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Baal last won the day on January 29

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  1. Here's my idea on how to prevent save scumming (for people who don't have the willpower to "just don't save", like me): Let the player set the number of allowed saves at the start of a mission. You can save where- and whenever you want, until the counter goes to zero. That's the most simple and straightforward solution, but I think it would work well.
  2. I like this idea. The next time I want a challenge, I have to try this.
  3. Episode 3 of the second best Doom 3 mod, Phobos,  was just released.

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    2. chakkman


      I tried it yesterday. Had some problems... First I changed the default resolution to 1920x1080, and clicked on "Restart video" in the video options, and the game still stuck with 640x480... Tried a couple of things, until I took a look into the config files, and saw that seta r_mode was still set to 3, not to -1 like it should be. So, changed that, and the game booted in 1920x1080. Changed some other video options, clicked on "Restart video", and the game booted to a grey screen. Had to force quit the game, then somehow some icons in my taskbar were missing. Rebooted, icons there again. Started a game, pressed escape to change some option, game crashed.

      Kind of the experience I had with many mods in the past. Buggy as hell. 

    3. nbohr1more


      That's more of a "Vanilla Doom 3 verses Windows 10/11" issue. Doom 3 was always a little janky with automatic hardware detection but since Window Vista ( WDDM ) driver model it barely understands what it's running on anymore and you have to get your autoexec.cfg ready to for your resolution and screen refresh rate. Dhewm3 does a better job but you can't use DLL mods with it ( there are a number of binary mods though ). ( Of course, Dhewm3 uses SDL for hardware detection so it's no wonder that it works better than Vanilla Doom 3. )

    4. Xolvix


      Oh man I remember this mod. I had finished EP1, played a bit of EP2 but got stuck somewhere and left it alone. When I moved onto Dhewm3 (because of the improved support for modern systems/hardware), I knew Phobos wouldn't run but I hoped at some point they'd port it. Maybe now that EP3 is released they'll be able to do so.

  4. Thank you for the kind words. I don't know who made the track. It comes with the core assets of the mod. So it should be possible to find the composer.
  5. The "Sad News" title startles me a little bit everytime I check the subforum. But that's great. Don't change it. I did not have time to play this yet, but I am looking forward to it.
  6. Test the performance of the trainging mission on low end hardware, I guess. We are the potato force.
  7. Are you aware of the pointfile feature? Dmap writes these .lin files into the maps directory. Display them with File->Pointfile and look for red lines that visualize problems like leaks and visportal problems. Which faces of a brush are sealing depends on the material assigned to the face. I don't know exactly which ones seal and which don't.
  8. I made an entry on the bugtracker with the a savefile attached.
  9. In the same mission , under the certain circumstances, when using a health potion another item is used immediately after (like a spore bomb or mine). I can provide a savefile.
  10. Volta 2 crashes to desktop on mission completion before the "mission complete" screen appears. Edit:
  11. That is interessting. I also do not find hungerian notation helpful in any way. Exactly the opposite in fact. I was doing a lot of functional programming recently, where code is very short and concise. Maybe that's the reason. It is simply not needed there.
  12. Playing Tears of St. Lucia, I noticed really bad framestutter in the church. It seems to happen around the builder guards. The game starts to micro freeze at a short interval (every second roughly). I don't know if this a beta or a mission issue.
  13. Congratulations on the release! This is a very nice looking, small mission. I really like the layout of the street and back alleys. Well done.
  14. New version is up. Here's what's new: A high quality version of the intro video Subtitles made by datiswous Kingsals new footstep sounds (from his excellent Volta missions) are included (with his permission) Background image and ambience (music by Gigagooga) in the main menu The climbable vines were made more noticeable Removed the absence markers from all the loot. Guards wont be seemingly randomly alerted anymore Better textures in a few selected places Some model updates/improvements made by Bikerdude 3 new hidden loot items A lot of unnecessary files where removed from the package A lot of smaller fixes
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