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Everything posted by OrbWeaver

  1. Note to self: never hack into Sparhawk's PC.
  2. I think all textures, whether for brushes or models, are treated identically. Therefore the procedure for using DDS in this case would be the same as normal, which it sounds like it is.
  3. What, this Sapphire Scar? http://www.marsmodule.com/site/index.php Doesn't look very shut-down to me (except for the bit about the summer break).
  4. That makes perfect sense to me -- any model that wishes to use a gen skin must have the gen_default material on its mesh, so that the standard skins can switch it.
  5. The problem with the "better safe than sorry" approach is that it massively exaggerates the threat, effectively providing free FUD for the media companies who could only wish for an IP regime so strict that merely discussing the fictional universe of their game is actionable infringement. Besides, even if Eidos do get territorial about "the Thief universe" and start sending out C&Ds, the very worst that can happen is that the ISP gets panicked and pulls the site, whereupon it can just be set up with another ISP or even in a different country. The industry couldn't even shut down the Pirate Bay, which is based in a single country with a single owner and verges on outright illegality in its behaviour, so how the hell are they going to shut down an international mod team with no single owner, no single nationality and no reasonably-arguable case of infringement?
  6. It's not a known issue, but certainly a believable one, given that creating funcs from brushes was broken until recently. Hopefully it should not be too difficult to calculate and insert the origin key.
  7. The problem is when people get beaten up for not adding those suffixes, since using terms in informal discussion makes no difference to any possible case of trademark infringement. Passing TDM off as "Thief: The next generation" on the official website would be problematic, but referring to the "Thief universe" in a discussion about the appearance of a model is not grounds for lawsuit in any jurisdiction I have heard of.
  8. Is there really a significant difference between the "Thief universe" and a "Thief-like universe"? It is not as if either of them actually exist, so whether TDM is set in some non-official extension of the "official" Thief universe or another, totally separate but conceptually similar equivalent would seem to be very much an academic distinction.
  9. That's what I like to hear. The only purpose feminists serve is as an easy and amusing target for trolling.
  10. Wasn't Penrose that guy that came up with the crackpot theory of quantum behaviour being responsible for consciousness in the human brain, simply because quantum behaviour and consciousness are slightly "woo-woo" concepts which sound like they could be related?
  11. I can see why Americans are keen on the right to own guns -- if I lived in a fascist police state, I would want to arm myself as well.
  12. Unfortunately bindToJoint does not clear the bound object's offset, it just causes the movement of the joint to be transmitted to the bound object relative to its original position.
  13. Then I fail to see how it fits the definition of "doing the right thing". In my view, doing the right thing means to act in a way which minimises problems, rather than increasing them.
  14. Yes, MD5 is required for animation. You can export them from Blender using a script available on Doom3World, but it is a bit more involved than a static mesh due to the need for animations to be specified using Blender's animation system.
  15. GIMP already runs on Windows -- why would you want a freeware rip-off? Does it add some new features that GIMP lacks?
  16. You have to use a func_animate rather than a func_static if you want an MD5 animation to play, unless you create a custom entity for your animating object (which would inherit from func_animate anyway).
  17. I agree, the cost/benefit ratio seems too low. The advantage of OBJ is that it can be imported into almost anything, and does not require writing to a complex binary format that only really works in one application. That said, we don't actually have OBJ export at all at the moment, which is certainly a feature that would be useful to add.
  18. Does our bell come with a free woman too?
  19. Hopefully at some stage in the future we can do a renderer redesign that would separate the renderer into front-end and back-end, in separate DLLs, so you could have as many backends as you wanted - ARB, NV20 or whatever.
  20. Blender has live UV-unwrapping built-in, making Unfold3D unnecessary for Blender users. Not only can you do an unwrap, move UV vertices around and watch the entire unwrapping adjust in realtime, but there is even a script which attempts to add seams automatically based on the angles between faces (as well as optimising the use of texture space by arranging the segments).
  21. It is doable, using texture environment combiners, but would require more OpenGL knowledge than I currently possess (also I am not sure newer cards even support this functionality, which would make testing a problem). It looks like the tutorial at http://nehe.gamedev.net/data/articles/article.asp?article=20 might be relevant -- perhaps Crispy would have more of an idea how feasible this is to implement?
  22. Yes, I see what you mean. The Middle-Click to project feature seems to be missing entirely.
  23. So does cornerstone in fact -- meaning the fundamental part of something (as in "the cornerstone of civilisation"). I think it would be confusing to call it something unusual, after all it is only mappers that will see the name. Better just to call it "large hammer statue" or something.
  24. Both on the known issue list. Media browser is on the list of tasks to be addressed soon, the poor rendering performance will require some more investigation.
  25. This isn't really a Dromed forum. This, however, is a Dromed forum, where you are far more likely to find somebody who knows the answer to your question.
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