would boycott such behaviour by not spending money on it, then the companies would have to reconsider in order to maximize their profit.


    And if they charge to much for it, then why do they do this? Because there are always customers who are willing to pay for it. This is simple request and demand of economy. Companies can only charge as much as the market allows. If the market accepts games coming with handcuffs, then they will come as can be seen with Steam. If the market accepts exploitation of third world countries, then they will be exploited. If the market accepts the destroying of the woods, then it will be destroyed. Market economy is not only driven by companies but also by customers, because one couldn't exist without the other.

  5. Of course this was the same guy that once told me he 'used to BMX', but quit because he crashed and it hurt.


    HAHA! That reminds me of the people on the hockey forum or in the hall watching a game. I bet 90% of them can't even properly skate, but they complain that the guys on the ice are not moving fast enough or do this or that wrong. Yeah, it's easy to complain when you watch it from the ranks. Of course, you can argue that they are professionals and so they should be able to do better, but then again, the same holds true for their oponent and they are not standing idly around either. I always love this stereotype of the fat guy sitting in his living room chair where he can barely lift out from, watching a football match while stuffing popcorn in his mouth and at the same time screaming that the lazy bitches on the field should move. :laugh:


    I've crashed down entire mountain sides, crashed in streams, falling off logs, crashed hard on pavement a million times on a bike. I do it 'cause it's fun, but still watching bike videos bores me to a large degree.


    Depends. I like to watch a sport event, especially if I do it myself as well. It can be interesting to see how others perform and what they do and such. It really helps to get motivated (at least for me) and also to try out some other things. As Oddity said, I usually see this more like studying it, than just watching it for entertainment. Even though it's also a form of entertainment of course. :)

  6. Humans are really strange creatures. If you just think of it objectively, it's seems an utterly bizarre concept - millions of people sitting around watching a group of grown men playing with a ball.


    I don't really have a problem with people wanting to watch this. My gripe is more with people who beat up other people because they don't share the enthusiasm for the same team. I find it more bizarre that poeple are going to a football match and beat each other up about it. That's what I erally find bizarre about it, because it's not even as if this would change something. And it even hurts the sport more than it helps.


    Sport seems to have become magnified to a level of importance beyond all bounds of reason or logic.


    Well, that's simple market economy. If enough poeple want to see it, you can make money from it, which in turn raises the salaries of the players, because they also want a share of that cake. I find it rather strange if soccer players earn three digit millions per year just because of that.

  7. Why do you care?

    A bunch of men you don't know throw a ball around better than another group of men you don't know, and you're wetting you pants about it.


    Well, before I started to play icehockey myself, I also didn't understand it. :) Now I can see why you may care. But I guess for me it's different than for most fans. I like to watch Icehockey, because I want to see how the good players perform. How they move on the ice, how they position themselve and so on. I don't particularly care for a single team, because I don't want to see a team (which consists of different players almost every season anyway), I want to see the sport itself being performed in a good way.

    But talking to other people, I seem to be rather unique with this view, because most of the fans religously follow their team which I can understand to some extent, but don't share that much myself.


    That's why I'm also not depressed when "my team" looses. If they didn't play well, then they deserved it, and if they played well and still lost, because the oponent was better, well that's the way it is in sports. I rather see a good game lost if the team at least tried to fight for the win, than a bad game won because the oponent is so lousy that you just can't help it but winning.

  8. Gothic I+II are among the best RPGs I have played, because they always took care to make the gameworld feel as if it were real and alive. Haven't played G3 yet, but if they followed that tradition, then it should also be good.


    I tried to play Morrowind and soon got lost. Also tried to play Oblivion, but as soon as I walked out of the initial dungeon also got lost somehow. Or at least I lost interest in it.

  9. In principle I could write some solution around it (like check both key-up and key-down events and keep track of their state using a timer, but this would probably introduce a lot of bugs (like what happens when the player is holding down a key and then switches between applications - DarkRadiant will never receive the key-up event).


    Don't do it so complicated. :) You might add a flag to the key configuration, and a boolean for each key. When the flag is set, which means to prevent repeating, then you can set the boolean when the key is pressed and clear it when the key is released.


    if(bool == true)
    bool = true
    ... perform operation ...

  10. having say that, though, it seems silly to "poo-poo" a mod, based on how hard it would be to do.


    Tha's right. In the end it doesn't count how much work it was, but how good it is. And you can do something really good with small efforts as well, if you are creative enough. :)


    The name of that mod tickles my mind. Was this a differnt mod before and renamed because of copyright reasons? Or am I confusing it with another mod. I seem to remember something about a Lord Of The Ring settings, but maybe the name is only similar or so. Not sure though.


