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Something Hank

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Posts posted by Something Hank

  1. 10 minutes ago, Filizitas said:

    I would love to be wrong you know... in this case. Give me ammunition. But i am not going to attack a developer for things that i cant proof. Evidence or it didnt happen.

    Dude, I get it. I lose.

    EDIT: That was snappy of me, sorry. Rough day, I misread.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Filizitas said:

    Yes but everyone can do this...

    You have no clear evidence here. 

    Y'know what, could've sworn I've seen tweets of New Blood using exactly those links for advertising, but. Couldn't find them on a search.

    Seems I'm wrong. Your win.

  3. 3 hours ago, AluminumHaste said:

    Some textures are listed as no shadows, so if you apply that to a brush, it won't block light, something to keep in mind.

    If you see a texture that ends in _ns or noshadows, don't use it.



    OHP, that was EXACTLY it. I was using blocks_brown_ns as my default brushing texture. Thank you very much! Thank god that was a simple error.

  4. 5 hours ago, datiswous said:

    There is this video from Sotha, where he advices the oposite (if I understand correctly):


    You can just group them and then they move and copy together. With the (possible) benifit that you can always ungroup them and alter them independedly, if needed.

    Light and model seperately will *probably* be my preference going forward, as it allows me to customize the lights reach and shadow VS the model a lot more fine tunedly. I'm just aware it'll be more work. Currently, I have a lantern that casts light just barely everywhere in its room, EXCEPT the ceiling. Which I achieved by jankily shoving a china bowl into the model, and I love the janky solution enough to keep that one.


    Also, do YOU by chance know what causes light to bleed through brushes?


    As it is now the level isn't even near complete so I don't gotta worry much about this YET, but I've got this issue kinda all over the place and wanna nix it in the bud.

  5. If I'm correct, the Stealth Score is almost entirely dependent on how many times you and your actions were actually spotted. The lowest level of alertness doesn't seem to affect the end level score, probably just to still ALLOW you do interact with mechanics without scuffing your score.


    It doesn't account for ghosting and the like that I've seen, so play as you wish. Or if you want to ghost, it'll need to be self-imposed.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Filizitas said:

    I too am in the very critical train for gloomwood... but i have to defend them here by stating: The title "Thief with guns" and the Website, were not made by a developer but a fan.

    Be careful.

    www.thiefwithguns.com directly links to the games steam page. Same thing happens with devilmayquake.com to ULTRAKILL. New Blood definitely does it.

  7. "Thief With Guns" is honestly not a good descriptor I find, after having played them back to back. Gloomwood leans half-and-half into immersive stealth AND survival horror. The games aren't very comparable past its stealth elements.

    It's the same problem with calling ULTRAKILL "Doom Eternal on a budget". I'm really tiring of these game comparisons that don't actually describe a game well at all. But if it's good advertising... oh well.

    • Like 3
  8. On 10/8/2022 at 8:28 AM, Obsttorte said:

    There is no need to create light source and model seperately. You can easely tweak the light on combined entities, and having two seperate entities serving one purpose is a guarantee for additional work and errors. If you shift the light, you have to shift both entities, if you want to create a copy of the light, you have to copy both etc...

    You should really not get used to this kind of workflow. Create lights via the create entity menu.

    Didn't occur to me to click an entity and press L. I might well be a moron tbh.


    Ah well. Thank you, least I understand no shadowing for the future.


    EDIT: Well new problem regarding light.

    It's just bare brushwork and shit right now, but how do I stop light leaking across brushes like this?



  9. 5 hours ago, Dragofer said:

    Another definition is that a spawnarg is a property you set on an entity like a lamp, an AI or a crate: how much health it has, what sounds it makes, whether it casts shadows (not all entities support all spawnargs). The easiest way is to set it directly on an entity in DarkRadiant. They can also be set in .def files, which is useful if you want to create a new type of entity instead of tweaking existing ones.

    Anyway, you should definitely follow a video tutorial:


    Ayy, I just got through that tutorial series yesterday actually. One of the better tutorials I've come across.

  10. 3 hours ago, HMart said:

    "spawnarg" is just spawn argument, is a variable you write inside a object definition (the .def files) that gets used at spawn time, to do many things, they are both accessible by the script language and c++. Hope this clears some things.


    Next to no sense to me, but I'll make sense of it in due time. I am currenlty FUMBLING, my guy.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Frost_Salamander said:

    If you don't want the lamp to cast shadows, set the spawnarg 'noshadows' to '1' on the lamp model.  If you don't want that light to cast shadows on anything, set it on the light itself.

    Thaaank you bub. I figured it'd be something that simple, just couldn't find a result for the life of me.

  12. Yeah I'm just gonna start posting in here otherwise I'ma make seventy thousand topics.


    Current issue: I've placed a hanging lamp model in an area, and then put in a Create Light, cause I wanna customize the light strength and color.

    Problem is that I don't want the light playing really funny shadows with the lantern ITSELF on the ceiling or the ground. I essentially want to mark the lamp itself as "do not cast shadows" so that it can just light the area in an expected box, and I know it must be possible cause many prefabs/light entities do exactly this.

    I just can't find out how to do so, and google and wikis are struggling. Any help?

  13. The truth is that I LOVE to ghost. And I will abuse saves when they're given to me. For sure.


    But... I really want to get out of this habit, and I think games should begin enforcing save limits. At least games like this. So many fantastic stealth games have entire WEALTHS of systems dedicated to what to do IF things go wrong. Metal Gear Solid, Hitman, and even Thief/The Dark Mod's own guards tendency to become permanently more alert when they've noticed you did something sketchy.

    A stealth-ish game that's doing this well actually is Gloomwood. You have forcibly limited saves in that game, so when something DOES go wrong, you're even naturally inclined to use your resources to solve the problem. Because failure mean a significant loss of time. Now mind you Gloomwood isn't a PERFECT example because it's leading equally into survival horror as well as stealth, so fighting is expected. But it is a good show of how limited saves actually cause the player to interact with systems of a game they'd otherwise just go "Uugh. I got seen. Reload save" about.

  14. So I'm getting into mapping, and naturally I gravitated right towards a couple Youtube people. I firstly watched the tutorials from Nico Autia cause those were the first I found, and those ended up teaching me some of the more basic useful controls in advance. But I encountered a problem, and went to look for other tutorials to check their approach, and I was gradually lead to Springheel's much more indepth workshop series.

    Springheel starting with modules and prefabs for his rooms has definitely been useful for teaching me how to USE those features - I have a tester map I've been using his stuff in - but for actual map-making, I don't rather like the prefab and modules approach to start with.

    On my actual first map I'm trying to work with, I've been using the idea of VERY roughly outlining the level layout with sloppy brushwork, to get a feel for where everything should go and how the place should flow. Ideally, I've set myself up with very primitive versions of what the level should look like, when I begin decorating it and making it LOOK nice and functional later.

    But really, I'm a new guy. So I just want to actually ask since I'm going kind of against the primo tutorial: Is this a good way to be mapping?

    Pictures in link.



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