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Posts posted by Midnight

  1. Supporting terrorists (even unofficially) who sooner or later will turn against you will create more problems than you can hope to solve.

    Remember though, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. The Mujahideen were considered freedom fighters when they had the support of the US. Other examples of supporting dictators and the like are of course more clear cut, so your point still stands.


    I've got to say though that I'm feeling quite optimistic about current US foreign policy. Following the recent revolutions they seem to be more willing to stand back and simply point out that the fundamentalist idea of creating Islamic states through acts of terrorism has been proven ineffectual (as it always has been), and the realisation of this will mean fewer recruits for extremist militant organisations.




  2. What about Midnight, did you ever get any chance to work on your mission?

    Sadly, I've only worked on the storyline so far, no real work in DR. I had hoped that I'd have the whole of May to work on this but it's looking like May is going to be just as busy as the last 2 months so I'm going to have to drop out of this current contest.


    I may have a go at making this mission in future as I quite liked the simple story and theme I've got, but I have a couple other projects (non season related) that I'm more likely to get to first.



  3. That was beautiful, but agreed it doesn't fit in as a main theme and is too long for anything other than a long cinematic / mission intro, but then it would only be fitting if the mission was of a similar theme (i.e. haunted / melancholy storyline). Perhaps if it could be split as Sotha suggested then some useful ambients could be generated from it.


    I agree that the current theme should not be replaced, sometimes I'll delay starting a FM just so I can listen to the theme one more time! wub.gif

  4. If your up for it we could collaborate on FaFs v2, I have a few locations where I would love to add some nooks and crannies



    As much as I'd love to explore further places in this map, if this is going to be a sort of demonstration to new blood how a lot can be achieved in a short amount of time and with 'limited' experience then it's probably best left as is.


    NB: Speaking of new blood, when this is added to moddb is it worth also including Melan's accompanying build notes?



  5. Congrats, and thanks Melan, I thoroughly enjoyed this mission! The new (I assume) textures are exquisite. wub.gif


    A couple of things I noticed (in case there's ever a v2):



    The opal objective gets checked / completed even though you don't actually achieve this objective.

    There is an "invalid" objective status, was this not used or is it just not showing the cross instead of a tick?




    AI won't follow you up the spiral staircase within Lendermann's house, I guess there's a monster clip problem there.


  6. Ordinarily I would have preferred to have seen someone like OBL go to trial to stand for their crimes, but in this case I think this was the best outcome. Putting aside the circus of a trial that we'd have seen, imagine if he'd been incarcerated (assuming he wasn't executed) it would just inspire multitudes of fanatics to try use kidnap and hijackings to demand his freedom etc.


    However, despite this being the best outcome I couldn't help but feel disgusted at all the shrieking and cheering outside the White House this morning. Celebrating death in such a way, or at all, doesn't seem fitting in civilised society and is, in my view, hypocritical.


    Also, "Mission Accomplished"? Al-Qaeda isn't a snake, it's a Hydra, you'll never eradicate this sect or terrorism in general if you keep fighting it with guns. This ideology is the result of a virus of the mind, the more extreme ideas having been brought about largely as a result of torture (in Egypt). Al-Qaeda will disappear when the actions of the rest of the world no longer give them an excuse to exist.

  7. Maybe Quake4 is different, but using aviDemo does record audio in D3 at least, it outputs to a .wav file in the demo folder IIRC. As mentioned I had sync issues with audio, but this was most likely caused by the convoluted process that I put the .tga files through to create an avi, not the audio recording itself.

  8. Does recording a demo and getting a video out of that result in a smoother framerate? I haven't tried it with Doom 3, but I used to use a similar method for recording video in Source games.


    Good question, I don't know but aviDemo replays a recorded gameplay, and I'd imagine the framerate of the output image files would be affected by a very stuttery in game FPS. You can try it out yourself (cached tutorial page here) but I would suggest you skip the Quake Video Maker program mentioned on that page as I didn't have much success with it.


