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Posts posted by ocn

  1. I used storm_clouds / thunderclouds, which I just noticed doesen't have the skybox_ prefix. Perhaps they are meant for other things? But then mountain_sunset doesn't either, but that one works. The line seems to start at the ambient light and goes straight into the ground. No leaks, because other skybox textures work with no other modifications to the scene.

  2. Had an idea of making some short video sequences that people could edit together with their own stuff to make a briefing etc. Sometimes you just need a little extra footage to patch it up. Visual consistency may be achieved with applying various effects for instance (sepia toning/ film grain etc). Don't know if it's useful or not, (I read about the ROQ format, seems a little tricky to me) but whatever... They're going to need to be converted as I'm not ready to touch the ROQ format with a six feet pole yet. I'm very open for ideas here...;) If anyone's in need of something specific, or has an idea for a cool sequence, please speak your mind.


    The first one can be found here: http://oceanarts.net...ame-stuff/thief

  3. Are you using linux? Someone had leaking textures problem because of linux UpperCase sensitivity. I've not encountered leaky skybox textures on windows side.


    Did you insert a prefab skybox? note that the thunder-one of them has an entity outside the box, which may cause leaks too. This is intentional as the mapper is required to move that entity elsewhere.


    Not using Linux, and no prefabs. But it occured to me that I might have screwed up... The dromed way. Thinking a skybox is just a skybox textured room. It isn't is it? But that shouldn't make some work and some not. The leak just disappears into thin air, by the way.

  4. Fractional Reserve Banking. I bet most of the world's issues can be traced back to this phenomenon. There's only room for very few at the top of the pyramid. A system tailor made for slavery and eternal debt. And a genious scheme to keep the people in leashes, too occupied to make the ends meet to stop and ask questions, to make demands. I always think of how prevelieged and lucky I am to have all these tools at my disposal to be able to work creatively and realize my own puny self. And also know that some kid might have perished in a mine somewhere excavating the minerals in my pc, camera or whatever. It's humbling. And it's so hard to live by ideals in todays world, no matter how hard you try. You want to succeed for yourself, of course. You need to take care of your family. Pay the bills, put food on the table. But knowing that somebody will have to suffer in order for that to happen makes it unbearable sometimes. You can't think about it. It's an impossible situation. Fractional Reserve Banking keeps this survival of the fittest mentality alive, when in reality there should be room and opportunity enough for everyone. But not for long. Soon there we will start feeding on eachother, because there are too many of us on too little space. People in distress will procreate, it increases the chances of the species/families/the individuals dna's survival. In the end, however, it will not. So, perhaps war, famine, diseases and natural disasters are a blessing in disguise. Yes, there is truth in the statement that money is the root of all evil. It has become another external god to worship.

  5. The media is certainly enjoying the rags to riches angle. They tend to omit the fact that the guy has multiple arrests and a drug problem.


    I don't care what's in anyones luggage, man. As long as they don't molest children and shit, in which case they should be brutaly deprived of every physical evidence that they were once human beings and left hanging for the vulchers.


    What about the folks out there that live with severe pain on a daily basis, after wars, accidents etc. and suddenly don't get their medication anymore for whatever reason, or the meds wont work anymore? Of course, they'll resort to illegal means to obtain just a moment of peace. I've no problem understanding that. I'm not saying that's the case here- I don't know, but I wouldn't cut anyones arm off because of their history unless I've been there with them.

  6. There are so many talented and resourceful people out there. Some waste their chances, but some just never get a break. Some are weighed down by their fears and choose to stay down too tired to fight, some charge forth with false courage that shines through and break the spell. Some make it. And it is always nice to witness when it happens.:)

  7. I listened your stuff and they sound nice. I am still far from ambient placement in my map building, but I'd like ask in advance what is your 'licence' for those ambients? Can I just download and use in my map? Can I do minor editing like shortening etc? Am I free to do whatever I wish with the assets as long I do not make profit with your work? Maybe something like this,which is used at freesound.org? http://creativecommo.../sampling+/1.0/


    You do not mention about these things in your site and this formality would be good to clear out so mappers do not need to worry about these.


    They're your stuff and you are the copyright holder, so..:)


    Yes, that's a bit unclear- sorry. I'll get that sorted out. For now: You may download and use the material in any way you like. You may make necessary edits to suit your own work. All free of any current or future fee. All I require is credit for my work.


    Although I write this stuff for my own ideas, I try to get as much as I can out there as soon as I regard them completed. If they're as good as you say then it'd be a shame if noone could ever use them because I never released my own mission for whatever reason.


    Thanks for your interest. It's much appreciated.:)


    EDIT: I've updated the page with an appropriate cc license.

  8. I think it's a nice option for authors who want to keep things a little in the shadows before release for various reasons. Aprilsister does have a point however. I'd most likely be initially inclined to start a thread in a special secret forum, because my ego IS that huge. But I'd eventually opt to stay away, because I'd realize there'd be nothing special about my particular mission at all. Plus it might be a valuable vault of learning experiences for the curious of us if it weren't private. But posting would probably have to be restricted to the beta testers and the author, so as to not clutter the threads with various comments and queries. So then privacy might be the best way to go anyway. Seems I'm back to where I started, just like that night in the woods all those years ago. I'm going for yes.

  9. I'd like to tack the chains on the wall, actually. I'm trying to achieve the illusion of a chain pulley type system for my elevators. With low poly chains attached to the platform and just a texture on the wall. Partially hidden behind a brush textured with transparent grate (I think it's called)- A nice little parallax movement- it looks fine, but not perfect.

  10. I'll add the vocals as I finish them. Here are the Searching lines: http://oceanarts.net/Downloads/Special/tdm/audio/Searching.zip


    I need to go back and redo alot of things, at least on the idle lines, as the popping is quite dominant at places- I think I was overly enthusiastic when I first finished them, sorry about that. These are mono wav files, cleaned up and normalized to the best of my ability, and I think they're good enough to release at this time.

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