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Posts posted by Komag

  1. That can sometimes be very tricky. So much depends on which exact textures and the angles of the bevels and nearby brushes. Often a "MMB copy" on a nearby brush's flat surface and then a "Shift-MMB paste" onto the patch will give good results, depending on the surface plane/angle of the brush and the patch. Then, for the finest control (such as when parts are still wrongly stretched or distorted), you will want to learn the "texture tool" and drag around the verticies to see how they affect the texture layout on the patch. For this I recommend placing the texture tool window off to the side of the 3D window so you can see in real time how it is affected.

  2. No way man! It's the first Dark Mod mission, and now it will never be playable again! Not too many people are likely to do a whole separate install just to try one little mission, so they'll just miss it. But it's up to Fidcal how he wants to spend his limited time, and yes there's a good case for just moving on, but I think it would be sad not to update it to work as another FM

  3. I believe it curves according to the last view you were looking in, so use the XY view (or switch the view to XY), then make the patch (or maybe you'll need to be in another view, but you get the point)


    ...but even if it starts the wrong way you can also always just turn/rotate/flip/etc the patch and then adjust it's size and vertex points

  4. The fact that you had concluded that the mod doesn't run on 64 bit systems just because you couldn't get it to work on yours is telling of your general attitude ("no chance it's my failure, so it must be that those idiots who made the mod were stupid and failed to support 64 bit systems!").


    But, to be fair, I know it can really suck when you spend time trying something out only to feel like your time was wasted and you don't get any good results, so understandably you were pretty frustrated about it all. Probably it can be solved though, and it really is worth it because the mod is amazing!

  5. You will definitely have to rethink your overall approach. In some circumstances the old Dromed way appears easier, but you'll find that building with DR is so FLEXIBLE that you'll never want to go back. Yes, building a single room in Dromed is as simple as putting one air brush and you're done, but the tools and limited angles and stuff you can do in Dromed I now find extremely stifling compared to the great freedom I feel with DR.


    My first overall advice is to practice with patches, a lot! You can get pretty quick as using them for your above situations, and then when you see the power you wield with them and how you can bend them almost ANY way you want, you'll start to get excited about what to build with them. (You're on the right track with the pipe-in-wall)


    I also use the clipper tool A LOT. for the doorway example, I personally would just chop the two vertical cuts, then unselect everything and select only the center section and move the bottom up, opening it for a doorway. I can do this so fast now it's nearly faster than placing an air brush in Dromed. And then if I want I can manipulate the corners and change the angles or whatever I want.


    I plan to make some videos (hopefully soon) showing simple quick building techniques like this :)

  6. I have already re-created some very large swaths of the City from various original Thief missions and knit them together to form a HUGE city area, but it's very plain and basic, just using the original squared off building shapes directly translated from Dromed. It IS indeed extremely huge and somewhat cool to run around in.


    I used it for some testing purposes (run speeds and timing comparisons between the engines to help us set movement speeds, and also to test how large an area can be constructed, lit, path-finding over long distances, etc), but I don't ever plan on making a real mission out of it all.


    Here's what I combined into a single huge city area map:


    - Lord Bafford's Manor

    - Assassins

    - Undercover

    - Song of the Caverns

    - The Haunted Cathedral

    - Return to Cathedral

    - (plus the Stonemarket/St Edgars section from TDS)


    Maybe someday I'll work on it some more as a hobby and post so videos or something ;)


    here's a mile-high bird's eye shot of the area, a huge 4000x3000 pic:


    the black walls all over are basically section blockers so I can vis-portal the area for performance and engine handling purposes. And, as you can see, some sections are really just rough outlines at this point.

  7. I also play very few games any more. I really loved Gothic 1 and 2 though, and am itching to try Risen (released last week). I greatly enjoyed Mass Effect (being a sci-fi nerd how could I not!), but I understand it's not for everyone.

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