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Posts posted by Komag

  1. I fully agree, new is better. This was just a pet project to help me get my head around The Sword. Even if you open it in Dromed you still can't see it all or really get a sense of its structure.


    But this old project is not really what Dark Mod is all about - this is just old low poly stuff, but the precise recreation work-flow is very slow and takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r, so it's just not worth it

  2. Since I believe that "The Sword" is the most complex 3D level/space ever designed for any game, a couple years back I decided to have a crack at recreating it entirely within Dark Mod. I figured I'd also add "Escape" and see if they fit (or make them fit) as well.


    Through last year I got the mansion maybe 1/3 to 1/2 done, but never really got to the most interesting/weird parts, so that's a bit disappointing. But here are a few shots of the rough block-outline start I made at that time:


    http://www.shadowdarkkeep.com/files/KomagSword.zip (7MB, 24 pictures)


    Here are a few of the shots:


    Beginning area



    2nd floor hallway west



    2nd floor central stair area






    Gardens section



    2nd floor hallway east



    Altar room (scene of the EYE removal)



    Greenhouse area



    Above greenhouse "hidden" area


  3. Actually there's TONS of pop-up/fade-in going on there - you can see cars fade in at only about one block away, street lamps only light below themselves about two lamps out, a whole fence just appears out of nowhere at about 3:04, etc etc etc. So it's the same as any other game, LOD and pop-up/fade-in optimizations. I agree that it's done somewhat well I suppose, but one of my pet peeves is pop-up.


    I would far prefer lesser polygon/detail combined with further out pop-up or virtually no-pop up. Basically, my personal tolerance for pop-up is much lower than the average gamer audience that designers are making games for, whereas my tolerance for lower polygon and other details is higher.

  4. It looks pretty cool, I'll probably try it out.


    Am I right to assume that when a monster is "vanquished" the red mist is some sort of magical myst vapor, NOT blood and guts, right? Because it certainly could only pass for the former :)

  5. Holy crap, that's EXACTLY the house in "Rose Cottage", detail for detail!


    Here it is again:




    Here's another site with it



    "From EuroDisneyLand - Paris"



    ...and here it is - it's the "Phantom Manor"




    and now I have to say that Saturnine's recreation of it is impressive work!

  6. It's possible some huge improvements could be coded and then would require a separate "branch", so that any missions made with the new features would require users to have that version of the Dark Mod. It's possible some changes would be extremely awesome but would break old missions, so what I mean overall is that there would then be two different versions of TDM, the "original" one, with a few upgrades and tweaks that DON'T break any old missions, and a separate version with drastic new features that break old missions but open up amazing possibilities.


    That's one way it could go. There are major downsides to branching like that, but it MIGHT be worth it if the upgrades/improvements are drastic enough.


    Or there could come a time when the team integrates some major drastic improvements and "evolves" TDM into a newer beast that can't play older missions, and the older TDM would only be maintained simply as a way to play the older missions but no longer as the main offering.

  7. But if we go back to the numbers:

    Air - 1300

    Hydrogen - 90

    vacuum - 0


    The difference between Hydrogen and vacuum is only about 7% increase in lift, not such a big deal. If the main point is to make it safe from fiery explosion, I guess that's another matter, but Helium is right around 180, so it's just another 7% worse but completely safe already.

  8. Purah's CoSaS mission hasn't been a secret - it was finished something like 2002 - I've seen it and played it some, crazy crazy cool stuff in that one. But with how CoSaS is doing things "lately", it will most likely get 100% reworked - new textures, tons and tons of new other stuff, etc. We'll have a finished CoSaS by about 2025 or so

  9. If your screen native res is actually 1366x768 (which is likely) then the 1080p will indeed be better for you, because 720p is only 1280x720 and that gets scaled up to 1366x768 which is slightly nasty, whereas having 1920x1080 scaled DOWN to 1366x768 will look much better.

  10. Yeah, the mirrors are too big and I can't position them much closer. But it still works like that, it's just more like you are holding something very close to your face, thus the right and left eye are seeing significant differences. It would probably work better with those mirrors if I shot something farther away, like across the room, so the difference would be smaller

  11. I cut up some rubber balls, set up the mirrors, and tested a picture!








    And here is the final image (with the left and right side switched) that you can cross your eyes at:






    I hope to try a small video, not sure if it can work well though

  12. There are some voice over bits available to use ingame...random little comments, but nobody has used them yet to my knowledge. I'm going to record more when the guy who did the player voice for me is around again. It's also possible that I forgot to upload them. I'll have to double check, because Brodie and I did record quite a few random player comments. It might be that I didn't have them all processed in time for a release and since forgot about them. Eeek.


    There was a moment in Glenham Tower where I tried to use the old busted machine and it broke apart and the thief said something like "hmm" and I just LOLed because it was so perfect for the moment, the wry consternation :)

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