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Everything posted by Fingernail

  1. Don't worry - they can be made more opaque using alpha blends and such.
  2. Wee....you can see through the windows, and it nicely distorts/defracts the image. So no more flat windows. Anyway, I haven't yet made it so that the black lattice bars are entirely opaque, but that should be easy, a few tweaks to the alpha at best. Anyway, I'll do a tut soon. It's all in the .mtr definition files...and it kills framerate in the editor, but ingame, it's fine.
  3. Basically, I've just played around with the ones in Doom 3. You choose a texture and it's either animated, fog, flickering, got little lines/shadows in it, etc. So you could make a lattice window projection, and project it from the window to the floor.
  4. Light shafts = easy. Just a texture on the light as usual, and projected light. Anyway, yeah the windows are too big. And yes, your roof texture doesn't work, I'll sort that out too. And we need to figure out shaders so we can have proper transparent/translucent glass in those windows instead of just a flat texture.
  5. A happy little house, pretty cosy really.
  6. I like your sketches. Can you do furniture & architectural details? What we need, aside from character sketches, are little drawings of chairs, tables, lamps, windows, doors, arches, carvings, statues, stuff which adds atmosphere and a sense of place to a level. I'm going to let you in.
  7. Make a specular map of the door, with the metal bits slightly shiny.
  8. What Sprinheel said. We also need more 3D modellers - and despite advertising, I didn't get any responses. I can produce some photos, sketches of furniture and building decor.
  9. I think perhaps our focus would shift slightly, maybe we'd focus more on a campaign/levels than on the raw stuff, to draw more attention. And of course, it remains to be seen: a) whether the T3 editor will be released, and more importantly, if it's actually any good.
  10. Renz - select a brush or surface and press 'S'. A window will pop up. Now you can scale the texture, move it, rotate it, to fit the surface/brush. So you can fit 4 panels into that space, ensuring that nothing is too big. DO NOT MAKE THE TEXTURES SMALLER. Scale them down in the editor.
  11. Yes, the 3 maps can be different sizes (powers of 2), and will be stretched, not tiled to fit correctly together.
  12. Renz - either make the diffuse or normal map smaller for the texture, depending on the texture. For instance - some detailed engraved wood should have a large diffuse and normal, but no specular is really required. Similarly, a metal object should probably have a small diffuse, and larger specular and normal map, as it's less about colour and more about detail.
  13. http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=5721
  14. Renz: Nice as your room is, and 1337 though your skillz be, there are some problems. Did you test the map in game mode? You can't have done, seeing as it is not buildable in it's current state. Even though I added an end wall, it still 'leaked', because the other walls were too thin. Make them thicker. And no gaps. Also, the scale is a bit off, as seen here: I know walk-in fireplaces might be considered a luxury. Anyway, otherwise it looks great. Put in a scientist for Great Scalability.
  15. After investigating, I discovered that among other things, you got slightly shunned on D3W. Aside from that, looking through the largely undocumented shader syntax, there are four lines that spring out: wood metal stone liquid EDIT: flesh as well as glass are there too. plastic also I'm guessing these define the sounds made when walked upon and/or shot at. However, not only do we need more types of surface, we need the sounds to go with them. Where is carpet, for instance? Doom with no carpets? Sacrilege!
  16. Doom 3 can be curvy using patches. It just doesn't suit that style. It will be very useful for Mechanist-style pipes and machinery.
  17. Well...in principle. But let's do even better, even more variety. That'll benefit both projects eventually. I'll post that design doc up here.
  18. I will (and so will my wife...I mean love-buddy, I mean co-worker pakmannen) be working on sounds. But there hasn't been much atm. As for attaching sound shaders to materials, I'll investigate. *Fingernail dons Sherlock cap*
  19. Rather than just making what comes to your inspiration, I'm going to start defining targets. Right now, we'll be working on a texture set for a Thief2/Overlook Manse feel - a house with wood, wallpaper, metal, stone, books etc. We are already a fair way there, but we need more flooring especially (wooden & shiny marble a requirement, as well as thick carpet). So carry on, but don't go crazy with some woodsie theme stuff. Next up, I reckon will be more city themed. But first: house textures.
  20. Specular maps are easy. My mini-specular tutorial. Go back to your diffuse (colour) map. Desaturate it (greyscale). Use brightness/contrast to alter the shininess and lack of shininess (black = matte, white = very shiny), dependant on the material. Black out, add in manually any extra bits you want especially shiny/matte. Then save it with the suffix _s and add the line "specularmap doom3/base/textures/blahblah" to the material definition.
  21. Short sword. No problems.
  22. Pakmannen: yes. Mr Pettitt: any samples? In practice I'd say sure, but I don't want to just let anyone in, on principle. Everyone should produce samples before acceptance really. PS. I have heard pakmannen's work, just so you know.
  23. Indeed they will. Don't worry; we know what we're up against.
  24. Tell you what. How about Garrett has a knife by default, as any self-respecting Thief would do, but ingame, can pick up a KOed guard's sword and use it. I didn't like the way the swords just stayed in place in T3. Someone should have noticed.
  25. There is a fan-made 'patch' which removes reference to the textures which don't function, I believe. Specular is more use for metal anyhow.
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