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Everything posted by Renzatic

  1. Just once....JUST ONCE...I'd like to see a discussion around here that doesn't turn into an existentialist argument of the highest calibur. Just for laughs, I recommend sticking pipe cleaners up your nose, giggling over it a couple of times, then looking at internet porn afterwords. I MEAN GOOD GOD PEOPLE! IT'S A SEX THREAD, AND NO ONE ONCE MADE A VAGINA AND/OR PENIS JOKE! WHAT ARE WE?
  2. Merry Christmas, all! I hope you have a nice time with your families and get all you wanted under the tree!
  3. Eh, his is better than my old one. Pretty damn swanktastic, BT. Excellent job.
  4. Whoa, most newer LCD monitors, as in the newest models released within the last 6 months, are becoming more comparable to plasma and CRT screens when it comes to ghosting. The only real hurdle they'll have to pass before they're truly equal is their inability to display true black...so they're not as bad as you're making them out to be, just not quite as good yet.
  5. It is true that most lower end LCD's don't give you the same picture quality as a CRT. And most are designed to run at a set resolution so it's up in the air wether it'll display in a lower or higher res setting and still keep the same quality as it's intended specs. But if you do get a good one, you'll definately be happy with it. Unfortunately most of the good ones are, like Oddity said, a bit on the expensive side. If you want something you know you'll be happy with for less than $500, go with a CRT. The only reason why I'm going the LCD route is because you can't find widescreen CRT monitors anymore.
  6. If you have the cash to spend, I suggest checking out this baby Top 'o the line 24 inch 16:9 aspect ratio awesomeness. It's the monitor I intend on getting.
  7. An orgasm might only last for a few seconds, but everything up to that point feels good too!
  8. That's what overcontrasting does for you.
  9. Yeah, it's real...and it's just 2 floors below me. The reason it might look a little fake is because I ran the contrast up a little high for effect. And my first official texture in a long, long while. Resized and jpegized for your pleasure..
  10. I'm sitting here. It's dark, it's cold, it's dank. In general it's a really fucking nasty night. Which, if you're all like me, puts you in the mood for some fun fun Dark Mod lovin. So I'm thinking to myself: "I need to find a place I can get some grungy old steampunk style textures from. I'm at a total loss for about 2 minutes...then it hits me. "I know", I think to myself, "I'll go where no one in the house ever wants to go! THE BASEMENT!". See, my house was built during The Great Depression, and it has an oldish style to it that you really can't find much anymore. Our basement in particular exemplifies that, most basements you find nowadays are all concrete and clean edges...ours seems more like someone found a cave and decided to build a house over it. In short, it's the perfect place to find textures for a setting like St. Attica. Just Check It Out For Yourselves. You'll See What I Mean. I don't have my light rigging back yet, so all I was able to do was take mood photos and a few test setups. But eventually I'll have the entire basement texturized. Oh, and true story...my granddad once found 3 Mason Jars full of silver dollars buried down here back in the 60's. That should help add to the ambience.
  11. He's getting better. Course he could use some more practice, but I say we sign him up and let him learn as he goes.
  12. I thought he was already a beta mapper... Oh well, shows what I know. ON WITH THE SCREENSHOTS!
  13. Renzatic


    As long as Odd tweaks the resulting models enough so that they're not immidiately discernable from a regular Facegen generated head, I wouldn't have a huge problem with it. I'd recommend he redo the textures from scratch for a starter. That seems to be the most obvious tale tail sign to me.
  14. I'll keep an eye out for things like that. Since I'll be looking for clarity and crispness alongside quality, I doubt any slighty modified T3 textures would manage to get past me.
  15. I've been checking out the T3Ed page and came across this thread. It seems that AscottK has been working on making the T3 set considerably more realistic, plus I'm sure there are more people out there working on other neat little tidbits we could potentially use. I believe NH has suggested this before, but it'd be a huge boon to us if we were to combine forces with the T3Ed'ers and trade some of our assets. If someone makes a table and we like it, we could get the model and import it into D3, and in turn we could provide textures and models for them to use as well. We wouldn't be opening the mod for everyone, rather we'd be working through the T3 Editing Guild webpage, but it could start us all off on the right foot and draw more attention to the mod as well.
