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Posts posted by Baal

  1. I just doubt that it's the general view, even for those who enjoyed the old Thief games.

    I can only speak for myself but I believe most people here share that view. However, I wouldn't call it horrible, just uninteresting. There's nothing (positively) exciting about it except for the name.

  2. Thanks but that was more of a rhetorical question. What I meant was: how does that work as well as the common system that other games use (like Thief, Dishonored, TDM, Crysis etc.).

    Jumping and mantling can be done with just one button but running forward (assuming the dash function replaces different movement speeds)? Can you control the direction of the jump? Or run off a ledge?

    It just sounds horribly restricting.

  3. Yes, the boss fights really do not fit into the game. They were made by a different studio as far as I know so you can't blame EM.

    I'm probably to harsh on the game. The original is one of my favourites but I wonder what I would think about it if I played it today for the first time. It could have a special something that Human Revolution is missing. Or it's just me getting older.

    But I do know for sure that the gold filter on everything sucks badly. :)


    On the subject of boss "fights" I think they would actually fit better into a thief game because they're not about different playstyles. It wouldn't be a fight of course but something like the defeat of the trickster.

  4. This may seem off topic.

    I (tried to) replay Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the second time and I didn't get very far before losing interest again. On the highest difficulty level you're practically forced to play stealthy and the game is just not very good at it. Map design and AI patrols are not very interesting, there's no leaning (if you don't want to use the terrible third person cover system), and the takedown mechanic, while I didn't mind it at first, is simply not fun. The recharging of one energy unit (as well as regenerating health) just results in a lot of annoying waiting.


    The point of this rant: Human Revolution is an ok game but I have doubts that its creators are capable of delivering a game that's nearly as great as the original Thief.

  5. As expected, a very good mission. I wouldn't call it unusual though as it consists mostly of well known gameplay elements (story, exploration, stealth etc.). Something like Komags "The Swing" is more what I would expect from such a contest. But that doesn't make the mission less fun.


    Was the way the puzzle items are used (by putting them in your hand and moving them around) inspired by the Penumbra/Amnesia games? I don't think it works very well here. It's not nearly as convincing as in these games and there already is a way (just frobbing) to use inventory items so it's just confusing the player.



    The shadows are a great idea. But how they "work" is very unintuitive. You even had to provide a "manual" for them. I was to lazy to read the whole thing so I'm still unclear on how exactly they react. Are you supposed to detect them with the candles? Can they see or hear you if you're not right next to them?


  6. the rooms were just a bit too crafted to be like cover-system duck, shoot & swoop puzzles, rather than an open world populated with bad guys & dangers that I had to explore and navigate on the fly.

    Yes, the context sensitivity of many actions makes it obvious that it's a world designed for your entertainment. All these objects with a special function (like climbable rafters for example) will probably be immediately recognizable which feels very unnatural and "crafted".

    And then there are the inconsistencies like not being able to lean or climb everywhere where expected or the parcour gameplay only possible in sections designed for it.

    It might not be as bad as this but I'm keeping my expectations low.

  7. more and more it's taking DX:HR up a notch,

    As much as I like Human Revolution, its stealth and leveldesign are nowhere near as good as Thiefs or Dishonoreds. Most spaces where just rectangular rooms filled with objects for the cover system. Exploring wasn't much fun either because the different routes around a map (nearly) always involved vents or locked doors.

    On top of that the awful color filter made everything very monotonous. And it seems to back in a different tone.


    I just can not get excited about this new Thief game.

  8. Are you sure about the first one? He sounds completely different.

    I couldn't say for sure but I think that's the guy.


    The german version of the first two Thief games was very good. I didn't play the originals until much later so I can live with another voice actor (as long as he's good). But in my opinion they shouldn't use Garrett at all and just introduce a new protagonist.

  9. Great, another reboot. I don't want to (and can't) judge the game but I do not need a reimagining of something that was already great. I would much prefer something fresh instead of a different (probably worse) version of Garrett or the city.

  10. Maybe I should add more haunts?

    I think a few more illuminated places (like the library) would help. There were to few tense spots where you don't feel safe.


    This secret room have small window to courtyard, I thought thats more than enough.


    Ok, this is a good hint. I even saw the window but had forgotten it later. I like secrets like this but onyl when they're optional. If you have to find them to complete the mission they should be hinted at much more clear.

  11. I finished this on expert and I liked it. The location and story premise were interesting. The mission looked good and performed well. I only voted "tolerable" on gameplay (which is a bit harsch maybe). But playing on expert difficulty I expect challenging AI and not a hunt for hidden stuff with no hints how to find it. Having to look online where the last item is when you have done everything else is not fun.


    That damn food item on the tower!

    And how are you supposed to find the secret door in the hallway behind the metal door? I saw that just by pure luck.



    The mission was otherwise very good apart from the easily evaded AI.


    I have never seen the lantern bot in action. That was cool. :)


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