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Posts posted by Kurshok

  1. And as much as I hate Muhammad as one of the worlds most evil men, it is unfortunate that Xi Jinping is still alive right now, with North korea as his little lapdog! Not to mention how China has basically bribed most other Islamic countries into silencing outcry against the Uyghur genocide, showing that the supposed divine Islamic "ummah" that all Islamic nations should unite is bullshit. I may just be ranting and getting my negative feelings towards both idiots in this posting contest off my chest, but dammit, I hate Xi Jinping for making me have to come to the verbal aid of a group who praise one of the few people on history who I honestly believe was worse than Hitler.

  2. I will admit to being emotional about it, and being vulgar. But I'm emotional because I care about the well being of people who are victimized by Islam, along with caring about protecting the rights and freedoms that Islam despises. And I'm vulgar because nothing else seems to get through people's numbers psyches, numbed by the nonstop news of terrorist attacks and whining by Islamic apologists who make the same broken argument based on lies each time that Islam isn't at fault for Islamic terrorism that directly is inspired by Quran verses instructed by Muhammad himself. It's like slamming your head against a brick wall with how people are willing to let Islam rape the world without a moderate pushback. And by "moderate pushback", I mean stricter immigration on Islamic countries based on whether they view sharia as overruling democracy or if they are apostates seeking to escape the death sentence for leaving islam, on setting up laws that further protect the freedoms we have as a democracy from the threat of violent theocracy and tackle domestic abuse in the homes of Islamic families that can result in honor killings and selling off underaged american muslim children to be married to old men overseas. Something needs to be done to tell Islam, "enough is enough", WITHOUT resorting to the horrors that China is doing, without murdering babies and shooting those who try to flee slave labor camps, without sterilizing people and torturing them physically and mentally! If they really wanted to reeducate them, they should have told them the truth that Muhammad was a pervert, a murderer, a warlord, a liar who didn't know the Earth wasn't flat. But instead, these Chinese Communist scumbags raped their women, murdered their children, tortured them! They're only going to sink deeper into extremism now!

  3. Furthermore, one doesn't have to look far to find faux-moderates. Check the comments sections of news videos on YouTube and you will find endless comments by english-writing pro-Sharia individuals who defend the murder of the English teacher, who claim that they know more about freedom of speech and licente than France, its founder, who laugh at the mourning and who call for more violence against those who "dare" to mock or show caricature of that fucking pedophiliac warlord cunt Muhammad. Well, I refuse to be cowed, victimized, or mistreated by a backwards, kidfucking cult whose founder made out with his aunt's corpse, who diddled a child, who owned 17 sex slaves and called women idiots who deserved to be treated like cattle and forced to wear idiotic burqas! I refuse to respect some long-dead asshole who claimed the world was flat, who slaughtered and mistreated Jews and Christian's, polytheists and atheists alike! Respect is a 2 way street, and Islam has no respect for anyone else, so fuck Islam. Individual muslims can be good individuals, but on the whole Islam is a fucking cancer that needs to be combated against via application of separation of religion and state, the boycotting of their theocracies, and the finding of alternative fuel sources to destroy their energy market cornerstone. And if you don't like the fact I call out Muhammad as such a piece of shit, or call out Islamic culture as a whole as mostly a bunch of pieces of shit and brainwashed or cowed into silence individuals? Too bad!

  4. And I agree that muslims should be welcome here... if they are moderate, and that includes having to live by the rules of freedom of speech and religion, which includes the right to not believe the same things they believe, to leave Islam without fear of death, and the right to criticize Muhammad and Islam for very real faults they both have.

  5. I don't condone what China is doing to the Uighurs. But I am saying, that the uighurs should have known better than to continually harass China and not expect some sort of retaliation, for China, which has shown itself to be an authoritarian dystopia, to behave like the West and try to be merciful towards those trying to pick a fight. It's evil vs evil when Islam goes up against a Communist Dictatorship, although I wish the children of the Uighurs were not killed or sterilized, just like I wish victims of Islamic extremism among critics of Muhammad and apostates from Islam weren't targeted and murdered by Islamic groups.