    I'm probably going to go ahead and purchase Fraps instead I think, once my finances are less stretched.

  9. Request for alternative suggestions to Fraps seconded!


    The only way I've managed to record TDM apart from a 30 sec Fraps video was to use the built in video + audio recording feature in Doom 3 (using recordDemo and aviDemo), but I had to use at least three shareware programs to convert, compress and stitch it into an avi... and after all that I had audio sync problems. I did manage to get pretty good quality for the file size using this method though, so I might try this again and see if I can sort the audio out.


    Also, I found that using recorddemo doesn't support the HDR-lite post processing graphics options, so a separate recording program might be better if the intention is to show TDM at its best.

  10. This thread has surpassed all my expectations. We now have two additional Dark Mod factions, "handeliers" and "non-handeliers", as well as a cracking good storyline for Grayman's next FM. biggrin.gif


    As I said before, I'm largely ambivalent to how this is done, but it did strike me that if TDM were a fully fledged game, then there would be a consistent approach to this problem rather than leaving it to the mapper of each level to decide how to tackle this issue. Could I suggest a possible compromise would be that all doors that are frobbable have door handles and all decorative doors have door knobs instead (I don't believe I recall seeing door knobs in TDM, though I could be mistaken).

  11. I was in agreement with Sotha, a game doesn't have to be 100% percent realistic and realism shouldn't have a negative impact on gameplay, but Baddcog makes some good points also. wacko.gif


    I'm going for no preference, both methods are fine, although I'll add one caveat: I don't mind wasting a few minutes getting somewhere only to find the door doesn't open (hey, that's the fun of exploring), but FM makers should take care to avoid placing decorative doors with handles somewhere that a player could conceivably get to if it means wasting a precious rope arrow to find out it's not possible.

  12. Sorry for taking so long to get back to this. I've found that the problem is that launching a shell script via Finder by double clicking it will give you a working directory of the users home directory, i.e. /Users/scott/ rather than the directory where the shell script resides. To get around this with tdmlauncher I tried using an env var in the shell script, i.e.:


    export TDMDIR="/Users/scott/Library/Application\ Support/Doom\ 3/darkmod"

    exec "$TDMDIR/tdmlauncher.macosx"


    The tdmlauncher.log file (which was being created in the home folder) showed that although the launcher was finding the sym link "Doom 3" by default, it wasn't correctly loading unless I specifically added a path onto the end of the above exec command, e.g.


    exec "$TDMDIR/tdmlauncher.macosx" "$TDMDIR/../Doom 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom 3"


    Originally, I'd tried this with escape characters for the spaces in this path, but this didn't work, which might explain why using no path parameter didn't work as the sym link "Doom 3" in this folder points to "Doom\ 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom\ 3" which has these escape characters.



    Running through terminal works fine, but when running through Finder it's the same thing as with running tdmlauncher, Finder launches the terminal process which starts out with the home folder as the working directory and starts downloading the mod from scratch into the home folder.


    To get around having the Doom3 path hard coded anywhere, I've created helper shell scripts for both tdmlauncher and tdm_update which figure out where it is being run from, so these would need to be located in the darkmod folder:



    export TDMDIR=`dirname "$0"`
    exec "$TDMDIR/tdmlauncher.macosx" "$TDMDIR/../Doom 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom 3"


    export TDMDIR=`dirname "$0"`
    cd "$TDMDIR"
    exec ./tdm_update.macosx

    A MacOS alias / shortcut can then be created to just point to wherever each of these files happen to be. Both the launcher and update programs are working fine now when using this method.


    Downside to this approach is I'm not seeing any log files generated anywhere if using these shell scripts, but using terminal is always available if necessary to create these.

  13. If that's the same post I read, it said that the moderators stickied the thread about making hi-lighting optional, but the developers haven't said anything about actually making it optional yet.

    Not only that, but the article had wrongly come to the conclusion that the thread had been stickied, it hasn't. I don't think very much that gets suggested on the DX forums is paid any attention by EM devs, if you don't agree with their vision it's because you haven't experienced it yourself yet.


