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Posts posted by PPoe

  1. TES3 was amazing.. Oblivion had very bad levelling system of monsters, but with OOO... One of the greatest games ever. Even with things like relatively booring and repetitive dungeons. If skyrim will be better in that and will stay mods friendly, then It will be great game. For me, TES was never about story, but abouth walking in the forests, hunting, collecting plants, exploring caves, earning my ranks in guilds, helping normal people.. Main storyline was just something that had to be there.

  2. The second question wasnt connected with leaks at all.. Ill have part of the map even on the other side of the wall.. What I need to know: Is the performance hit from theese parts of columns that arent visible so big, that I need to redo that, or not? (So far, this part of map has about 35 fps, no visportals placed in the whole map, but also no AIs.)


    This is my very first mapping experience with DR (or other editors..), if not counting following Fidcals tut, so thanks, glad to hear that you found it pretty ;) .


    On the other side, starting with staircase shaped like this isnt the best idea for your first project, figuring how to make this shape was very hard for me, as ith seems like the rotating is not working 100% properly (like 30 degrees are in fact 30,00something..), or the six sided brush is not with all sides of the same lenght.. Or I did something wrong somewhere. For the new mappers: Start with rectangular shapes :rolleyes: ..

  3. Cant all the leak problems be solved via big brush covering all the mission, that hollowed out with room function? Only problem will be the area with leak (without this room all around) will render few more tris, without lights or so, which meant really nothing) and just if the visportal to this area will be opened, or with player inside of this area?





    Also Ive got a question connected with patches:


    Ive got this situation:





    The useless part of the patch is in the brush=>no  lights on that surfaces=>very low performance hit=>no problem, or will this cost a loth of fps? If so, is there any way to cut these sides off, without affecting the visible part of patch?





    Ive tried to select row of verticles and delete them, but that deleted whole patch. Delete two columns is affecting whole shape of the patch.. Clipper not working on patches. Also CSG substract is not working as it affected just the brushes.

  4. Main story never was the thing that interested me on TES games.. Its about wandering around, finding better equipment, improwing your position in the guilds, buing houses ( ^_^ ), hunting, exploring dungeons etc.. 





    For me, Skyrim needs just to have great graphic, nothing more. They are mods friendly and that is what metter. So there will be great Skyrim sooner or later, even if they will screw up the story, repetetive dungeons, level scaling enemies and so on. (As they did in Oblivion.)



  5. Hello, I´ve translated A-Z beginner tutorial for Dark radiant into my language. If someone from Czech republic is visiting this forum and not the czech thief forum (www.thiefczsk.net) he will be aware of that.


    S povolenim autora (Fidcal) jsem prelozil navod na Dark Radiant, editor do Dark Modu. Je to jednoduchy editor, takze se nebojte taky nejakou misi vyrobit. Doufam ze vam v tom pomuze i muj preklad.




    I'm translating your A-Z beginner full guide to czech language. Can you give me the permission to post it somewhere on the internet for others czech (potencional) mappers?

    Thank you. PPoe



    Yes, absolutely. Feel free to copy it and share it in any language. Thanks.








    Muj pravopis za moc nestoji, tak prosim tolerujte chyby, ktery tam urcite, i pres snahu je vsechny odhalit, jsou. Dalsi problem je s prekladem pojmu (grid=mrizka, lmb=leve mysitko a pod..). U par vyrazu to zni vylozene blbe, ale vzdycky jsem se snazil je prekladat tak, aby byly srozumitelny pro vsechny.


    Navod je psany na puvodni verzi Dark Radiantu (editoru). Není s tím problém, novější verze jsou ještě jednodušší a postupy fungují většinou stejně. Nově zabudovaný text editor a particle editor Vám práci dokonce výrazně usnadní.

    Doufam ze to nekoho zaujme a budeme mit dals FM ktera pochazi z ceskych luhu a haju..

  6. I think that some tutorial for creating things in Max and exporting them into DR is really needed. I have some skill with 3Ds Max, but no idea about things needed to use my models ingame.


    If somebody has enough time to make that tut.. Realy just a tutorial, nothing fancy. Make cube, slope the edges (for showing difference between normal and collision and shadow mesh-just a cube), move some verts on sides (for showing use of normalmaps). How to create normal map, diffuse and normal texture.. How to creat collision and shadow mesh and how to export everything to Dark Radiant.


    Or if it already exist somewhere on the wiki and I just overlooked that, please paste url to that article.

  7. I have finished all the missions and I have to say that it is Perfect, brilliant, wonderful... As soon as I´ll be able to run the darkradiant, I´ll try to make my own map. Very well done, thank you.

  8. So it's hanging with 2 MB of memory usage? That must be pretty early in the startup code, maybe GTK is not properly functioning on your end?


    Is there a DarkRadiant.log file in C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\DarkRadiant?




    No, there is just empty folder called Dark radiant, without anything inside.




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