  6. Once again, things got worse. A teacher showed the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Muhammad in class. One of his muslim students tweeted them to a jihadist gang operating in the area and they stabbed him multiple times in the head and sliced his head off whilst screaming "Allah Ackbar". French President Emmanuel Macron grew a pair of fucking balls and called out the Islamic community being in crisis with extremism, and instead of looking inwards at their own community's problems, the followers of the pedophile warlord who raped a child and owned 17 sex slaves and once slaughtered between 500-800 Jews in a day decided the problem must be France and Macron for refusing to give up their freedom of criticism of religion, and this resulted in multiple calls for a French boycott in the shitpile known as the Islamic umma, along with a terrorist attack at a church a week later. Then, the pussywhipped Islamic apologists in the western media who claim to be liberal yet are willing to sell out our founding ideals of democracy and freedom (I myself still lean left and voted Biden, despite him idiotically defending Momo the Pedo, as Trump somehow managed to be worse), are attempting character assassination on Macron, which Macron called out as attempting to legitimize the violent riots the idiot abduls threw in the streets. Again, I don't support the killing of Muslim babies or sterilizing people, but seeing as to how brutal China already is to its enemies, I'm understanding how the Uyghurs got themselves into this predicament, by jabbing a sleeping, wrathful titan. And soon enough, the Islamic community in Europe might end up causing their own deportation if they don't smarten up.

  7. I was feeling nostalgic and remembered that as a kid, I had a copy of the first Halo game as a Novel "Combat Evolved", and my school had the two Doom 3 novels in the library. I thus wanted to know, what games would you have loved to have been made into novels? For me, Thief 1 through 3 for sure, with Half Life and Duke Nukem/Serious Sam as well, but also I would have loved a book about some mods as their own stories as well, like They Hunger.

  8. I must ask, has anyone here ever thought of their own original game in the same vein as Serious Sam/Doom/Duke Nukem/Halo/Half Life, with a badass with power armor and/or a shitton of guns fighting aliens/demons/zombies/robots/etc? I'd like to see one especially in the "badass 90s shooter hero" vein as Duke/Sam/Doomguy.

  9. I like the lighting and enemy types of Doom 3, as well as the engine. No wonder the Dark Mod originally used its engine. It reminds me of the night time level for the Duke Nukem Forever DLC, which in my opinion was great at conveying an atmospheric night-time environment.

  10. Doom 3 was awesome. I know a lot of people prefer Doom 2016 and Eternal's gritty fast-action slaughter, and I am a fan of it, but a large part of me wishes they had continued on with Doom as a horror game. Many of the Doom 3 mods look amazing, and the 3 official campaigns are great. I always wanted a mod gor Skyrim to turn dragons into Maledicts.

  11. 4 hours ago, revelator said:

    The problem with communism is not that it is evil but that it is far to easy for some ruthless people to exploit (see above examples).

    Democrazy (not a typo :P) also has its flaws and while i myself a subscribe to it i cant overlook its shortcommings which have been made all the more visible in the later years.

    Liberalism well the idea sounds sympatic but has the same flaw as communism it is to easy for people with no consience to turn it into a stinking pile of crap where liberty is only for the wealthy.

    We need an upgrade PRONTO!.

    In all honesty it is time for some change, the world as it is is fragile and we stomp about on it as giants on an anthill.

    Warning number one has allready landed way before corona, but we dont seem to get the message.

    I wish the people in power would do more to stand up against authoritarians and stand up for the little guy. In some ways the world gets better over time, but it seems the same well-known repeat offenders of human rights still get away to repeat their crimes again and again. Radical Islamic religious leaders, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, I wish someone would just fund their own secular "terrorist" group to have them all fucking assassinated, and the U.N. could handle the power vacuum.

  12. 9 hours ago, Anderson said:

    Dissenting illegal migrants are overlooked. "Exporting" democracy is unrealistic against a nuclear power. Merely reporting on Uyghurs without accepting more refugees is nothing more than a propaganda political stunt. Nothing in common with human rights. Too bad Western countries adopted the "ostrich head in the sand" approach when it comes to immigrant policies. American and Australian policies are particularly evil.

    Evil prevails.

    Not for long, at least depending on the results of the 2020 election.

  13. 48 minutes ago, LDAsh said:

    Well that sounds lovely Kurshok, but, how practical do you think that is?  The problems with the CCP really is a problem with broader Chinese culture, unfortunately.


