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Posts posted by 7upMan

  1. I think the project needed the reboot from the beginning, since reading the description didn't give me enough info to really get a clue about what this game really is. I get now that this is a co-op shooter, which means the bastard child of multiplayer and single-player. You can't play it with massive numbers of other players, and you can't play it on your own. This makes it not my kind of game either, since I'm currently playing Metro 2033 and Bioshock 1, and they both are very powerful single-player experiences.

  2. Man, this is actually quite hard! I finished the first three levels by crashing my ship into the target area. You might want to replace the "proxima missao" message with the English one. Apart from that, this is actually a nice little game. ^^ Just don't know what to do in level 4.

  3. Please bear in mind that when making those screenshots, the graphics quality should be at a maximum. This means full shaders, moderate bloom (as a compromise between the 'I hate bloom' and the 'I can't live without bloom' factions), and of course massive anti-aliasing.

  4. SH, the thing is, when you read the comments in the Kickstarter, those pledgers who live in the vicinity of the portrayed area admit that it looks very much like the real thing. I agree that procedurally generated environments can look crappy, but with the right spirit the "livelessness" can be overcome. A thing that many players seem to want is more and different vegetation, animals, sounds etc., to make the game even more life-like. Also, it seems that the game relies heavily on British humor, so it this is your thing, you'll overlook the bad parts (if there are any).


    And yes, the Thief meter sold me too. ;)

  5. http://www.kickstart...hunted?ref=live


    I just found this project on Kickstarter that might be of interest for those who'd like mix open world gaming with stealth and survival, just like Day-Z, but with a humoristic approach. According to the devs, "Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a first-person game set in an open world. Your mission is to escape from the archipelago on which you have been stranded. That means surviving being hunted, looting abandoned buildings, and collecting up scattered fragments of a mysterious machine which should enable you to get home."


    Key features are:

    • Procedural tools to generate, save, and explore your own landscapes.
    • Open-ended gameplay: choose how you want to play. Complete the game non-lethally, or use whatever you can find to bring down the tweedbot menace.
    • A Thief-style visibility-meter combined with our own foliage-based stealth system.
    • Unique generative soundtrack.
    • A disembodied sinister butler!
    • Pubs!
    • No DRM!
    • Varied loot including weapons, traps, booze, marmalade, tea, something that may or may not be bacon, and a dead rabbit.
    • Fires to cook that rabbit on. (And other things besides!)
    • Mac, Windows and Linux versions.
    • Strange lore and pipe-smoking moustache-wearing mechanical locals.

  6. This is because the relevant fonts don't support them yet. Tels is aware of that problem, but to correct this would mean lots and lots an mainly manual work, and it would have to be done for each font. Also, when patching the fonts, it would be useful to add the French accents and those crazy Scandinavian letters. ^^

  7. Sorry, I can't say anything about that, since I got it as a gift via Steam. However, I'm not aware that you are forced to register it in Steam, as is the case with Skyrim. Don't take my word for it, though.

  8. @Diego: Couldn't agree more. OTOH, the storytelling was stronger on this one, which I guess is easier with linear gameplay. At the end of the day, both are good games and I can only recommend the DLC to anyone who has bought the main game.

  9. I agree with anything but the city hubs. I for one liked them, as they were infinitely better designed than the hubs in Thief 3. They actually served a purpose, gave a feeling of the environment and led to interesting missions. The AI... well, if you try to ghost the mission, gameplay is not as easy as when you pick them off one by one. I agree that the AI could have been smarter (the discussions here in the forum about smart guard behavior point to an interesting direction), but let's face it: we live in the console/COD era, where anything but complete linearity is discouraged by the gamers themselves. So to make DX:HR like it is was brave enough.


    There are no excuses however for the f.cked-up ending(s). What were they thinking...

  10. The voice actor for Rufus is Monty Arnold, a well known comedian. I for one like his voice. As a matter of fact, I like all the voice acting. My resistance toward buying and playing Deponia for myself is beginning to waver, as I find that in

    , I know the way to solve some riddles way earlier than Gronkh himself. But personal favour is generally something that cannot really be discussed. You either like it - or you don't.
  11. @Professor Paul: Why exactly is Obama hated so much? I must admit I don't watch American News closely, so I have no idea what all the fuzz is about (I only noticed the fact, that's all).


    @Radiant: Well, the easiest (and most reliable) way to spoil your ballot is to either write something on it along the lines of "Screw You All!!!111" or, yes, to make crosses everywhere. To go voting and not place your cross on some candidate is plain stupid. I'd vote for the Grey Panthers if no other half-decent candidates were available.

  12. Obama has basically lost the election even before it started. Have a look at this article. It is highly probable that the election results will be phony.


    I don't get it: The Dems had the Congress as well as the Senate, and they knew that the voting machines are used for major vote-rigging (see Presidential election in 2004, where Dubja Bush won the state of Florida). Yet they did nothing to amend that, say, by completely banning voting machines and do it manually, like we do in Germany. This is really the only reliable way to do it, because it is much more difficult to manipulate the results.

  13. Ungoliant, you might want to increase your voice volume, as I find it a might hard too quiet compared to the game's sounds.


    Edit: Also, increasing gamma might be a great help for some viewers. See Professor Paul's Let's Play thread.

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