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Everything posted by kfmccall

  1. Just an opinion, but I think the thief's bow doesn't look personalized enough. I mean this weapon should look like its treated as this guys pet, with various wrappings in places, with maybe some designs and various niche's that personalize it to our thief.
  2. Everyone should check out that German Modellers work posted by V.D., its quite relevant to the Thief atmosphere and IMO is really well done. I would love to see an area in the Dark mod, like that of the market renders that guy has done, tons of color and life.
  3. Heres a bunch of links to Various victorian objects: Posts: 1. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat11.jpg Corbel Designs: 2. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat16.jpg Shingle Patterns: 3. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat02.jpg Rail Posts: 4. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat10.jpg Hand Rail Cross Sections: 5. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat07.jpg Brackets: 6. http://www.madriverwoodworks.com/catalog/images/cat14.jpg Lamps and Chandeliers 7. http://antiqueslighting.com/ Furniture: 8. http://www.victorianshowcase.com/showcasemain.htm That last link has tons of photographs of victorian furniture. The navigating bars lead to the pictures. And one more furniture link: 9. http://www.victorianfurniturereproductions.com/
  4. Heres some various Victorian Styled objects. I'll keep posting miscellaneous objects in this thread.
  5. Heres 5 helmet thumbnails, had to crack them out of my head before going to sleep.
  6. I didn't want to post this in the other elite thread for developement is flying so fast in these threads that the concept may have been missed. I think if the city guard emblem (bird symbol) was also textured on top of the large pauldrons on this concept it might turn out nice. That little niche would add to the more elaborate feel of the elite guards and would help to distinguish them from the average guards.
  7. Yeah the floor was meant to be higher in that area, sorry that wasn't sketched clear.
  8. wow that helmet looks badass, lets use that one lol. We could add in some metal supports along the brow and over the center of the top of the head to give it some character. Kindof like the helmets in Springheel's city guard concepts.
  9. I threw this together real quick, just another concept of more elite city guards.
  10. Heres a possible setting with the fountain posted by darkness_falls.
  11. It would also be nice to see some bowls of fruit or various food items in the game. There wasn't much hospitable color in the houses indicating the presence of someone living there. I'd personally enjoy throwing apples at guards to distract them from a location.
  12. Heres some quick ideas for halberds. Let me know if you would like some entirely different shapes or variations of those below.
  13. You could put a split tunic over the chainmail below his belt, allowing the chainmail to be exposed around the bottom and inbetween the center split. That would hide the chain mail a little and allow for a cityguard emblem.
  14. It would be fun to see a guard take a swing at you with his halberd and have his weapon stick into a wooden wall nearby. We could stick in some concerned and fearful facial expressions the poor sod would likely express moments before his doom.
  15. Just some reference sites I looked up real quick, maybe some ideas can be drawn from these: 1. http://www.xenophongi.org/rushistory/medievalarmor/tarch.jpg 2. http://www.cs.usu.edu/~watson/bartholomew/...chArmor/10c.jpg 3. http://www.cs.usu.edu/~watson/bartholomew/...chArmor/10h.jpg 4. http://reflexpoint.homestead.com/files/bascinet.jpg 5. http://www.play.net/images/armor/reinforced_leather.jpg 6. http://www.play.net/images/armor/light_leather.jpg 7. http://www.play.net/images/armor/augmented_chain.jpg 8. http://www.play.net/images/armor/full_plate.jpg I didn't draw any of these, just found them on various websites real quick, I'll get back to sketching soon, I have to finish an English essay tonight and prepare for SAT's this week though.
  16. One more. This could serve as an extension to the side of a mansion. I tried to change the surface articulation for a more unique look, with rough bricks at the base and smooth stone above it, finishing with a plaster or wood top.
  17. Heres another Architectural Sketch for the Mansion. Just throwing more ideas into the pot.
  18. Sorry, I meant for the concept to be greatly exaggerated, I was trying more to establish a mood than provide a correctly proportioned view.
  19. kfmccall


    Here is a fast character concept just for fun. I thought I might as well post it to see if any ideas could be salvaged, but if none can, thats fine just the same.
  20. I can also conceptualize characters, objects, weapons and armour. If there are some assignments posted I could get started on those as well. It would just serve as something to fall back on when I'm stuck on ideas for architecture.
  21. Heres a few concepts. The interior is blown up a bit larger for a better view.
  22. I can try floorplans. Post some descriptions of the types of rooms required and I'll start on those as well.
  23. I'll start posting the architecture concepts in this forum now that I'm on the team! Glad to be with you guys.
  24. Hey, thanks for the replies, I'll go look for the Thief series this instant!
  25. Hi, My name is Kevin McCall. I'm a junior in highschool and overly enthused with the passion to create art and would like to apply for the Dark Mod. I worked on MEmod for Morrowind (The Middle Earth Mod for Morrowind) in the past as a concept artist, mainly designing medieval/fantasy-rpg styled settings revolving around tolkien's world. I worked alongside Atti, who is on the Dark Mod, drawing him a few concept art pieces here and there. I don't know TOO much about the Thief series,but I'm more than willing to learn about the games, and have a bit of knowledge on medieval armour/weapons and architecture. Here are a few examples of my work. Thanks for checking out my application, I'm looking forward to seeing (and hopefully contributing) to the completion of the Dark Mod. -Kevin McCall (aka kfmccall)
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