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Everything posted by kfmccall

  1. Here's another builder concept pose. I didn't give him any privates, i didn't know whether we were incorporating (or allowed to incorporate) them; do we have to keep the mod PG?
  2. kfmccall


    I didn't want to draw the head again, so the perspective is a little funny, hence why I detached the wheel part. Let me know if the sizing is right for the wheel. Also: on the large wheel, there are those wood panels that go across one of the sides, there should be another wood panel parallel to those shown on the other side of the wheel as well, I forgot to sketch those in.
  3. kfmccall


    Heres some more bot sketches. Just throwing in more ideas.
  4. heres a possible pose for the builder statue. Let me know if you want some detail studies of particular areas of the body. Or if I should make adjustments to the pose. (I'm happy to do so anyway )
  5. Awesome job, my only crit is that I feel some object, like a mid-sized tube or some miscellaneous metal shape should go in this location: I feel it would balance the character shape out more smoothly since the thin neck makes it a bit less intimidating. It could also be some complicated tubing instead of a solid mass.
  6. Heres two pieces I did tonight, maybe they're a bit too romantic, but just throwing ideas into the pot for interest. (I have to practice drawing humans too ) Quick Sketch.
  7. Do we need any monsters as well? I'd like to try drawing creatures if there are any assignments.
  8. kfmccall


    The first set of bots. In the first one, the spotlights would be projected out of the two eyes when the bot is suspicious. The eyes are movable in many directions, much in the likeness of a chameleon. The smaller two are quick sketches. If there are any aspects of these bots (shapes etc) that seem to fit, let me know and I'll carry those into more designs.
  9. should I draw them in the likeness of the bots here? http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/conce...-mechbeast2.jpg http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/conce...-mechbeast3.jpg And other than the head, I can't really tell what this would look like. http://www.thief-thecircle.com/media/conce...-mechbeast1.jpg Could you give me the actions and purpose that the bots serve? If i had some details on why they were created or what they did in the game it would be easier to start the concepts.
  10. Sorry I drew this blacksmith up before I saw the reply, maybe it can be used for something.
  11. I drew two of these thinking they fit into the victorian styled atmosphere. I'm not sure what townspeople are still required (or if they are already finished), so let me know and I'll try concepts on them as well. Do we need store-keepers, blacksmiths etc?
  12. kfmccall

    The Order

    This one popped into my head this afternoon, I had this idea of these large leather (or cloth?) paldrons that emphasized the shoulders of these characters to make them more intimidating. They're connected by chains across the chest.
  13. Heres some concepts for the prostitutes. This first one could almost be a pagan, thoughts?
  14. kfmccall


    heres one more for the pagans....not the gypsies.
  15. kfmccall


    That's true, concepts don't turn out nearly as good if you place limits on your drawing before you even start brainstorming.
  16. I believe the statues should be more grandious and heroic looking than the characters in game, for thats what most statues are, these fantastic representations of culture etc.
  17. I could draw up some concepts if you'd like. The modelling is cool but his pose looks a little stiff. Let me know if you want some concepts for poses etc.
  18. kfmccall


    Here are some concepts for gypsies. Also: do we need concepts for pagan gypsies as well as regular street gypsies?
  19. Here are some possible characters for the Thieves guild. Let me know if there are any features of these characters that are worth keeping. <p>here is the same character standing up so the proportions are more easily read.
  20. kfmccall

    The Order

    I tried to incorporate some of Springheel's design into these two. Let me know if any of the other silhouettes stand out in particular and I can develop those as well.
  21. kfmccall

    The Order

    Ah, you're right, indeed, springheel's painting looks like it would fit much better in the thief universe too. Oh well, I enjoy practicing drawing anyway.
  22. kfmccall

    The Order

    Here are some concepts of the Order. These guys are really fun to draw, the hat and cloak really sell the character.
  23. This guy is still kind of grungy, but he looks a little more stable and less like the brain-gnawing zombie type. Thanks for all the suggestions before, they really help develop the concepts much quicker.
  24. COOL, well that animation is very realistic looking to me, though a tad jerky as you mentioned above. Awesome job Oddity.
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