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Posts posted by montag

  1. The AI slides into the mc when they go to sleep, but they do not pathfind when sleeping, and they slide out from the mc when they wake up. Thst way the AI does not get stuck into the mc.

    Thanks, Sotha! I rewatched the vid, and thought I was going crazy, 'cause that mc was tall! Between yours and Judiths videos, and the work that is being done to the wiki, I may have a go at a little map myself. Just for my own amusement, don't expect it will ever see the light of day.

    • Like 1

    Ah, ok I see what I missed there, he lowered the mc to the height of the bed, I missed that on the first watch. I saw him raise the other mc's, and he even mentioned he did that to prevent AI from trying to walk on their top surface. Thanks, AluminumHaste and demagogue, appreciate your time!



    To the ai there is box bed, just monsterclip.

    I was actually a little saddened to learn that the AI only see an empty room, must be kinda boring for them. Would explain why they always seem to be able to find me when I think I'm in a nice little hiding spot!


    wow, I just managed to quote myself, I'm going to blame Sotha for keeping me up so late last night. :D

  3. Ah, ok I see what I missed there, he lowered the mc to the height of the bed, I missed that on the first watch. I saw him raise the other mc's, and he even mentioned he did that to prevent AI from trying to walk on their top surface. Thanks, AluminumHaste and demagogue, appreciate your time!

  4. Those videos are so engrossing! I found myself watching them until 3:00am last night. I came away with even more respect for you and all the mappers, and also a realization of just how much work has gone into the editor by a bunch of unsung heroes. The randomization of AI pathways was fascinating, I always knew that it existed, but I had never really though about how it worked.(Hehe, as if I really understand it) Thanks so much for taking the time to make them!


    p.s. replayed Bakery again, stealth score 7, so I will be re-replaying till I get that magic 0!


    EDIT#2 finally got 0 stealth score! I used 3 waterarrows, and laid over all the candles, but I rarely try for a perfect ghost.

    • Like 2
  5. This is a great little mission! Going for a 0 stealth score and full loot,(as I always do) I was really challenged by it. I ended up with all loot, but stealth score of 3, so I'll be replaying it soon.

    That hidden stash! I spent at least 10 min. crouching right on top of it, but I have a habit of backing into hiding spaces so I only found it by chance! I had to resort to turning the candles onto their sides to stop them from being relit, and I used a waterarrow on the light outside of the bedroom.

    Nicely done, Sotha! IMHO, it's tiny missions like this that really show off a mission authors' skill. I imagine you thinking about how to leave just the perfect gaps in the AI patrol patterns, so that we players can just slip through by the skin of our teeth. Now off to watch your vids of how you did it!

  6. Managed to run through Tears of St. Lucia yesterday! I had forgotten what a great mission this is. Loved the new additions, at least some things seemed new to me.


    Are the sewers reworked a bit? I am sure the Moors weren't hanging around in the older version, or else I just missed them.


    Add my name to the list of people waiting for the third mission!

    • Like 1
  7. Found a bit of free time, so loaded up 2.05. A New Job was loads of fun! I played the first version, but managed to avoid the ring bug. Imho, it does a great job of introducing TDM to what is sure to be a large number of new players. (cuz Steam) Gratz, and thanks to you all who make TDM possible!


    BTW, maybe not the right place for this, but on the thedarkmod/missions page this line might need to be updated?


    New players: be sure to start with the Training Mission, included in your TDM download. Tears of St. Lucia, also included, is an excellent introduction to TDM missions.

    • Like 2
  8. That's great news!


    So I lost a big chunk of money for not thinking before buying.



    Not really, Taquito, you needed that 6 pin connector for your video card, so it wasn't wasted money in the long run. Congratz on your new, shiny, kickass gaming machine!

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  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812423173&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Cables+-+Internal+Power+Cables-_-N82E16812423173&gclid=CIOA_oKh-tACFYEdgQodNgYCsw&gclsrc=aw.ds


    Here is an example of the adapter, note the question about the upper middle pin. there is a nice set of pics showing what you need to check, and part numbers for both choices.


    And here is a really nice deal on a power supply that will fit your needs now, and provide a nice cushion for any future upgrades. (note the final price, if you jump thru some hoops is only $33!)