    The one good thing to come out of this is that this has inspired them to work on releasing a demo, but I suspect that this will either be released just before the full game or maybe afterwards so will do little to help generate useful feedback.

  14. Notice the ragdoll drag - I wonder where they got that idea from, its looks a bit too much like our body drag.... i dont mind thr 3rd person, but christ I hate the fact the demo was shown on a console, the headlook is so sloooooow...

    I don't think that they got the body drag idea from TDM, it's not uncommon for similar ideas to appear independently at the same time. Definitely not a bad thing and looks quite good, I wonder if you'll be able to shoulder bodies though.

    As soon as I saw the slow head turning I thought "Ah, this must be the Xbox version then" laugh.gif. I also saw there was some noticeable texture compression blurring or something similar (just before climbing down the first ladder), yet another reason to choose the PC version.

  15. is it possible some or most of that stuff is just for the first level as a trainer? I'm thinking maybe the yellow outline crap and control reminders won't be in the rest of the game.

    Nope (as pointed out by Briareos H) on TTLG, they'll be there throughout the whole game and are not optional (the yellow outlines at least, though I wouldn't be surprised if this goes for the contextual control reminders as well).


    One of the worst things about that video (asides from the third person crap) is the regenerative health, look at that baby climb! Where's the tension if I'm guaranteed to be back at full health by hiding behind a box for a few seconds?


    It seems like modern developers want to do whatever they can to ensure you'll not give up on their game early. It's like whole games have become tutorials spread across 15 levels so that we are more likely to experience the whole game so we can know just how great the developers are.

  16. Sorry for not confirming, the updater seems to work fine but I haven't had much time to do extensive testing on it. I've been getting other issues with occasional segmentation faults occurring at various points with TDM itself (usually related to loading FMs / quicksaves). Are these known issues or likely to be related to this build? I'll update this post with relevant log info next time this happens.

    I get some weird message saying that I need to choose an application to run it...? Shouldn't it run on its own?

    It will work if you open up a command prompt and run it that way, i.e. "./tdm_update.macosx". You can also set the Terminal to run the file by setting this as the "Open With" application under the Get Info properties so that you can just double click it in future.


    However, I just tried this and it wanted to download the full 2GB even though I already had the latest files (and running directly from terminal says it's all up to date), so you probably have to stick to one method. Don't know what would explain this, possibly something different in the user environment when going through the Finder?


  17. I don't think anyone would claim that T1/T2 are perfect, hell that's half the reason TDM exists, but I'd have to disagree with the general thrust of your argument since the weapons are completely separate from the inventory. They aren't accessed through the inventory UI, so you shouldn't assume that the behaviour of weapons would automatically be consistent with inventory items.


    To address your actual argument about weapon behaviour, the last thing I'd want when a guard is rushing towards me is to have any delay whatsoever in unsheathing the sword. It makes sense that pressing a number for a weapon will equip it, and this includes arrows. When you equip an arrow, you're not only readying the bow but also taking an arrow out of the quiver in preparation for using it, so it's natural that your visibility is affected if using the fire arrow. Holding down the mouse button once equipped is akin to drawing back the string, not taking an arrow out of the quiver, placing it against the draw string and then drawing the bow.


    Just about every FPS I can think of works the same way, selecting a weapon automatically equips it. Like it or not, I don't think TDM should introduce inconsistency here by breaking from this convention.


    However, I assume that this is an issue for you since you have presumably mapped your keys to scroll through weapons rather than using the numerical keys to select your weapon, therefore when cycling past a weapon your visibility is increased when not intended. This is a valid concern, I'll leave it to a member of the team to comment on whether this could be improved without altering the standard weapon selection behaviour.

