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Airship Ballet

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Posts posted by Airship Ballet

  1. Aw man, I love the elevated skybox houses in the background. Gives a neat sense of scale to the place.

    I'm getting Lord Edmond Entertains vibes from that street view.

    That building on the left in the first picture reminded me of the machine room on the river in Hammerhead. I remember loving that the whole level was built around the water. Probably wouldn't be viable with this engine, though.

  2. Added a couple of longer, floaty mansion ambients I made on a whim. I was going to make some of those grimdark drones interspersed with wood creaks and stuff, but I think there's enough of that already. Why not some nice, lighter drones for that one eye-candy room with the God rays and the dust particles?

    • Like 1
  3. There are some very, very similar sounds in that. It immediately sounds exactly like the pause menu music, and a couple of other ambients. Either the creators of those used the same sounds and it's picking up on it, or it's just very similar.


    Anyway, there's no action you can take. Just acknowledge it on Youtube and move on. You'll get flagged for something on like 4/10 videos, it's no biggie. There's no option to actually say "yeah no this is bullshit: that song isn't in my video at all" so you just have to acknowledge it and leave it. Nothing will come of it.

  4. The undead soundtrack Interred is very much how I imagine a haunted voices soundtrack should be, very good going!

    Why thank you! It's not much more difficult than finding a few good voices and layering them in reverse. The harder part is the background. I took inspiration from the spooky Fatal Frame/Project Zero music, which is all backed by the sounds of hand cranks, carriage wheels and tightening ropes. Monotonous sounds like that make for a nice oppressive sound when slowed down and muffled a bit.


    I put a zip with all the tracks in the OP, along with a sound shader that includes the lot. I'll update it as I go.

    • Like 2
  5. With the mansion ambients I thought the skylight one sounded fantastic but with the heal mansion ambient I think it would work better for a room in the mansion but not so much as an ambient whilst traversing the whole mansion. [...] Of course that could just be my personal preference but hey food for thought ;)

    As far as my preference goes, you're entirely right! I made Heal for the little set-piece garden in the middle of Chase Mercantile, which was intended as a relaxing little courtyard in a rectangle of solid guard patrols. I ended up toning it down, but it's still nice and relaxing in the garden anyway. I tend to use the droning, monotonous stuff for corridors and generic rooms, and then stick in more thematic music for rooms that are supposed to have a particular vibe. I change up the ambients for every discernable area, so one group of corridors or one row of similar rooms will have the same ambient, and it'll shift when the wallpaper does. You make a good point though: someone who uses fewer ambients over larger areas would probably want some longer tracks.

    • Like 2
  6. very compressed and muted (all the high frequencies are gone), is this intentional?

    Lots of low-pass filters floating around, yeah. Compression will be Youtube, though: everything's made with a high sample rate.

    you might consider packaging the ambients along with their sound shaders declarations into a Github repository like I did. Mappers can then use the "Download ZIP" button

    I'm providing links to zips structured to the root darkmod folder, so people can hopefully just extract them there without hassle. The whole OP is basically just a wordy repo, but by all means host them if you want to!


    By all means sticky any of it in any threads, too.

  7. I very rarely use mods, so I'm left pretty unaffected by this in the short-term. Of course it's indicative of the awful money-grabbing shit people are getting up to lately, especially with Bethesda being the pilot of this movement and insisting on taking 50% of the cut from all mod sales. A perfect alternative in my eyes, and it's been said before a bunch, is to just make it a donation button rather than a mandatory buy button. It'd be great. I'd quit my job and work full-time on making like 3-5 TDM maps (or models or textures or anything for anything) a month if I set up a Patreon and people donated enough for me to live comfortably. Living your life making mods for the community while making enough money to live happily would be the best. Collaborate with the community, have stretch goals that allow them to design stuff for you to make. It'd be a pretty great experience, I think. As it is, it's just Bethesda nabbing a majority cut in the name of yet more moolah.

    • Like 1
  8. there are definitely some things I miss in TDM that are present in Thief however as a mapper i've never felt like i'm missing out.. moreso just it gives me more incentive to create my own canon and make it fit into my world better, some people may view this as a hurdle but I view it as a challenge and a fun one at that

    This. It's nice to see TDM slowly becoming identifiable as its own thing, becoming standalone in more than one sense. I don't want Thief on a newer engine: I want original content that entertains in the same ways its inspiration does.


    The above points strike me as pretty silly as far as playing TDM goes: if people actually did come to TDM and go "nah, it's not similar enough to what I'm playing now: I'm comfortable with Thief and TDM is too different," then I have no idea how they've kept themselves sane over the years, reading the same book over and over with the T.V. stuck looping one episode of one show. Mapping for TDM is a different matter, and although pretty much anything can be learned given enough time, I can understand people who have carved a niche not wanting to dabble. All the same, all the negative feedback I've seen second-hand is just from people who don't want TDM in their Thief-niche. Fair enough, I guess. Some people are weird like that, and they'll always have a go at you if you nag them, but most people are capable of owning accounts on more than one forum at a time, and those people have nothing but nice things to say over here.

    • Did you fully read my post? because I'm fairly sure I said I'm doing just that.

    The silent treatment isn't apathy or closure, it's trying to make a point. Saying that you're going to "cut ties and move on" in this thread of all threads is an irony amongst ironies. You wouldn't be telling us all this if you weren't frustrated. This entire thread, from title to quoted post, exists because you think TDM deserves more recognition from TTLG. That's not an assumption, not at all: you don't have to literally say something verbatim for it to be true, and paraphrasing =/= flawed logic. What you want is fine, really: I, too, want TDM to be the best like no one ever was, but you're going about it in a really unproductive way. Make some banner ads for Adsense, don't just make a nuisance of yourself and then post the TDM logo right alongside it like it's the figurehead of preachy self-promotion.


    Also, just because I'm petty and can't let this slide:

    its time for me atleast, to cut ties and move on.

    with regard to disregarding the place, your making inaccurate assumptions based on limited information

  9. I then recently getting told to stop mentioning people should try Darkradiant

    So stop. I can't disassociate myself from this enough. Leave the poor people alone, you maniac!


    In all seriousness though, it's not like TDM is the next logical step from Thief or anything. It's not inherently better. Like somebody on the last page said: they're very different games. The only thing that's really comparable between the two is the things that TDM took from it. Where it deviates, it deviates far enough that it's very much a different game entirely. There's no reason why they should move on to mapping with DR, none at all. To say that "the thief side of that forum is dying a slow death" as if it's a good thing is a dick move. If you were to disregard the place from here on out because you're salty that your thing has no place on somebody else's forums, you'd be the one at fault.

  10. Sounds to me like the chest is surrounded by a set_frobable entity that's triggered by the moving door, and something interrupting the door stopped it from working.

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