    What I'm talking about isn't as radical as it is practical.  It's terrible, but letting them conquer Taiwan and setting the stage for complete domination of the pacific and the entire hemisphere is much much worse.  Half the planet today, the rest of the planet tomorrow.


    If you don't want to take a stand, and you have any children, all I can say is - now might be a good time to begin them on lessons in Mandarin, so in the future they will be able to understand the orders given by their masters.  If you think that's an exaggeration, you haven't been following history.

    America and Taiwan are allies. We won't abandon them.

  14. 1 hour ago, LDAsh said:

    I agree it's going too far, but in this case it's not a simple matter of assassinating one or two old toads.  The brainwashing has run wide, deep and for a very very long time.  Something outrageously dramatic is needed and perhaps some (or much) collateral damage is justified, to turn the entire "empire" completely on its head.

    If you want to talk about the dead bodies of 'civvies', well, China is a great place to start.  These bureaucrats have the least regard for the value of human life.  ALL life, except theirs.

    Just to clarify - I have been living in Hong Kong for years now and care deeply about these people, and this is still my stance on the issue.


    Don't let the CCP make you TOO radical on the issue. They'd love to use "pro-nuking China treasonous dogs" as a way to justify Hong Kong oppression. It's best to just off the "old toads" and instill a moderate into the party head who will let Hong Kong secede and stop the genocide.

  15. 11 hours ago, LDAsh said:

    I'm increasingly of the opinion that Beijing needs a nuke or two dropped on it, before it drags this entire planet (in its outright delusional attempt to control it) into war, depression, and worse...


    I wish I was joking.

    I think that's a little too far. Simply killing the heads of the CCP would suffice. No need to start slaughtering civvies.

  16. Although I am somewhat apprehensive of Islam due to its founders immoral behavior and some rather backwards beliefs, the treatment of the Uyghurs by the Chinese has been horrendous, including forced sterilization, murder of newborns and forced abortions, and slave labor. It also doesn't help Disney's live-action Mulan actively gave props to a concentration camp director in the credits of the film. So what I'm asking is, does anybody have any ideas for how we can help the Uyghurs? I know a bit of 4chan lingo, despite leaning left, does anybody else have any ideas we can pool together to get some "weaponized autism" flowing?

  17. 9 hours ago, Carnage said:

    Looking forward to this one. They are going to release an editor shortly after release as well, so it will be interesting to see what the community comes up with. Just read an interesting interview with Thomas Grip on Moddb:



    Maybe we'll get fantasy-horror creations like Thief's more scary levels over the series, like Shalebridge Cradle and Haunted Cathedral.

  18. I'll also admit, there is hope that Islamic nations can become secular with freedom of speech and expression. Sudan just a few weeks ago declared itself no longer having Islam as "State Religion". Moderates DO exist, and the March of Progress and Time goes ever onwards, and with Israel and the UAE now having a formal peace treaty of a sorts, and with rebellious feelings of leaving Islam growing in UAE's rival of Iran, maybe when I'm an old man I'll see a world where Theocracies with the right to murder you for disbelief are a thing of the past.

  19. 3 hours ago, cabalistic said:

    Source, please. I regularly hear these stories circulated about some arrest in some western country for speaking against Islam, and so far not a single one has turned out to be 

    https://www.bitchute.com/video/KLnBh7e2YEo/ Okay, it's actually a woman. I'm not fully acquainted with the full list of Middle Eastern names, so Hatun Tash sounded male to me. And it may not be so much an arrest as the police escorting her out whilst allowing an angry mob of non-moderate muslims to harass her whilst she leaves without any fallout. But still, allowing a mob of religious fanatics to censor a critic of their religion for tellingthe very real, very indefensible actions Muhammad took in his years starting Islam up, including sex with his dead aunt and molesting a minor?

  20. On another topic, I do have a moderate muslim friend who is a girl who doesn't wear a veil, whose mother is Christian and who I actually like a lot. I don't see her as a terrorist or a bad person, although I am confused as to why she chooses to stay in Islam and go to Saudi Arabia to visit her Dad's side of the family, but I guess that she's willing to compromise and wear a veil whilst there in order to see her family safely. She said Islam just "made more sense than Christianity" and even if I don't agree, I guess I respect her enough not to push the issue. I guess there really is a movement of moderate Islam being formed in America.

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