    • Like 1
  10. I am more worried with the installing than anything else. :ph34r:

    If you will still have internet access while you are swapping in new parts I would be happy to walk you thru it. Do we know for sure that your case will hold an ATX ps? and do you have a brick&mortar electronics store nearby?(Radio Shack, Best Buy, ect.) A local mom&pops computer shop may be a good place to find an adapter for the time being, then you can take your time finding just the right PS and waiting for it to ship. If you have already installed a graphics card, you will have no trouble doing this upgrade!


    edit: ok, just checked on the HP p7-1451, no worrys on the atx PS fitting, so for now you just need the adapter.

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  11. I know that must be frustrating, but just shop for a decent brand name with at least one 6 pin PCI Express connector (for the card), enough sata (serial ata) connectors to run your HDD(s), your new SSD, and your DVD player. (if it's older it may use a molex connector) You are soooo close!

    • Like 1
  12. I liked post#92, but can't find the "Don't Like This" button for post#93! You can find 2Molex or sata to 6 pin adapters, but you would be better off picking up the power supply that you mentioned earlier. Easy for me to say, cause it's not my money, but you'll be better served going that route. I'm jealous of your card and ssd btw! Very nice!

  13. I may have to delete the game folder and re-download the full game, especially as I ended up deleting the Darkmod.cfg and now the game's video and audio are not working properly. It happened while I was searching for the save game files which I prefer keeping a backup of.




    Crinkelite and freyk just helped me with this a few days ago : the file is auto generated with default settings if it is not found on startup.

    Delete or rename it and launch the program as normal.

  14. A fair point, but I'm finished searching for some elusive fps goal for now. I can turn settings down to achieve 50+ fps, but as I said, the difference in playability was nonexistent. On a weird sidenote, fps rise when looking up at the sky from the deck of the ship, counter to my expectations. Perhaps this is due to the river animations being more taxing than the static sky? On my laptop, I made it a point to never look up unless necessary, which lead to a rather severe hunchback appearance and a very stiff neck! I had planned on replacing the 720 asap with a 1050ti, but now I am inclined to wait a bit and build a system that will let me stay current for at least a few years. (famous last words) Of course, I have already purchased a $90 evga SuperNOVA (a rather off-putting moniker for a PS in my opinion) Gold+ 550wt ps, but after doing a little research, (after buying it, cause I'm impulsive like that) it turns out that it is a really nice little unit, and I am not planning on any SLI or X-Fire setups, so it should be ok. At any rate, all this crap will be transferred into another case, so that PS can be used to replace the Apevia PS that it is using now. (then I can use the Apenia as a paperweight, or target practice, depending on the state of my liver)

  15. Shipping does seem a little bit high, but if that 2-3 day claim is right, not too bad. I have a brother who lives in St. Croix, and every year I send him a "Cincinnati chili gift pack" for Christmas, for grins I tracked the last one I sent. It went from Cincinnati to Jacksonville Fla., to Puerto Rico, where it spent (presumably) TWO fun filled days, then it shipped back to Florida, and from there to St. Croix. Total travel time of seven days!


    Regarding your power supply, you mentioned that you upgraded it in the past. As long as it's 300watts, you should be OK for a bit. IMHO, no one should ever skimp on a PS, you get what you pay for, and what you pay for is stable power and longevity. Plan on replacing it soon with a quality one, it's worth the money. Your local Best Buy should have some on hand, look for an Antec, Corsair, Evga, or Seasonic brand, expect to pay $40-$60 on it. For now, don't sweat it, but definitely do plan on replacing it as soon as you can.

