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Everything posted by oDDity

  1. The reason you're not wanted is that most adults who live in the real world can't cope with the blind optimism and unrestrained enthusiasm you have for EVERYTHING. The sooner you realise that the world, and everything in it, is shit and needs to be scorned snd derided at every opportunity, the sooner you'll be welcomed back with open arms.
  2. Yeah, same here. There is a local PC shop, but they only stock the average joe components that average people use. What's the point in me getting them to order me the high end parts I wanted, instead of just ordering them from a website. For almost anything, except maybe food, the choice in local stores is just too limited to be of any real value.
  3. The more unstoppable posts, the younger I believe him to be. I did have him down as about 15, but now that's been reduced to 13. If he carries on at this rate, I soon be forced to hold the paradoxical opinion that a foetus has somehow learned how to use a computer.
  4. THe lightwave plugin, like the max plugin was just a hack done by some doom fan. The doom guys used lightwave modeler to make the models, and used maya to animate them. That tells you all you need to know about the organic modeling capabilities of maya, and the animation capabilities of lightwave.
  5. Lol 'resorting' to fcurves? The graph editor is where professional animators do 90% of their work. It's how you stop motions from being mechanical to being organic. I don't particularly like the one in motionbuilder though.
  6. Well that's the future of all gaming, so just give it up now and forget all about it like me.
  7. Lightwave is shit for character animation. That's why no one uses it.
  8. That's what I said. It's simple entertainment for uncouth morons. I think most good films (hell, even the bad ones) involve slightly more than a ball being kicked or thrown around a field. It's for people who can't think of any more complex way to excite or occupy their shrivelled brains. Anything more complex that 'yea my team is kicking the ball better' or 'boo, the other team is kicking the ball better' causes synaptic overload in these patients.
  9. There's a difference between studying something, and simply looking at it for entertainment. Humans are really strange creatures. If you just think of it objectively, it's seems an utterly bizarre concept - millions of people sitting around watching a group of grown men playing with a ball. Sport seems to have become magnified to a level of importance beyond all bounds of reason or logic. Even I've found myself watching the world cup final, though I have no interest in football, simply because it's become such a big event.
  10. Why do you care? A bunch of men you don't know throw a ball around better than another group of men you don't know, and you're wetting you pants about it.
  11. I'm pretty sure they're not designed to work with parts of IK chains, just single objects like it showed in the video.
  12. It's only the vertices, the corner points, that are affected, not the area of the polygon. You can increase the size of the brush to cover more area. Hold down b and drag. Another method is to use the component editor. Just select vertices that you want to be weighted to the head bone, go to windows/general editors/component editor - smooth skins tab, and you can set there want bone you want them weighted to by clicking on the first value in a bone column, holding and dragging down to the bottom and typing in a value and hitting the enter key.
  13. No game would use 30 FPS. You can easily speed up or slow down the whole animation in maya using the graph editor. Just select the origin, go into GE, shift click on the + beside origin, grab all the keys in the graph, select the scale tool, position your cursor at the start of the animation on the graph, and you can scale the speed up or down to your heart's content. Turn of time snap first though.
  14. It doesn't matter how the verts are weighted on the anims anyway, it only matters for the md5mesh. You couldn't have only one animation with a wonky vertex, all animations would have it.
  15. Awww... damn!! That's the rest of the year completely ruined for me.
  16. That's the problem with morrowind and oblivion, There is no exploration factor. They are cloned landscapes. Once you've seen one dungeon you've seen them all. THere are few creatures, none of the NPCs have any personality, and the quests get repetitive as well. Gothic did a much better job in holding my attention. There was at least a sense of exploration, and the NPCs had personality. Bethesda always tries to make games that are BIG, wihtout any other consideration.
  17. ...and like I say, that's a very strange attitude for someone who's chosen to become a doctor. A large number of ailments you treat are self-inflicted and could have been avoided by smarter behaviour, yet you've chosen to spend your life helping those fools.
  18. Exactly, so it proves that console gamers are even bigger, more obsessed and unscrupulous thieves, if they'll go to those lengths and risks just to steal games.
  19. I could get in a Ferrari and move way faster than the guy with artificial legs. Once you start using machinery it becomes arbitrary as to what kind of machinery your'e using. If those legs are giving an advantage over real legs, then it's only fair if you are comapring people who are using the same artificial legs. Comparisons between humans are about natural abilities, not artificial ones. That guy didn't invent or build those legs, someone else did. IT takes just as much time and effort to learn how to race cars at the highest level.
  20. I don't know why they assume that PC gamers are all thieves. You can just as easily download the xbox360 version of the game for free.
