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Posts posted by lowenz

  1. OH :D Perfect! :D


    To players: this is a really *classic* (but not linear) FM, it's all about exploring every corner: so don't rush!

    Changelog v2->v3


    HUGE update. Barely even the same map. I needed to update/repair some broken stuff for TDM 2.0, and that turned into a complete re-do of the entire map.

    • New areas, new entrance and exit
    • More AI in different areas; changed AI behavior
    • New sounds
    • Simplified/fixed architecture
    • Re-distributed loot (and much more of it)
    • Better layout of rooms, especially the ground floor
    • Better lighting
    • Re-written readables
    • Objectives modified and moved around
    • Non-linear gameplay (you can do the mission 'backwards' now)
    • Complete re-texturing and re-decorating
    • Mostly new AI paths, some of which with previously-unseen AI behavior
    • New eye candy
    • Now is entertaining in 'notarget' mode
    • Slightly less gore in the dungeon (changed the head to something else)
    • Fewer bugs
    • other stuff ;)

    • Like 1
  2. At the grand old age of 32 morality has taken a back seat for me. It is something that is still very important to me but what takes priority is getting through the day as quickly and effortlessly as possible without stepping on too many toes.

    This is an example of a rotated value space :D

    You can still empathyze, with someone having the same rational needs (in bold) and because there's a lot of people with them there's still a "community" sense.

  3. I find it interesting that a game like TDM where the player plays the part of someone who's main objective is to commit a sin, stealing, is made to feel like it's morally OK. Eg the person you are stealing from is an evil rich git. The only exceptions that spring to mind are where you rob an abandoned tomb eg grave robbing. How would people feel about playing a thief that was a completely evil git?


    Lord Goodheart was awarded a golden medallion for all the money he has donated to help improve the poor houses in Bridgeport. Tonight I'm going to steal his medallion. Why? Because I can. Also I need to sell it to my fence so I can get money to feed my mandrisolla addiction. If anyone gets in my way I'll just knock them out with my blackjack and risk giving them brain damage.

    'cause it's mitigated by Garrett memory off course :D


    Garrett is a true anti-hero (for a more deadly&tragic version think to Daud in Dishonored): everyone who feels " I'm a cynical EVILworld-proof BADASS ( :D ), simply don't stand in my path" can relate to Garrett (or Daud).

    This is not evil, this is.....survival of the fittest at its finest mixed with that sense of noble loneliness: truly the ability to live with own self, through own self, and in own self.


    Problem is: anti-heroes are romantic, a fiction in a fiction, and real world "tough" persons are more gritty assholes than elegant badasses.....so wake up from the dreams :(

    Am I sounding like a little girl? :P

  4. Ah, just to throw in some more morality meat, here's one quote I think all videogamers (yeah, those bithin' never grown-up kids with no connection to the real world) know very well :D


    • You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind. Men have this idea that we can fight with dignity, that there's a proper way to kill someone. It's absurd. It's anaesthetic; we need it to endure the bloody horror of murder. You must destroy that idea. Show them what a messy, terrible thing it is to kill a man, and then show them that you relish in it. Shoot to wound, then execute the wounded. Burn them. Take them in close combat. Destroy their preconceptions of what a man is and you become their personal monster. When they fear you, you become stronger. You become better. But let's never forget: it's a display, it's a posture, like a lion's roar or a gorilla thumping at its chest. If you lose yourself in the display, if you succumb to the horror, then you become the monster. You become reduced; not more than a man, but less—and it can be fatal.


    It sounds pretty real world grown-up concept to me. And few men can stand these words.

  5. The modern times are centered on the individual and we see a lot of arrogance, pride, greed and callous optimization emerging as "good" traits, especially in economics.

    Yes, but these things are above the buried-inside animal level. They ARE (simply different) values: better, they are values in a rotated value space (excuse, it's the engeneering education :D): so there's nothing new or strange if they can form a moral system.


    But watch "down", deep inside, and the things can really have an entangled quantum-like behaviour :D

  6. Actually, empathy can also be observed by other species living in social groups, primates for example. For example they tend to share food with each other, in the expectation that they will get something in return later on.


    If you look at this topic in an evolutional scale, thus meaning millions of years, things like society, law and religion are only a temporal side-effect which are trying to define some basic rules on "right" behaviour. However, empathy isn't something that requires any of this.


    I think that over the millions of years it just was an advantage to show empathy for individuals living in social groups, so that this behaviour (or a general tendency to this behaviour) has survived in our genetic code, while other more selfish populations died out over the time. It's like with the above mentioned case, if you help someone else you help yourself on long sight because if your are in need you may get something in return.

    Well, religion CAN override empathy too: think about human *ritual* sacrifices. Religion is something fearful sometimes, it can really reach some (perverted?) heights.

    The other thing with equal (dark) power is sex, another "defining own-and-sometimes-overriding-good-sense principles" field: and no, I'm not referring to "articulated" kinky perversions like BSDM, just plain sex: think about FEMALE rape fantasies (=GIRLS having them): their only existance is really a cannonball for a "polite and educated" mind. But human reality is sometimes counterintuitive and deranged.


    To be human is scary, my friends, better to be a taffer :D



  7. Religion defines is OWN morality and principles, this is the nasty trick, and it's a trick that million persons seem to love (maybe because they can be "evil" in a safe way, there's the misericordia dei above all and for all sinners, in the Christianity case).

  8. Morality is based on avoiding the suffering of conscious creatures, and promoting their well-being. You don't need religion for that; just a healthy sense of empathy and compassion.

    Not for some "visceral" humans, it seems they need pain&suffering, tribulation and eventually "redemption".

    It's why religion still exists today, 'cause it seems to work with them where a rational (mine and yours, demagogue's one, etc.) approach fails.


    Damn human psychic dynamics :D

  9. Annoyed with the floor texture in the hide-out that was missing it's ambient stage, I replaced that Doom 3 texture with a TDM texture. The result looks much more like a broken-down and dirty hide-out thanks to that rustic wood I chose...


    After I made the fix I realised that this mission has a translated version so I'll have to fix that version if it hasn't already been addressed...


    Anyway here is a download link:









    This is also an edited version of the v1.04 fix which removed the "Patrol" spawnargs from the rats.

    I added those spawnargs back and the rats would not render in-game...

    So I removed the spawnargs and everything is now as it should be.

    Rats frollic and floor can be seen in Advanced Ambient mode.


    Enjoy B)

    TDM download page lists the 2009 version.

    And the integrated downloader?

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