  16. How about the ship deck in Down by the riverside in 1080p?

    Ok, tested, no problems at all! Looks great, the ripple effects in the water are awesome! Funny thing though, fps on deck is 9-11fps but no stutter at all, my laptop with everything set to very, very low would often turn into a slideshow. I will have to set it up and check fps on it, never bothered to before. (is it possible to have negative fps?) I have been running PD3 to tune my settings, with fps reporting on, I would get 30+ fps indoors, 18 to 20 fps outdoors. I finally turned fps off and just played around with what played well and looked good, but I did keep a log of fps on each new adjustment. I would have assumed that any fps below 30 would have played horrible, but even 8 or 9 fps seems (not seems, it is smooth) to run very smooth. Could FPS be the "horsepower" of the gaming world? My final (for now, may need to tweak for different maps?) settings are :

    1920x1080@60hz, V Sync ON, AA-8x, AF-4x, Amb. Rend.-Enhanced, Int. Shader-Enhanced, Post Proc.-Enabled-Slider to far left, LOD-Better, had to set the resolution in my .cfg file as well as seta r_mode (or something) to -1 to make maps/menus nice and clear. I did get this warning on screen when first starting this mission, have never seen this before - "ASS-RAT is out of date", do I need to see a proctologist?

  17. demagogue, Patently Dangerous was already on my (very) short list of favorite fms, the only difference is now I can enjoy it in all it's graphic glory! I keep an old school list (on paper, with ink, 'cause I'm old) of maps that I love, and would replay when I got the chance to enjoy with proper hardware. The difference between what I was playing before and now is such that every map seems new to me, playing with every setting on low/disabled compared to med./high/enabled makes every map seem like it's new, BCD is a GREAT mission, no doubt, but P. Dangerous is also great in it's own way. My only question would be, where is your next installment? Get on the ball, you lazy bastard! (kidding, of course)

  18. How about the ship deck in Down by the riverside in 1080p?

    Well, I just finished doing some hardcore mods to the card. I dug up an old 40mm fan and screwed it into the fins on the card, so it should kick ass now! Also, I added two 140mm fans to the case, unfortunately they had led's in them, so now I have to pull them out and wrap electrical tape around the bulbs. I will load up Down by the Riverside (in a van) and see how it runs, will let you know how it runs! On a serious note, thanks for your time and effort helping me out!

  19. Yeah, after doing some research, it would appear that the card should be fine, don't know why I was concerned. As for the cost of the piano, good point!, I will look into the price of an Acme safe ala Roadrunner. @ demagogue, this gtx 720 runs TDM so well that I am not even in a rush to replace it! Once I turned off fps reporting and just stuck to settings I could live with performance wise, I was amazed at how great it looks! ( btw, Patently Dangerous is up next, after Behind Closed Doors!) Thanks for all your help!

  20. That's a bummer Taquito, have you tried contacting them? (amazon seller) I have never bought anything from amazon, but it seems like someone could give you a better idea of how long you would have to wait before they restock. I am planning on getting the same card, my local microcenter had 10+ Asus 1050ti's on friday, today they have just one left! A week or so ago, same deal, they had a good stock, then sold out. At least it seems they are trying to keep a good supply of them, and I would assume most sellers on amazon would do the same. A year or so ago, I ordered a shit ton of car parts online and received a similar message about one single part, of which I had ordered four. I went all old-school and called their 800 number, talked to a real human and in 5 minutes was told to ignore the e-mail, all the parts would be shipping together. You never know, sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Fingers crossed you can source one somewhere soon.


    p.s.@ Bikerdude, doesn't the 1060 require a separate power connection? his PS may not be up to the task.

  21. 1. I wasn't very clear here, my worry is under load, will the card try to draw more power? That rating is for MAX wattage the card would ever draw? I'm imagining the motherboard exploding into a fantastic display of fireworks, but I have a very vivid imagination!

    2. Gotcha, the Zen CPU, if priced the way AMD usually goes, might be a return to the days when a cheapskate like me could build a competitive machine with a substantial savings. The last time I built anything even close to state-of-the-art was a Phenom II rig to play Farcry. It did the job very well, but just a few years later it was way too under powered to handle Crysis on high settings. As far as waiting goes, who knows? A year and a half ago, I was all set to build a somewhat decent system, but my mother fell down a flight of stairs and broke her pelvis. My co-pays amounted to over $6000, so no new toys for me! (lesson learned - next time I push her down the stairs, I'll follow it up with a piano to finish the job!) Barring anymore similar disasters, I should be able to swing a higher end i5 or lower spec i7 sometime this coming spring. Thanks!


    ***off to fantasy shop for CPU/MB combos***

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