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Posts posted by AluminumHaste

  1. I personally find it helpful to keep in mind that brushes are in fact defined as planes and not as a bunch of vertices like in modeling applications. The actual form of a brush, its edges and its corners are calculated out of the intersection of these planes.


    You often can't just drag around one single vertex of the brushes as it would cause the adjacent planes to twist, which is impossible. Manipulating the edges works indeed far better, as Orbweaver pointed out.


    I also didn't know that, thank you that pretty much explains every problem I've ever had with Radiant's vertex editing. :)

    And I do usually clip most thing into the shapes I want. I used to try and vertex manipulate everything (like in max) to the shape I want. But I read some tuts and they all said; "try and clip brushes into the shape you want".


    Can somebody tell me where a good tutorial is for clipping?? What is the 3rd clip point for?? When do you ever need it. If it's for what I think it's for, than it's very useful.

  2. As for the tris that show up through other brushes: this may be a problem with your visportals. If your rooms are not properly separated, Doom renders all the brushes in your field of view, even if they are blocked by other brushes. Don't know if this is new to you or not.


    Can't say what's with the other brushes being split up in too many tris. Maybe this is due to Doom's light scissors? Also it looks like the bevels may play a role, as the cuts seem to be aligned to the bevel's faces. Like here in the right part of the image. But this should not hurt too much as long as your light- and shadowcount is low enough.


    Yes I thought it might be that too, but what do you use to block vis?? There is no hint texture anymore.

  3. Okay guys I have a question. I have been working on (more like dicking around really lol) a map of a bank/museum, and I have a couple of questions.




    Now in some of the pics I've circled the problem areas in red. Now my question is; why does the doom3 renderer do this to the faces?? The group is a single brush, so it should only have 2 tris showing for the entire face a-la quake 3 arena.

    Same thing for up on the balcony, there is a lot of tris being drawn for a single brush. In the last picture, you can see some tris showing up through other brushes. Am I doing something wrong??

  4. This is really a complaint with all the radiant varieties. The vertex editing sucks. All I want to do is make an 8 sided brush, and make the top face smaller than the bottom one, so you basically have a cone that's 8 sided.


    Maybe I just don't know all the tools in radiant, but is there a way to select a face, and shrink/expand it?? In Max/Maya any 3D modelling program, this is pretty simple.


    Does anyone know how to do this?? Am I just missing something??

  5. Yeah, I figured that was probably the reason. No worries. :)

    Nope. GTK itself (the GUI toolkit) is written in plain C; there are Python bindings for GTK, but we're not using them.


    DarkRadiant (the level editor) is written in C++. The Dark Mod's programming is done in a mixture of C++ (for modifying the SDK), and a scripting language that's purpose-built for Doom 3.


    The only Python I've seen related to this project is the makefile for building DarkRadiant, and you'll hardly ever need to touch that. :) Python is pretty easy to learn though.


    I don't have very much experience with c++, we just did it for a semester in school. We learned pointers, structs, binary trees, recursion etc etc. We only had 14 weeks worth of practice though. I can take a look at it though.

  6. Yikes. That's, uh, not exactly standard practice. :)


    What kind of programming have you done? If you're willing to do some programming then I'm sure the programming department could find a use for you.


    Okay the only reason I made everything out of brushes was because there are no models of chairs in doom 3 that I could use. I know it's a bad idea to do it that way. I asked for some objects and textures and was told no. And I didn't want to stop and learn to model for d3, so I just improvised.


    I thought GTK was done in python.

  7. Well to tell you the truth, the level you made is not all too great (sorry :( ), but the textures you made seem to be very good and actually have good normalmaps :)


    Also, the more coders the better imo. Have you seen the D3 SDK?


    LOL it's a house with three rooms, how great can it be?? :rolleyes:

    Thanks though. Some of the normal maps need to be redone though, as they are too deep. And I need to tweak the spec maps, they make everything too shiny.

  8. I would like to help anyway I can, but after seeing some of the pro stuff going on around here, I'm not sure wether I'm any good.

    I'd still like to help anyways. I've been interested in this mod since I first heard about it.

    I have some experience with; Maya, 3DStudioMax, Wings3D, UVMapper Pro, Radiant (Most variations), Image editing software (Photoshop etc.), coding (C++, C#, Java, VB) I recently graduated with a 3 year diploma in programming and system design.


    Some of the stuff I've made is pretty amateurish though:


    A randomizer for commodity location and price, ship location and price



    A ship I made for Freelancer (Modeled in 3DStudioMax, textured with photoshop, uvmapped with UVMapper Pro)


    I already applied for something, anything with this mod team.

    Some screens of something I threw together for this mod over the last 4 weeks. (I made all the textures in the screens)




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