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Posts posted by PPoe

  1. Nah, you dont NEED TO sneak.. I consider myself a thief pro (well, not pro, but Im playing thief and TDM FMs for a loong time) and actually never find sneaking better than blackjacking. I hate to ghost back in places Ive already ghosted just to search for that loot that left or key that is missing. Im not killing, but I just like to blackjack people.


    But I cant answer your primar question. I hope that others will help you and you will spend many hours enjoying TDM!

  2. So fam Im enjoying this game.. The connection never did something bad to me, any anyway Im always on the internet, so no problem with that..


    What is a bit odd is the system of skills (Im missing the good old skill trees) and missing stats. Also the numbers on attack (bring me back the X-XY numbers). But maybe it will work after all.. First you have to play a bit longer and than you will see whether the Diablo magic is still working. I remember playing D2 for the first time, thinking how crappy it is. And after 10 years still enjoying the game=)


    And abouth Path of Exile: Tried that and was boooored really a lot. Dont know why, everything seems fine, but the result is bad. I really wanted succes for PoE, cause I have been watching this project for long time and everything seemed even better than diablo, but.. It is a bad game and I dont even know why. You just dont feel the need to play again, kill another beast, find better equipment..

  3. There are also a good new games. I like Skyrim (yes, I really do) and now Ive finished Legends of Grimrock. That was a blast. Definitelly worth trying.

    But even that there are still developements that can make awesome games, Ifear that Thief 4 wont be that case. We´ll see after all..

  4. but you would still need to know how to model some basic shapes and how to navigate the interface.


    I know that, I have 4 classes on my university, teaching me how to model and use 3DsMax. Im just confused about baking normalmaps, creating shadowmeshes and exporting all to DR. I understand, that it is better to continue creating your awesome models, than spending time on tutorial.

    Thanks for the link, Ill take a look.

  5. I would really like to model something, but a simple a-z model guide is missing. I know that Ive asked for the guide before, and there we are again, more work for sbdy.. But if someone skilled just taked 3Ds max and created cube (low poly), smooted a bit(high-poly), showed how to bake normalmap, add texture, create shadowmesh and import all to DM I would be really gratefull. (nosslak promissed to me the guide before, but he run to some problems..).


    Anyway, Im really, REALLY happy that the Dark Mod exist. Maybe Im just a drop in the ocean, but werry happy drop=) Im trying to spread the word about DM on czech thief forums, Ive transated DM to my language. Just a tiny stuff, but hope that helps.. i really dont want to be someone who is just enjoying work of others and not contributing anything.


    Thanks to whole team for many hours with TDM. Keep up the good work you crac addicts=)

  6. Dark mod is great, we already have a lot of missions, some of them are pretty good. I had fun playing them, and I have fun creating my own mission (altrought Im progressing really slowly due to the university)

  7. I have already voiced my disagreement on the need to update Shadowhide's FM, so I will say something about community standards instead. I think we should not even give the illusion that we are excluding peoples' contributions if they don't conform to the arbitrary standards of experienced editors with a lot of time on their hands. That leads to stagnation, decline and a small circle of contributors. Let's be realistic: beginner efforts, even missions from experienced editors will not be perfect. They will have bugs or poor visuals or design problems. I could go through the mission list and tear about 3/4 of the entries into bloody shreds if I set myself impossible reviewing standards. But I don't, because I know about those limits.


    So I would rather have 200 flawed missions and 20 gems and a living community than three Calendra's Cisterns, five Ominous Bequests, one Mission X and the sound of crickets in the forums. In a living and inclusive community, people will learn, new talent will emerge and replace those who are dropping out. There will be plenty of boxy mansion missions, but that's normal. There will also be things like The Black Frog or The Seven Sisters or Rocksbourg because the community will be large enough to attract or train those people who can do those mega-projects (hint, I am no longer one of those people; my free time is getting way too scarce to build anything like Disorientation again).


    And back to Winter Harvest -- I will be frank, and I will say this as someone who respects you and your skills: if you think it belongs in a category called "an FM that poor", you plain should not be working on it. Because if you don't respect a work of art, you cannot do it justice with your efforts. Right now, it seems to me you are creating an entirely new mission based on Shadowhide's work, and once it gets uploaded, this new mission will deny us the opportunity to enjoy Shadowhide's original contribution on its own merits.


    I fully agree..

  8. Lego is still popular=) Ive spend whole day playing lego with my girlfriend. Perfect date=)


    And minecraft is pretty much the same. Maybe even better, if you are playing on servers with your friends. Mining, building, creating machines, railways, wisiting others, trading.. So much to do. Real open world.

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  9. I also think that the guards are too good. Especially the blackjacking should be easier. If Im in the right position and still Im missing the head (or the special place on head) it is not fun. I know, you will tell me that I have to learn how to do that, but it is not for fun. We are forsing users to learn something which could work without learning. That is a mistake by my opinion. The fun part of the game is to get INTO the right position to knock a guard, not to AIM PRECIESLY after you are in position.

    I think that we should extense the knockable spot.

  10. About the rotation around specified point: I have discovered somethin that I use all the time. First i tried to change origin, but it somehow didnt worked.. But if you will clone the lelected func static and move it the origin will be between this two objects. And you can rotate around this origin and after that just convert back and delete the duplicated part..

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