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Posts posted by Deadlove

  1. I would actually like to see more simple, linear missions on building skill of classic Wolfenstein or Doom.


    There's a lot of room to extensive gameplay when the mapper doesn't go overboard making every room as beautiful as the Sistine Chapel.


    Lots of properly set small areas can be just as fun as the massive ones. Except small areas have a lot less potential bugs to worry about.

  2. Anyone have space available to host this site?;


    I can't imagine the site would be larger than a few MB. Videos or other largr media would be embedded from YT or similar setup to minimize data transfer usage.

  3. Can I get a yes or no for who would want one besides Springheel and myself? Obviously, there would be no cost involved save for postage / delivery of the shirt. It would be coming from USA. I want to make a list to have rough idea how many I'd ask to have printed.


    I own DOOM + QUAKE shirts and posters, HEXEN poster. Games used to come with posters or ads to order a shirt.


    It's just a way to get the word out and have a cool shirt or whatever. I'd like to have a TDM mug to drink my coffee from! It's enjoyment based. I enjoy TDM enough that wouldn't mind sporting the brand and be a walking advertisement.


    Even wallpapers, fan art, fits along these lines...


    So one shirt for and and SH.


    2 shirts total. Please reply with yes, no or how many or whatever so I can update list.

  4. If you only want a single ambient that never changes you don't need to mess around with scripts or location systems. Just create a single speaker with the looping ambient, set the volume appropriately and set the s_global spawnarg so that the volume doesn't change based on distance. You'll also need to make sure that the speaker radius is large enough to cover the entire map, since the default radius is fairly small.


    Is it really that easy? I was imagining something of that nature, but never expected it to work on a common sense line of thinking.

  5. Is there way to set up a stereo ogg file to just play a song on repeat for the duration of a mission at a certain volume?


    No other ambient music, just that one song.


    Not ambient zone to zone, but set the zone for the ambient to be the entire map, so no matter where the player is, it only one song that plays uninterrupted for the entire duration of play time? Is this possible? How would go about to achieve this?



  6. I'm going to make a TDM fansite. I've made hundreds of websites over the years about things I'm passionate about or as a work for hire. I believe it's about time to get myself a TDM one.


    I can build it. Don't ask for an idea how long it will take to bring it to life.


    Some notes...


    1) Will ask for help for info. to compared with the Wiki or help in geenral (not on html, but with accurate info on Bridgfeport).



    2) : What does community thinik of this idea?


    3) What is some kind of additional content lacking other game sites? What would members of the community you like to see?

  7. I'm not opposed to a coming soon update for release of prologue mission, but the most important update that is to spammed everywhere is when the mission is complete.


    I mentioned this in another thread too.


    Is it really wise to promote this as a prologue? Shouldn't we just promote it as the first mission?


    Won't it be a bit misleading?

  8. You will have to change the settings via the main menu


    1.33 gamma, 1.00 brighness - works for me.


    Ahh, thanks. I misunderstood Nbohr1more's post.


    I thought he meant I could play with no AA and 1x AF with reduced brightness/gamma/resolution but still assign a hot key that would take screenshots with 8xAA / 16xAF and certain brightness/gamma/resolution without having to manually reconfigure each time I wanted to get a sceen shot.


    I'll keep this in mind for screenshots this time around. Also, be forewarned all I have is a 17" that goes to 1280x1024 max. :-(


    I really need another 8GB of RAM and a better video card.

  9. I think what Melan and Biker are getting at is that this mission is quite difficult, and designed for experienced TDM players.


    If we can get some average players to give feedback to make it more comfortable for their skill level, then the mission can be tweaked so that the "easy" skill level is enjoyable but still challenging for beginning TDM players.


    This can be done while keeping the expert skill difficult and designed for the hardcore long time players who really want a beating from the game.

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