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Posts posted by ]-UnderTOW-[

  1. he said someone with Visual Studio (didn't say which version it'd have to be or if it'd have to be VS NET) and Maya 6.5 could recompile it. The source for the Doom 3 Maya importer is located here

  2. No, not yet :( Can't understand wtf is happening with it. I also contacted iddevnet about when a 6.5 exporter would happen, they said they wont be doing one anytime soon cause they don't have maya 6.5 yet. Suggested for someone in the community to recompile it. I would but i wouldn't have a clue how to.

    I'm eager too ;), but I haven't had much spare time recently, i've been rewritting my auto rigging script mostly.

  3. Well, it seems like we should make the wide version our default then, but include an easy modification in the .ini files for the medium one.

    This isn't Unreal engine. It's Doom 3. Menus, weapon readouts, monitors and HUDs are done with GUIs (a far better system than any other for creating such GUIs).

  4. the dll's in the base directory.

    In the doom 3 console (in the game menu). i typed exportModels urich (well, expor+tab+space+u+tab+enter). Just then i tried the same thing in Radiant. Same crash

    the def should've had the destination directory all set up, right? This was in the def: options -sourcedir models/mymodels -destdir models/md5/ulrich. I creaetd a mymodels dir under models, and a ulrich dir under mdoels\md5.

    Texture doesn't matter, right?

  5. I did the env variable at home, but forgot here. Tried it and it still crashed.

    Also, at home when it crashes doom 3 just crashes and no messages come up. At work, i get a maya fatal error and it attempts to save the scene in a temp location in an .ma (i sometimes get this same error whe using maya when it crashes).

    BTW, i never had a problem with Deep Exploration and getting it to work with maya files. Had a problem with it trying to get it to work with max files though.


    Oh yeah, it's version 1.0.1282

  6. Ok, i think my copy of Doom was buggered. R_gamma wasn't doing anything and in radiant, there were a ton of error messages. My copy at work seems to run everything fine. So i'll reinstall it when i get home. I'm gonna do an exportModel test with my work copy in a bit...

  7. Can someone just give me a quick run down of how to get an animated model from Maya to Doom 3. Like what you need in the maya scene, what you need in the Def file, what you need to display the model in doom 3, etc. ATM whenever i try exportModel with a def file of just 1 model and 1 anim command, it crashes (and fucks up my desktop, what's more. You know, just like when you have doom 3 windowed and the desktop is super bright). It's a maya 6 model and i'm using the maya 6 importer dll.

  8. Ok, i think you're making this a little more complicated than it aught to be.

    You'd only need a flowing curtain if it's an unfolded curtain near an open window. If it's a curtain that blocks rooms (like they had in that level in Thief 2 where you're casing the joint), or is a tied up curtain, or things like hanging ropes, chandeliers, or any hanging thing, it needs no animation and an AF would be easy to use for it. And then we could possibly get the AI to recognise and notice usually still objects moving (say you move through a curtain and it's still swaying when when the guard comes and he could get suspicisous). A nice thing about Doom 3's AFs is that they don't keep flopping around the place like other rag dolls. They become still after a while.

  9. Sure, i can use 6 (6.5's improvments are more in the modelling and performance and rendering side. Although the new constrain blending feature is really handy. And you FINALLY specify a custom playback speed in frames per second), but it'd be nice if someone were to recompile it for 6.5. Who knows when/if iD will do it.

  10. Being a maya user you'll know about syflex, undertow, ans maya even has it's own builtin cloth.. All you have to do is make a notmal cloth simulation and then (if we had a vertex plugin for maya) export it to doom.

    As i said, you cannot loop a procedural effect like that, without altering most of the animation by hand.


    The plugin converts every vertex in the 'cloth' to a bone.

    That's not a good thing. Can you imagine having 100+ bones just for a world object? Sure we have a decent amount of bones to play with, but not that much.


    Obviosuly, good cloth simulaiton requires a decent nunmber of polys in the mesh, but it's still going to look better than any attempt at trying to rig it with bones and animate tham (and nbe a lot quicker as well)

    Firstly, i can get decent looking deformation with bones. Secondly, it's not going to be animated. It'd be a Doom 3 Articulated Figure. A rag doll. The tied up curtain, for instance, will sit their inanimate until you walk into it, come in contact with the physics collision of the bones and it'd move accordingly.


    Also you can use blendshape for the lipsync and export that using the (currently non-existent) plugin. I can't see how building a facial rig of bones would be better than vertex morphing.

    Again, the bone count (if using this convert vertex to bone thing) would be horrendous. Setting up a bone facial rig will be easier, faster, and only a little memory and performance hit ingame. If you want to do blend shape facial animation, you need a propper system, built for the engine like HL2's.

  11. For curtains and ropes an animation would be rather nice to have. Facial animation is probalby more for the in game cutscenese more than anything else.

    For the curtains and ropes, it wouldn't be an animation, it'd be a rag doll (Articulated Figure) so that it'll react to you walking into it.

    With the facial animation, it'd be awesome to have it on the guards, when they mutter to themselves (I'd love to lip sync to the original Thief guard mutterings sounds ;)) or even when they walk into a dark area they their eyes could get wider as their eyes adjust. A ton of possibilities. Thief is the perfect game for such a thing because you really have the chance to get up close to your enemies without them noticing.

  12. Wouldn't be very time consuming. If someone makes a static mesh that could possibly become an AF, wouldn't take too long it make it one.


    BTW, just FYI, looking at the Imp maya binary file that comes with the Doom SDK, there are 70 bones in the imp, not including the wings and foot controller bones which i dunno if they're used ingame. Since we're dealing with a PC game, memory isn't such a problem as a gamecube or PS2 game. Also, this is just the imp, no bones for facial animation here like the human characters.

  13. Vertex animations for cloth movement can be very hard (if you use a procedural effect you cannot loop it without practically redoing most of the animation. One vertex at a time) in which case it's best to just bone it. It's what was done at work and it turned out alright, but if a few more bones were used (i reckon 5 would've done) it would've been better.

    As for cloth simulation, well acctually i had it in mind for world objects, things like curtains (no characters have drapped cloth, yes?). Such things can really bring the envrionment to life and help immersion. But then again we may again not need cloth simulation where bones and Doom 3's Articulated Figures (ragdolls) could work, for instance a hanging rope, chandelier or i could even set up a tied up curtain as a ragdoll using a minimum of, i reckon 5 or 6 bones.

  14. Ah i see what you mean about the rope. I think it'd have to be normal first person camera, no player shadow (incedently, how difficult would it be to get the AI to recognise the player shadow and would it ruin gameplay?) and no mirrors for this to work propperly, first off. Then later down the track, player model animations for mirror and player shadows. Then further still, maybe an attempt at "body awareness".


    And i'm relieved about the cutscenes although i prefer Thief style cutscenes over any ingame one. I really loved that style and it didn't break the immersion.

  15. What kind of retards are you expecting our fanbase to be?

    Well, i like to be reminded of what arrow i have equipped (because you can't see it unless drawing the bow). Not that necessary for the sword or blackjack because you can see it.


    We already established we need the icons to stay.  I don't want to have to switch weapons to find out if I selected broadheads or water arrows ten minutes ago.  Nor do I want to throw my last flashbomb when I thought I had healing potions selected.



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