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Posts posted by Serpentine

  1. Well it depends on how many you think will be rendered at any one time. If you do the toad as a decal it should be fine. There are places on the training map that have 50 odd alpha blended decals out at the same time in a small area, performance barely changes. As normal patches there is a depth cull which is rather harsh, I'm not sure on the distance tho and it depends on how close the surfaces are. All in all, the only way to know is to mock up a scene, I'd use an existing map and just add an area of it - so that you can get some idea of a realistic performance overhead.

  2. I'm not too sure, but if doom3 allows full alpha for masks, you could emulate texture splatting with a material shader, tho it would not be 'paintable' in the editor if you know where you want to use it and you dont mind some work it would be possible and quite quick once you know what you are doing(as all you would need to is customise the mask and add a copy of the mtr)


    But then again, I dont know too much about masking in d3 :(

  3. Hey there quakis,


    As said, the issue is resolved in the next version. The problem is that one of the pillar models in the next room uses a texture which is... badly behaved!


    If you could try updating your graphics drivers from http://game.amd.com/ , you will most likely resolve the issue and fix up a few other things! :)


    If that fails I will guide you through fixing it by removing the offending texture.

  4. I've been pondering this for a while - I think its a great idea.


    I dont really have the whole story side of things, but I can offer my help with mapping, texturing, technical issues and the likes. I could offer a repo or other service to share stuff between members etc.


    First steps are most likely finding someone that has ideas for the storyline, pitching that and seeing if we can get a few mappers together.


    The other quite important is someone that can do voice acting on a longish term, I think a lot of what the guys over at TTLG etc are missing is the rapport between player and character that come out strongly in the video/quirky comments of T1/2.

  5. Anyhoo, we most likely should fork into a seperate thread for texture request/redo and leave this one for texture mistakes/problems;


    Been playing around with using normal maps that have been recoloured from raycast rendered ao/height maps, comes out with some pretty cool stuff for more chaotic textures like forest ground etc, gives a nice scale of depth for the lighting which I find very hard to do quick non-by hand maps, even touching up generated ones doesnt really look as nice. Tho these screenshots are rendered without the AO maps, still looks pretty cool I think.



  6. tdown.th.jpg75215575.th.jpgtwall.th.jpg


    One of the row edges is slightly darker, but besides that I cant really see any issues with tiling, they already look too untouched, I'll add some dirt and stuff.


    Also I dont really see the point of a top down shot, you'd never pave a horizontal surface with roofing tiles, since you know... not the best idea, the one at and angle provides a realistic 'standing on a soping roof' take, even in the direction which is worst to expose the bottoms! Will upload them later, and include the perspective corrected version at 2kx2k

  7. Your monitor might be running at 75Hz, but Doom3 will run at a locked 60Hz which it uses as a tick rate, exceeding this wont really be possible and if it happens will result in strange gameplay consequences. Pretty much the closer you can keep to a constant 55-60, the better it is :)


    AA doesnt change much in d3, the lines are quite accurate and style of visuals in TDM it doesnt make sense to really go above 4-8x, AF is most likely something that most players would benefit more from as the textures in TDM are pretty damn nice and benefit greatly from it.


    It would be nice if we could get more information on minimum fps as that is the most important thing for TDM gameplay, too low and the AI starts to become a bit dumb it seems :P

  8. About wall destruction etc : just be aware that you will have to try and use a few tricks, if too many physics objects come into contact they generally freeze in place, you might want to make them not interact with eachother for the duration of the fall or something like that. So if you do see things freezing, just remember the limit is fairly low :)

  9. So, I sat down after finally deciding there was no real good source image for the style used in the orig and just started drawing it up from scratch freehand. After about 20 minutes of work it was actually looking pretty damn good - I never suspected it would look fairly good. I go to make some tea. The complex I live in's power dies and my ups is overloaded and as such does nothing to keep things running. I work in one layer and rarely save (both because I seem to be mentally challenged by clicking buttons). I love the 3rd world.


    Anyway, re-the randomness, yeah I will add in the vertical bits to seperate to single tiles later. The cropping issue you seem to notice is more that I do rollover seamless removal and as such really dont care about where things cut off etc as the texture should always be used to tile, and at worst could just be nudged into place :)


    Here's the texture fixed up a bit : single tiles




    I think the next textures that need some love are grass and perhaps a few skins for different leaves on the tree models, different leaf shapes and seasons would be pretty hot.

  10. EA sent me cease and desist letters for releasing some .def files for UO that allowed older clients to see new items using the old graphics, evidently that is somehow bad, I told them that sadly its impossible for them to own the numbers that identify items in the packets, they then got bored of going after me and spammed my host with takedown and DMCA notices, which while they couldnt really do anything eventually became annoying and resulted in the files just floating around random mirrors. They certainly do like to completely control any of their IP related things.


    Best of luck with that department :/

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  11. Oh, I remade that texture a while back since I got rage at seeing it on every 2nd roof :)


    I never finished the normalmap, so there is artifacting at one side, but if you guys would like I can fix that up and release it to TDM/Mappers



    This was my source image, tho it doesnt seem that great - I spent a good while digging around google images and nothing else really came close at matching the old version.

  12. Kinda lost, found the explosives but no idea what to do with it:




    According to the note 3 things need to be done:


    1. open the gate (that got workarounded)


    2. put explosives in the liquid (nothing happens)


    3. stop the liquid from escaping (I suppose it's about the mist that's getting out of the box). Tried to cover the box with something but without any luck. The original cover is not interactive, boxes and those white pack have no effect.


    Additionally I've found there is a handle and a key hole near the gate one room before the torture room, near the gate with some kind of vase, but they are not interactive as well.





    Re : what to do with explosives



    Saw this problem last night, the explosive in its unreacted form is the 'rock' thing that the note was attached to, that needs to be dropped into the liquid in the vat, make sure it sits right at the bottom for a while, if it lands vertically it does not seem to be converted, once it has been converted it will go to inventory once frobbed. Just keep droppign it in at different angles etc :)



  13. When I was testing out using woldspawn windows for your map I converted one of the static windows to brushes then made it back into a static, from there I made a new layer and replaced all the windows with the new static version, easier for dragging around etc. When it came time to save and test etc I just selected them all and reverted to worldspawn.


    As for the issue with rotating etc, I found that usually comes in if your section that you have pasted or I assume imported from a prefab includes statics or other entities, since they reference the origin of the map, when you rotate they will leave their vertex in some strange place. If the entities are just brushes you can select them all and revert to worldspawn, more complex things will require more manual work.

  14. Yeah I assumed as much, but it didnt make sense when adding stuff to the training map and then realising it has no location markers :D I thought there would be some kind of default ambient flood and then areas would be added but need not be constantly connected.


    Anyway, sorted it out now and things are looking good.

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