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  1. With the help of Jay and some threads on D3world I finally managed to create my own custom model and import it into D3. And it is already frobable, but that is probably to be expected now. Don't expect to much, because it is just a simple bowl, and I think it might be much t heavy for such a simple object. It's a drab bowl and it has 84 faces. The problem is that i don't know how to lower the polygons while maintaining the detail. Maybe somebody could explain that to me. At least it is a start and I can now create my own objects for testing until I get good models from our artists. Are there any still around, or did they all leave now?
  2. Ok, to go along with our Mansion Pack, we're going to need the models that are required for basic play. Things like our lightgem, weapons and equipment. Just like the other thread, I'll post links to reference pictures and record who is doing what. Stars in front of the object mean it has already been spoken for. Completed objects will be highlighted in red once they are uploaded to the ftp site. Please sign up for anything you are interested in. (update: Jan 15th) HUD Elements: ** Lightgem/compass -- TYROT -- WIP Weapons: ** Short Sword -- DeepOmega -- WIP ** Bow -- oDDity Noise Arrow Rope Arrow Equipment: ** Flashbomb -- Deep Omega -- WIP ** Holy Water Flask -- TYROT -- Example ** Potion Bottle -- Fingernail -- Example #1 -- ** Explosive Mine -- TYROT ** Gas Mine -- Atti Flare ** Looking Glass (telescope) -- -- Fingernail -- http://www.scientificcollectables.com/page_telescopes.htm -- WIP Lockpicks
  3. So the plan right now is to focus on one environment so that we can get a complete map together. Our Mansion Pack is going to need some specific models. I'll list them below, you sign up for whatever you find interesting. This will be our master list for the time being. I'll link these to appropriate reference pictures when I get a chance, and put the names of the people working on them next to them as they sign up. Items with stars beside them have already been spoken for. update: Jan 20th (removed completed models to make navigation easier) Character models ** - House Guard -- oDDity ** Noble Male -- alan9000 -- http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=344 ** - Noble Female -- TYROT http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=362 ** - Servent Male -- oDDity ** - Servant Female -- oDDity Furniture models ** - door handle/lock -- TYROT http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=779 -- ** - desk, large -- oDDity -- Example #1 ** - 4 poster bed -- Atti -- Example #1 ** - end table #1 -- Atti Example #1 - desk chair -- Example #1 ** - bookshelf, wide -- Atti ** - dining table -- Atti http://www.antiquefurniture.us/antique_fur...ining_table.htm ** - fancy sofa -- Fingernail -- Example #1, Example #2 -- WIP Loot items ** - bowl -- Atti Example ** - candlestick holder --Atti Example #1 - spectacles Decorative items ** - chandelier -- ATTi ** - tapestry -- -- oDDity ** - ink pot and quill -- oDDity ** - hunting trophey (mounted head) -- oDDity -- http://www.alexisturner.co.uk/files/file168.jpg ** - mounted weapon/shield -- oDDity -- http://www.long-sword.com/catalog/images/wall.jpg - potted plant #1 -- ** - various small sculptures -- oDDity -- Example1Example2 Other Useful Objects (nice for added atmosphere, but not necessary) ** - hairbrush -- Atti ** - wash basin -- Fingernail ** - chamber pot -- oDDity - door knocker -- Example ** - apple -- oDDity ** - teapot -- oDDity ** - cutlery -- Atti New Other Objects Since our modelers are going through these like mad, here's a list of every other conceivable thing I could think of us needing in a Mansion environment: ** - Small chest (like a jewellery box) (see below) -- oDDity ** - Large chest -- (see below) -- TYROT ** - Small heating stove -- Atti and TYROT Example ** - grandfather clock -- Atti ** - water pump -- Deep Omega Example ** - bathing tub -- Fingernail ** - bucket -- Atti - folded towels/clothing ** - cleaver / kitchen knife -- Atti ** - loaf of bread -- Atti ** - block of cheese -- Atti - cooking cauldron - pig on a spit ** - cooking pot -- Atti - small canisters (for herbs and stuff) - hanging goose ** - beer mug -- Atti ** - ladle -- Deep Omega ** - barrel -- BlackThief - torch bracket -- Example 1 ** - single bed (for servants) -- Atti ** -- KEYS! (how did I forget?) Deep Omega and TYROT -- Individual and ring of. -- Example 1, Example 2
  4. Ok. I would need a lightgem model so that I can start working on some code. Doesn't need to be anything fancy yet, just something to dump on the screen that might remotely look like a lightgem of some sort.. While I'm waiting for this I'll have a go with a default object of some sort so there shouldn't be much of a hurry.
  5. Well, now that the models are starting to roll in, I'd like to get a list of people who are able (and willing) to skin them. The Modeller himself will get first dibs on skinning their own model, of course, but not everyone will necessarily have both skills. Please let me know if you have any skinning experience in this thread.
  6. oDDity, please post any work in progress shots for the builder in this thread.
  7. Guest

    I'll Model Anything

    I'm willing to model something, charaters weapons, furniture, whateva.. I dont' have a portfolio online, but u can see some vehicle sI've done here: http://clarke3d.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/
  8. City Objects - lampposts, streetlights, cornices, bins, crud (I'd like our City to be somewhat dirtier than Thiefs), window objects, signs, trees. Light Objects - lamps, streetlights, bulbs, lightshades, chandeliers, candles, torches, spotlights, wall lights, uplighters, downlighters...all with a vaguely art-deco/neo-classical style to them. Furniture Objects - tables (many varieties, rough, cheap, expensive, basic, huge, small, circular, hexagonal), desks (writing, dressingtables, chests of drawers), sideboards, mantlepieces, chairs (again, many types), sofas, chaise-longues, armchairs, stools, footrests, surfaces, ovens (range-type), stoves. Beds. Loot Objects - coins, rings, diamonds, plates, paintings, bowls, cups, wine bottles, purses, necklace. Detail Objects - books, candlesticks, mirrors, hairbrushes, plantpots, food, plates, bowls, cups, logs, utensils, statues. Useable objects - lockers, storage boxes, crates, safes, levers, switches potions, flashbombs, mines. Character Objects - basic cityfolk - men and women (fat & thin). Peasantry/servants. Nobles/richfolk. Pagans. Hammer-equivalents. Keeper-equivalents. Craymenalikes. Robots. Tricksie Manfools.... Thieves of course. Standard guards. City watch, Burricks, Spiders, Zombies, Craymen Weapons - short sword, longsword, war hammer, ornamental hammer, bow, crossbow, various arrows, wands, blackjack, axe, mace, club
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