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Everything posted by x0nic

  1. Hey folks, I am looking to call a certain script in my map.script-file repeatedly while lockpicking a door. The goal is to check if any guards (which are spawning as "neutral") are able to see me lockpicking, and change their relation to the player accordingly. Like this: void witnessCheck(string entity_name) { ai theAI = sys.getEntity(entity_name); if(theAI.canSeeExt($player1, 1, 1)) { sys.println(theAI.getName() + " has witnessed a crime!"); theAI.lookAt($player1, 3); theAI.setEntityRelation($player1, -1); // theAI is now hostile } else { sys.println(theAI.getName() + " didn't see anything suspicious."); } } void crime_lockpick() { sys.println("You commited a crime! Check for witnesses..."); // call one check for each guard entity on the map witnessCheck("atdm_ai_citywatch_1"); // .... } with crime_lockpick() being called repeatedly while lockpicking. (It's a simplified version of the code suggested in https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=AI_Ignore_Player ) A frob-response of the door entity with a "run script"-effect is only called once, and I see no way of telling the script if the player is currently lockpicking or not, hence missing the break condition for any while-loop. Furthermore, there's no distinction between frobbing/opening an unlocked door and lockpicking a locked one using this method. Sadly, the get-method in void getDoorStatus(entity door) { if(door.getBoolKey("locked")) sys.println("This door is locked."); else sys.println("This door is unlocked."); } always returned 0. A used_action_script as described in https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Tool,_Key,_custom_used_by_inventory_actions would be neat (calling the func every frame in respect of the used inventory item, i.e. a lockpick), but doesn't work on doors apparently. I wasn't able to wrap my head around the whole door mechanics yet, and obviously lack knowledge of idtech4 in general. Thus, I hope that any experienced DarkRadiant user might point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance have a good one
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