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Posts posted by wesp5

  1. Oh, I thought you meant some kind of mechanism to change only the line that is wrong without changing the whole file. Because I don't know how to do that! As far as I know the game needs all lines for a specific speaker to be in one file.

  2. 1 hour ago, datiswous said:

    Although actually I'm not sure how to best override core subs.

    My problem is that I don't know how subs work in the first place. I know they somehow only store differences between two files, but how do you get those into the complete file that the game uses?

  3. 2 hours ago, datiswous said:

    I also think you don't have to override whole defenition files (either, only the sections you want to change).

    Currently the patch doesn't use an installer so I wouldn't know how to make subs files work. I never even used one before so unless TDM supports this natively and somebody explains to me how this is done, I have no idea ;)! It would certainly make my work easier as right now I always have to manually update some files each time a new TDM version is released...

  4. 2 hours ago, datiswous said:

    I thought everything TDM is fantasy, no? If mappers want that map in there with Bridgeport in France then they have to work around your patch.

    No, they can just ask me and I will provide it. One modder already did and it is easier than offering multiple versions of the patch (I know how complicated this can get from my Bloodlines patch). About the fantasy aspect, I thought so as well, but there are two maps where Bridgeport and another city are located in southern France surrounded by Latin and French city names and it looks so fake. Was this ever discussed and made canon by the developer team or was this just random art?

  5. 3 hours ago, datiswous said:

    Why did you do this?

    Because I am a sucker for plot holes and inconsistencies ;). I believe there is one Europe map that shows Bridgeport to be in southern France which just doesn't fit with some missions and the whole feeling that it should be a British city. So I just removed the name on there. On the other hand there is a small map inside the game in which only the local area around Bridgeport is shown and I added names of other cities to this map according to how they were mentioned in missions.

  6. 59 minutes ago, snatcher said:

    Not as a mod, as we understand mods currently. Distributing a modded executable requires a proper justification: a game-changing change or a set of many minor but relevant changes.

    Please elaborate. Picture it in your head and document the idea. What happens first? What happens next? What happens if?

    As for the cpp file, I feared as much so we need to wait what the core team thinks about your idea. As for the inventory sorting, it seems to be similarily hard-coded, because whatever I do, the weapons are always listed first in the inventory grid. I would like to have the Blow, Whistle and Numbers tools in the first line so people are more aware that they exist :)!

  7. 2 hours ago, snatcher said:

    Please help me understand why things are the way they are. In the meantime, the inventory and the inventory grid can have the same item sorting by going to game/Player.cpp and exchanging...

    Can we add this to our mod and patch? Also speaking about inventory sorting, I don't like that weapons are listed first and not permanent tools which would make more sense. Any way to change that as well?

  8. I have just released a new patch version with your latest fonts included. According to the download numbers not many use my patch, but probably more than here, so it's better than nothing to get feedback! Thanks to your effort I have already restored Snatcher's whistle tool, because I was very annoyed by the pixel error that was visible whenever it was selected...

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  9. Well, this might be a problem with thousands of songs, but in TDM there are about 10 missions beginning with "a" and thirty with "the" so this is different. Also the online library sorts them with "a" and "the" included already so it should at least be consistent. (As for music, I sort it by creator so this isn't a problem there too...)

  10. 3 hours ago, ChronA said:

    Clearly explosives do exist in this setting, so it is fair to ask why no one has ever thought of using them to propel an arrow or rock out of a tube to hurt someone, and that this might be an easier way to equip a fighting force that training all the men in archery...

    Explosives exist in TDM? In what missions? Also the "Dresden Files" book series has a nice explanation why magic and technology don't work together: using magic near advanced technology breaks it!

  11. 2 hours ago, ChronA said:

    This means each save would a gamble that you will lose a premium arrow that you wanted to hold onto for later, like a rope, a water, or a gas. But you could also limit it to broadheads or waters if that seems less brutal.

    I believe this would only work when using broadhead arrows, because there certainly are missions where rope arrows are essential, or gas arrows for no kill objectives or water arrows for undead enemies. Doesn't Snatcher's Modpack contain an option to add new powerful broadhead arrow effects? He might be able to add this for more people to test...

  12. While I agree with you for games that stray far away from the TDM setting and are basically total conversions, I don't think this is a good idea for normal TDM missions. Right now we can find all new missions via the in-game downloader. If such standalone versions are allowed I suspect we would need to search the whole internet to see if something new has been released just because mission authors might believe that their mission is so special that it needs a standalone version.

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