  21. Surely you must realise I'm being facetious at certain points, even though I don't use simlies. However, I think it's a mistake to ignore the usefulness of getting someone heated or offended in a debate by exaggerating or polarising. When they are in that state, they are far more likely to say what they really think, rather than some rehearsed intellectual bluff, and the former is always more interesting to me. Yes, people a little below the average can be helped by motivation and harder work, but I don't think that continues to be the case as you go further down the scale. The amount of motivation and hard work required must obviously increase to huge proportions, and quickly become unrealistic, and true only in a technical sense. I didn't suggest that at all. I'm suggesting that you shouldn't write people off as lazy because they're stupid and/or haven't done as well as you in life. You're suggesting that all lack of achievement (that isn't clearly due to environment) is self inflicted and the result of laziness. 'Laziness' implies wilful negligence, so to be lazy, a person would have to be shown to have a complete grasp of all the subtle and salient facts, an adequate ability to make appropriate decisions - and then deliberately choose to do the lazy thing in full knowledge of the consequences. I think calling someone lazy is an insult - if it isn't true, and you can't know whether it is or not unless you have a lot of information about them. If you're happy to point and make judgements and offer no sympathy to stupid under-achievers, and say it's their own fault, I imagined you might do the same to people with self-inflicted illnesses that they could have easily avoided by being smarter. It seems an arbitrary distinction to me.
  22. I don't know why you're making up these graphs. I already know what your point is - that anyone can do well if they try harder, and I don't agree with it. You can't prove that, your central point, with a graph. What I'm saying is, that as you get lower on intelligence, brain function, learning capability, your decision making deteriorates with it, and therefore it's a double whammy - not only are you less capable of learning, but you don't particularly care, because of your scant ability to make adequate decisions, both on a small level, and on the large scale that project what you want to make out of your distant future. If that's not a disability, I don't know what is. So I can't agree that if someone is stupid, it's just because they're lazy - at least not in all cases, and therefore, how do you decide. I assume, as a doctor, you have the same attitude with patients? i.e. you have no time for those with self inflicted wounds to do with smoking, drinking, eating the wrong diet, accidents involving any sort of activity that isn't absolutely necessary - basically only people who definitely couldn't have done anything to avoid their illness deserves any help or sympathy? 'you stupid bastard - if you'd only spent 30 minutes exercising every day for the last 20 years you would have avoided that heart attack - now get out of my sight!'.
  23. It doesn't work. You're saying they're doing really well becasue they're being moitivated by their culture and families, and not becasue they are particularly smart. In that case, why aren't they all doing well? Why are there any failures if it's all to do with attitude and motivation. Would it be because some of them just haven't got the ability, no matter how much pressure and motivaiton they get, they can't make it. I'd agree that poeple who are a little bit below average can still get to the top with that sort of extra motivation and hard work, which explains the asians you speak of - but people near the bottom of the scale? All they need is someone to say 'come on, pull your socks up you divs!, or 'I believe in you Johnny, you can make it son!', and they'll all be brain surgeons and physicists? You paint too simplistic a picture. I suppose you're one of these people who think anyone can learn to write music at the level of Bach or Beethoven, and it's just a matter of putting in a little bit more piano practice than the next guy. I might as well call you lazy for not learning to write music at that level. There are physical differences in our brains. We're not all the same and do not have the same abilities or potential, that should be obvious to anyone, but you're insisting it's all to do with laziness and anyone can make it if they try. I think you may have been watching too many Hollywood movies. I'm talking about their ability to make adequate decisions - that's an essential part of success, and if you don't have it, due to lack of intelligence, I'd call it a major disability, yes.
  24. The problem is that the lower your 'DQ', or IQ is, the less is your motivation to want to do better. That's why those kids at the bottom of classes are lazy and mess around, they simply don't care, and they no doubt have similar parents who don't care either. Of course effort plays a factor as I said, innately smart people can fuck around and do nothing with their lives. As for the asian medical students, well I'm sure you'd also see a disproportionate number of Polish immigrants who are builders/plumbers etc, but statistics like that don't really show anything, and are related to circumstances. Your argument that the motivation of a family can produce ability where none existed before, doesn't hold up, since you're not taking into account all the asian kids who are pushed as hard as possible by their families, pressured far harder than most white kids, and still don't make it - you're only looking at the success stories. And you missed the point of 'Trading Places', it was not as your describe, it was the opposite, since the Eddie Murphy character did not start off as stupid, it was more to do with how accidents of birth give people opportunities or lack of them, than the innate ability of the swapped characters. That's obvious though, you only have to look at the current US presidency to see that being born into the right circumstances, regardless of your ability, will hand you huge opportunities. And of course, being born in to poor circumstances, but having great innate intelligence, will give you a good chance of succeeding, but having low innate ability, AND being born into poor, or even just mediocre conditions, gives you very little chance, unless you put in a herculean effort, but as I said, the problem is, if you're in those circumstances, with a low IQ/DQ, with bad parents, and poor schools and teachers, where is that effort or motivation supposed to come from. I agree that not many people are lost causes. Almost anyone, given sufficient help and motivation, can do reasonably well.
  25. Unfortunately, it's all relative. There are many people in the world who have done things that are of great benefit to mankind, and could equally scorn you for having done nothing worthwhile (either because you're not capable, or can't be bothered) Stupid people are innocent. Intelligent people who don't use it for the greater good could be said to be the idiots.
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