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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. Assassins Creed is a phenomenal series. I even loved the ones that sucked!! However, the stealth elements just lead up to the kills that are required to complete missions. There is no way around it as you are an "assassin" by trade. It's not a pure stealth game tho crouching around in the bushes behind unsuspecting guards and dropping from open ropes is very much fun. Highly recommended series.

  2. There may be a compromise here... I've seen some games that have a universal storage stash option. A.k.a. a few secret loot stash lockers (could be literal lockers or secret hiding places in walls or floorboards or ceilings) littered about the map solely for the purpose of depositing all your loot to free up weight space, but the loot lockers all contain the same inventory you've picked up along the way, yet don't count towards your weight. And conveniently enough there is one final loot locker at the near the exit of your mission, or just make the loot locker contents count towards the loot objective. That way you have all the loot you've encountered, yet have the realism of loot weight in your game.

  3. Really fun mission! Loved all the hidden rooms and layout of the shop/museum. if there was one complaint it was what some have said, too many lockpick tries. One or two picks would have been enough without taking anything away from the game. I didn't really mind guards carrying lanterns inside where candles only have so much luminescence, and it seemed realistic that in the Thief universe, portable electric lights aren't a thing, and guards would need lanterns to illuminate dark areas of floors, not to mention the guards could have rotating shifts indoors and outdoors, so that's OK. I hope you make more missions.

  4. I am playing the demo too and I like it. It plays a little differently than thief. It's crude and rough around the edges with some clipping errors (I was able to pick up and push a barrel through a solid wall). And it has save points rather than a save anytime feature. I think the world environment looks more like thief than the actual gameplay, but it is pretty similar. It's worth a look.

  5. I've been doing this same thing for about 20-25 years with the SETI@home search for extraterrestrial life project. There was only that available at the time but now there's projects for everything to choose from. Now with multiple CPU cores everywhere there are plenty of extra CPU cycles to donate to science than there used to be back in the single core days when it was much more noticeable.

  6. me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! me! 


  7. The Wiki needs to reflect accuracy, knowledge, and the tone and style of the game that the talented devs, modders, and trusted contributors in this forum prefer.

    TDM is their baby for all of us to enjoy and they can protect it and limit it and grow it and nurture it as they wish.


    • Like 1
  8. That's why Atheism is so great. No need to defend or believe any of the 4000 currently existing religions on Earth, or try to pretend none of their sexism, slavery, prejudice, murder, side-picking, self-suffering, punishments by death, and forced faith ultimatums, actually don't exist when all of them are crystal clear about it (just hush hushed and never discussed).

    • Like 2
  9. The Bridge was clever but just OK for me. Still worth a free look. I think it starts out with the promise of another Braid-ish game but never quite gets there.

    If you are into Escher-type games, Manifold Garden (as was Braid) was really really amazing.


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  10. If you have a 64bit Windows OS you already have KPP enabled by default. 32bit doesn't get this benefit. KPP is always a benefit to prevent rootkits, but that's only if they actually get that far. Place up some perimeter hardware and local software protection and you'll have some nuisance intrusions but you'll do just fine keeping most bad stuff out. Keep a decent AV/AS/AM protector on. This thread is pretty old in advice on what to use, but lately the better ones have consistently been Malwarebytes, Superantispyware, Vipre, Bitdefender, Sophis, Windows Security (built in). You can also add some ransomware monitoring like OSarmor and Acronis Ransomware Protection. Can't hurt. Also get a VPN for your more "sensitive" sites.

    Also PCs are so powerful today and with multicores the system isn't bogged down so much like they used to be, except only for active drive scanning and email monitoring.

    And some guy before mentioned the best protection is education. There is no greater truth than that. You can load up with all the protections possible but if you visit random sites by link hopping, you're still in worse shape than someone who has no active protection and only reads news and sports sites.


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  11. I did wind up playing this game a few months back (using a PC with keyboard) and it was extremely fun play and a compelling story line. The depth and dependency shared by the characters made it a care-for-others kind of game, which is nice and different. I felt the boss fights can be a bit tough but through replay and persistence, achievable. Great game in the castle/magical/monsters period of fantasy games.


  12. So an older (1999) game that comes to mind that maybe maybe have not played that has a ton of steampunk elements within is......

    Shadow Man

    It's quite a bit older and can be pixelated but make sure you get the new texture pack mods that some have added to the original game. Makes it a lot better and the game is still fun and has nice wrapping level design and just about the creepiest monsters around.

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  13. So I saw this show being advertised, and I somewhat enjoyed a couple Witcher games back in the day, so my question is this... with the show metacritic reviews hovering around 50%, what do you all think? Is it worth checking out or is a total passable mess?


  14. I finally finished the mission and enjoyed the level, tho it made me feel cold walking around the snow and seeing cloud breath from the guards.

    I had no big issues in a single playthru. Got all the quests. A couple oddities:


    1. I collected 5 cookies but never found a need for any of these, Did they have a purpose?
    2. I also, along with someone else here, had trouble with the hidden quest to kill the spiders. I like to sneak around and not kill anything in my TDM games, so this was unclear as to do this, as I also thought I was supposed to use the fire arrows on some pipes somewhere.
    3. The genie bottle was really bitchen! This takes TDM to another level for design. Imagine what ideas can be done with miniaturization and gigantism.


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