  16. Go for it. I could probably pick up some bad habits from you in the meantime.
  17. I say go ahead and let him do it. I and probably a few others could probably pick up a couple of good habits from him in the meantime.
  18. I just whipped up my first texture in many a month. This one is one of Redface's better textures, I just made a quick and dirty normalmap using PS thresholds and went to see how it turned out... I think it came out pretty okay. Unfortunately halfing the resolution will kill alot of the sharpness and clarity, but that's the price we pay for performance I guess...at least for now. Come Wednesday I'm gonna head out and take a ton of pictures to photosource from. Hopefully by this weekend I'll have at least 4 or 5 good textures with more on the way. Plus I gotta go back through my half completed catalog and see what might be worth salvaging.
  19. That's exactly what I want to avoid. I need to find a way to tie all our texture artists together and create assets that fit well together without having too many similar textures. Of course, having 5-10 floorboards isn't bad, gives someone a bit of a selection when making their maps, but I want to avoid having about 30 or 40 or so...that's just too much. One thing I talked about awhile back, and one thing I'm gonna start doing myself, is try and make texture sets with a specific theme in mind. I'll think of something, like say a cave or dank ass basement, and I'll start making textures to fit the theme. The only downside with this system is that we'll end up making textures slower and won't be following an overarching set like we were before. But on the plus side we'll have much more detailed textures that fit well together and we'll kill off the one problem I have with our current set....they won't be so generic. We really need to start thinking about our enviroments more. Thinking of things like "oh, well that'll make a cool wall" won't get us anything cept a bunch of mishmashed textures that look funky when you slap em all together. Think of a theme, make your textures, make a small map and see how well they look together, then improve em from there. I think we'll get much better results.
  20. Probably not. I had already picked out the ones I thought the best during the last restructure...but I am planning on doing things a little differently this go round. I've still gotta bang up the plan in my head, but when I get a good feel for exactly what I want to do I'll post it here.
  21. It'll be something like... textures/darkmod/test/test_tile02 { qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/test/test_tile02.tga diffusemap textures/darkmod/test/test_tile02.tga specularmap textures/darkmod/test/test_tile01_s.tga bumpmap textures/darkmod/test/test_tile02_local.tga { map textures/darkmod/detail/oldwood2_detail.tga blend gl_dst_color, gl_src_color scale 2 ,2 } }
  22. I've been considering coming at this completely fresh. It's been a good 5 months since I last did anything productive, and I could somehow turn this to my advantage by looking at everything with a new perspective. And since no one else has done a terrible amount this could make my job a little easier....but I still gotta find a good starting point. What I might do is go through another texture scouring. Also, since I have a nice digital camera now I can go and take photo sources myself...I can build entire themes myself now instead of having to hope other people's stuff goes well together. I've also been considering making textures out of procedurals inside of Lightwave...or using programs like Werkkzeug1 or Texture Creator. I've got alot of ideas I want to experiment with to see what gives me the best results. I'm also gonna let mapping take a backseat for the meantime. Other than texture tests I'm not gonna do any mapping til I have a complete enough set of textures to do a variety of different enviroments and have them look complicated, lived in, and realistic.
  23. Just on a guess, how much has been done since I was last here? I need a good starting point here.
  24. Eh, I'm managing. Yeah...go ahead and reset it if you get the chance. If not I can wait for Modetwo to come around. And lastly, I don't understand why we don't just upload 1 realtexture disc at a time to the FTP. It's fairly large, but considering that we won't be beating the hell out of their bandwidth it shouldn't be too big a deal.
  25. My account password, the one I had to change when we were hacked way back when. I changed it to something I don't normally use and forgot it soon afterwords. I know..I'm dumb..stfu kthx.
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