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Posts posted by 7upMan

  1. I want to stress a point made in the announcement:


    (Note: Anyone who has already posted a submission to Greenlight will not have to retroactively pay for any existing submissions, but will need to do so for any future submissions.)


    So if we had moved sooner (or PPoe would have submitted his proposal), theree wouldn't be a need to pay the money. Also, how do you want to raise the money? By which method/provider? Who will be in charge to collect the funds? I assume it will be one of the core team, but who will volunteer?

  2. Und hier hast Du ein Abmahn-Unwesen, das zuweilen bizarre Blüten treibt. Und in den USA wurde die Live-Übertragung der Hugo-Awards von einem automatisierten Copyright-System unterbunden, das auf die (für diese Sendung freigegebenen) Videoschnipsel von "Dr. Who" angesprungen ist. Dabei haben wir hier in der EU noch Glück, dass die Schadensersatzforderungen von Rechteinhabern noch nicht so völlig in die Fantastilliarden gehen wie in den USA. Obwohl wir natürlich auf dem besten Wege dahin sind. Wäre doch gelacht, wenn wir nicht auch in diesem Bereich den USA auf den Fersen sind. <_<


    Nachtrag: Sowas Bescheuertes kann man sich doch gar nicht ausdenken. Ich hoffe, hoffe, hoffe, dass diesem Wahnsinn endlich Einhalt geboten wird.

  3. Well, there goes our chance for free massive promotion:



    What We’re Doing About Discoverability in Steam Greenlight


    September 5th, 2012 - Alden


    Submissions of all kinds have been pouring in to Steam Greenlight. As of this post, there are over 700 submissions, but that doesn’t really tell the whole story of what’s being submitted.


    Two things we’ve noticed so far. First, there are a ton of legitimate submissions that people want to see. Second, there is unfortunately a significant amount of noise and clutter being submitted, either as a joke or by fans not fully understanding the purpose of Greenlight.


    So, with those things in mind, today we’ve made two updates to how Greenlight works.


    The first update is a $100 fee for someone to post to Steam Greenlight. The proceeds will be donated to Child’s Play. We have no interest in making money from this, but we do need to cut down the noise in the system. (Note: Anyone who has already posted a submission to Greenlight will not have to retroactively pay for any existing submissions, but will need to do so for any future submissions.)


    The second part of this update is to improve your window into Greenlight and help you find “your kind” of games. The next time you visit Steam Greenlight you’ll be shown a smaller, manageable list of games that you haven’t rated. This view is a mix of popular games and new games to Greenlight.


    In the end, we’re very interested in maintaining an environment that is fair and beneficial to everyone involved, and one that fun and rewarding to join.


    And, of course, we’re going to keep iterating on this system and updating as we learn more about how the community and developers want to utilize it.


    Be sure to drop in on the discussions or leave a comment below and tell us what you think.

  4. Can you plz record this with Fraps and put it on YT? Would be nice to see if that was some exotic bug.


    Another option would be to use RadeonPro to disable Catalyst AI. Just search the Wiki for RadeonPro, you'll find all necessary info there.

  5. Die Nutzung des Begriffs "Hammeriten" ist strikt verboten, sonst fliegt die dt. Übersetzung aus dem Forum. Looking Glass bzw. der Publisher (EA?) hat da die Rechte drauf, und die Team-Mitglieder haben schon mehrfach deutlich gemacht, dass sie den Mod nicht durch Verwendung geschützter Begriffe gefährden werden. Um diese Einschränkung müssen wir halt herum arbeiten. Perfekt sind auch die Werker nicht, aber ich habe festgestellt, je öfter man den Begriff nutzt, desto natürlicher fühlt er sich an.


    Ich schreibe die Skripts für die Maps, an denen Johannes arbeitet, und dort benutze ich die Werker auch. Mittlerweile fühlt sich der Begriff für mich nicht mehr fremd an.


    EDIT: Tippfehler.

  6. Hi Radiant, sorry wg. der späten Antwort: Ich habe beschlossen, dass "The Builders" (Plural) als "Die Werker" übersetzt werden, während "The (Master) Builder" = "Der Erbauer" ist. Ich habe hin und her probiert, aber alles andere bringt uns in Teufels Küche: Die Begriffe tauchen ja auch in Schriften auf, und dann ist gern von "the builders who worship the Master Builder" die Rede. "Die Erbauer, die Den Erbauer anbeten", dass passt einfach nicht. Außerdem impliziert der Begriff "Werker", dass die Jungs für ihren Oberboss am malochen sind, passt also. Der Erbauer hingegen hat die Welt einst erbaut und schaukelt seither seine... äh, Beine.

  7. I was going to post my AS SSD values here, but they are totally fucked up since I have NTFS compression enabled. The benchmark shows huuuuge read speed but unrealistically slow write speed. Still, everyday work is nice and fast, and I save a lot of space (which is always an issue with SSD's).

  8. Greebo, can you make the legs longer? In the first pictures, I felt that the torso is a bit too long/tall, but in the orthogonal view, everything looked normal. Now, when I look at the last zombie picture, I feel that the legs are grossly too short. The zombie almost looks like an imp. Just my two cents, though.

  9. I'm using SRware Iron in my Virtual Machine to save resources. So far, the only feature I'm really missing is the auto-update feature. I love that with Opera: just click "search for updates", and everything will go its way. No such thing with SRware Iron, as far as I could find out.

  10. True as it may be that many fools think they can handle the job, even though they do NOT - and that is certainly not defined by any kind of diploma



    I am SO with you on this one. Over the years, I have witnessed way too many times that folks (professional translators just as well as the average person who had English at school) had a way too high opinion of their own abilities. It's especially annoying if you try your best to give positive feedback to the person and (s)he either rejects it completely or manages to find little changes clearly marked as Preferential and tries to discuss them to great length... Just had this again less than a week ago. I'm still pissed. And to think I'll still have to actually pay her... :-/

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