  18. Does New Horizon still have that FX5200 lying around? :unsure:


    (Lowest hardware to test this map wins! :D )

    I've got an old comp with a FX5200 lying around I could dust off and test with. Got some even older hardware as well but it has trouble with Thief 1! ohmy.gif

  19. There are no shortcuts in MacOSX? :blink: Maybe linking to a shell script is possible?

    D'oh, didn't think of that! blush.gif


    I'll have a go at creating a shell script with a relative path, that way any Mac users can just create an Alias for this script wherever it happens to be (you're correct, the Doom 3 folder can be anywhere).


    BTW, I'm happy to try tdm_update if this is available.



  20. The engine path value should not contain "darkmod", so tdmlauncher's guess is wrong. I can't see why tdmlauncher reports that the engine executable is found at that location, there isn't a "Doom 3" file in darkmod, is there?

    Oops, I had created a sym link to the D3 binary in the darkmod folder while testing this. Originally (and now that I've removed the link) I received the following:



    MacBookPro:darkmod scott$ ./tdmlauncher.macosx 
    Path to tdmlauncher is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/./tdmlauncher.macosx
    Darkmod directory is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/./
    Trying default value for engine executable is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/Doom 3
    Trying default Linux location for engine executable /usr/local/games/doom3/Doom 3
    Could not find engine executable at default locations, will be searching command line arguments for a path to doom3 executable.
    Current FM is: patently_dangerous
    Cannot find Mod folder for FM: patently_dangerous
    Current FM reset to empty again.
    Full argument string is: +set fs_game darkmod
    Trying to launch /usr/local/games/doom3/Doom 3 +set fs_game darkmod
    Error while launching D3 executable: MacBookPro:darkmod scott$ No such file or directory



    Can you try setting up a shortcut to tdmlauncher using this path as argument? It should be able to start the game then.

    Yes, this works when running launcher directly on the command line with path as parameter, not sure what kind of shortcut you're suggesting (Alias doesn't support parameters AFAIK).


  21. Sorry for the lack of update. The Darkmod.log file doesn't seem to be getting written to, I've located it in /Doom 3.app/Contents/Resources/ (where it gets created from scratch when installing an FM) but it's 0 bytes. [Edit - I checked this without clicking OK after installing a mission, i.e. used the console to exit before proceeding]


    The tdmlauncher log (which is also in the Resources folder) contains the following:


    MacBookPro:Resources scott$ Path to tdmlauncher is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/tdmlauncher.macosx
    Darkmod directory is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/
    Trying default value for engine executable is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/Doom 3
    Trying default Linux location for engine executable /usr/local/games/doom3/Doom 3
    Could not find engine executable at default locations, will be searching command line arguments for a path to doom3 executable.
    Reading engine executable from command line arguments: /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/Doom 3.app/Contents/MacOS/./Doom 3
    Current FM is: rift
    Full argument string is: +set fs_game_base darkmod  +set fs_game rift
    Closing logfile.



    I tried creating a symbolic link from "/Doom 3.app/Contents/MacOS/Doom 3" to "/Application Support/Doom 3/Doom 3" but this gave the following error when running tdmlauncher:


    MacBookPro:darkmod scott$ ./tdmlauncher.macosx 
    Path to tdmlauncher is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/./tdmlauncher.macosx
    Darkmod directory is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/./
    Trying default value for engine executable is /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/Doom 3
    Found engine executable in /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/Doom 3
    Current FM is: rift
    Cannot find Mod folder for FM: rift
    Current FM reset to empty again.
    Full argument string is: +set fs_game darkmod
    Trying to launch /Users/scott/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/darkmod/Doom 3 +set fs_game darkmod
    MacBookPro:darkmod scott$ 2011-03-07 18:18:21.615 Doom 3[7937:903] No Info.plist file in application bundle or no NSPrincipalClass in the Info.plist file, exiting


    I assume that the "Doom 3" binary is complaining that the Info.plist (which exists within Doom 3.app/Contents/) is not in ../ since tdmlauncher is being executed from the darkmod folder? [Edit - Nope. I don't know how it's looking for this plist file, I created a sym link to Doom3 in a folder alongside the MacOS folder, but still get the same error]

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