    The trailer looks quite nice. Even the voice in the beginning sounds quite good to me. Many mods really suffer from bad voice acting, but this one seems to do rather good IMO. In some mods, I really wonder why they simply didn't drop the voice, if they can't make it good. It often spoils an otherwise good impression.

  11. Uhm, these two sentences contradict themselves. If you can proove that youc an substitute legs and use them instead, then you can compete without legs. :)


    Yes. But that's a pointless argument. It's like saying: You can't lift a weight of 1 ton, and then you come and say "Of course I can, I just have to climb into a tower crane, and control it to lift that weight."


    The guy without legs runs way faster than I can even with my legs. :)


    That's the point. He HAS legs, they are just not his biological original equipment.


    I think it has everything to do with it. In this case their motivation makes up for the lost leg. These prostetics aren't just "snap on and run", you need tons of motivation to even go out, select some, buy them, train a long time with them, deal with sideeffects and so on, and that *just* to achive something as simple as walking around.


    Well, the same problem exists for anybody. Kids also have to learn to use their legs. It's not as if they are born and they start to run around. It's hard work to learn walking on two sticks, so it's really not something different. And it's always the case when you learn something. I couldn't drive on the street with a car, I had to learn it. I also had to learn bicycle driving, or skating and a host of other stuff.


    For me, walking around is easy, I just wake up and start walking.


    Yes, but it wasn't always so, even for you. ;)

  12. I don't think these links proove that you can compete without legs. It just prooves, that you can substitute legs with appropriate devices and use them instead. If you are born without legs you can still be a runner, because modern technology can compensate for it. That's great news for disabled people, but it doesn't have anytrhing to do with the argument that you can achieve anything just because of motivation.

  13. But, and you've hit on this with the Bethoven comment, there is a group of people that are just naturally more intelligent regardless of social group, opportunity, etc (Good Will Hunting types) and they are on the BLUE curve anyway. I'd argue that Bethoven was one of them and he would have been at the upper end of the scale.


    What woul dhave happened with Beethoven if he had grown up in different circumstances. Suppose his parents would have been coal miners which are happy with their live. You think that Beethoven would have been known today? Maybe yes, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


    As to lack of motivation being a disability - I don't consider it a disability on it's own. If there is an underlying cause, depression for example, then I can understand that the underlying cause is a disability. But lack of motivation and laziness on it's own is just plain old chosen laziness.


    I wonder what laziness really means. If somebody doesn't work for his goals he is considered lazy. But the question is why he doesn't want to work for it. Would more motivation help? I'm not so sure. If a personallity is of that type, then motivation from other poeple may not help at all, because it's built into his personallity, and you can only change so much about it.

  14. In that case, why aren't they all doing well? Why are there any failures if it's all to do with attitude and motivation. Would it be because some of them just haven't got the ability, no matter how much pressure and motivaiton they get, they can't make it.


    It's simply impossible that all are doing well. the gaussion distribution will always hold. Only the parameters may change.


    If all individuals are performing at about the same level you would still find that some get better ratings and others worse, even though they may have the same opportunity and abillities. But this is simply because of external circumstances, which also play a role.


    You paint too simplistic a picture. I suppose you're one of these people who think anyone can learn to write music at the level of Bach or Beethoven, and it's just a matter of putting in a little bit more piano practice than the next guy. I might as well call you lazy for not learning to write music at that level.


    That's exactly what I meant with my previous posting. It's simply not true to assume this. And calling all the non-Mozarts lazy bastards because they are not as good as Mozart is quite an simplification and ignorance.


    I'm talking about their ability to make adequate decisions - that's an essential part of success, and if you don't have it, due to lack of intelligence, I'd call it a major disability, yes.


    Well, it must not be a disabillity ni the strictest sense of the word, but it's certainly a disadvantage.

  15. In the film Trading Places a bum and a trader swap places. The point of the film isn't idiocy per se but I think that anyone, given the motivation and the opportunity, can be as "intelligent" as anyone else.


    I don't know how anybody can erally believe that. If your are bodily disabled you can never outrun the world champion in sprinting, because your body simply doesn't allow it. Why< do you think that it would be different for mental feats? Bodies are not the same. W are not all born totally equal and just change based on our environment. The moment we are born, our limitations are built into us, the same way our strengths are built into us. The environment can change part of it, but you simply can't overcome it when all everything else is the same.

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