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Posts posted by wesp5

  1. 1 hour ago, STiFU said:

    Anyway, there is an incredibly easy way to solve the inconsistency while staying true to the original control scheme and that is to simply swap shouldering and grabber.


    I've been suggesting this over and over, but some people here don't want to waste a second to lob bodies around :(...

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/12/2023 at 1:45 PM, desin said:

    Latest TDM

    updated version of Hasard Pay

    While loading anew saved game 



    any ideas ?

    Are you using the Unofficial Patch? Because the same thing happened to me.

    P.S.: The latest mission update fixed it for me too, so everything is fine now :)!

  3. 10 hours ago, snatcher said:

    It is all my fault and I am sorry.

    It's not your fault, I have the same problems. It's just the structure of TDM. Would it be possible like MirceaKitsune suggested to give files outside mission pk4s higher priorities, so that if the game finds the same file again inside a pk4 it is just ignored? As far as I know this works for the base pk4 files just well...

  4. 4 hours ago, Dragofer said:

    The first thing you need is to make sure all your script files have inclusion guards so they can only be loaded into the script stack once (these are the #endif lines you see at the start and end of official TDM script files). If you have those, then as long as both your addon and the FM author use the same name for the same .script file there shouldn't be an issue in terms of re-inclusion.

    The statistic scroll script has the inclusion guard, but it still fails although I use the same script, maybe this is not working as intended when the game tries to include it twice? Here is the error I get and the part of the script that causes it:

    Error: file script/tdm_statistic_message.script, line 5: statistic_message_init redeclared


    #ifndef __STATISTIC_MESSAGE__
    #define __STATISTIC_MESSAGE__

    void statistic_message_init()            //spawns a statistic scroll inventory item that's added to the player's inventory automatically. It carries a scriptobject to display stealth statistics on a message entity, by Dragofer
        entity statistic_message    = sys.spawn("atdm:statistic_message");        //spawns a message entity tailored to showing 2 lines of statistics
        entity statistic_scroll        = sys.spawn("atdm:statistic_scroll");        //spawns an inventory scroll that controls the message entity
        statistic_scroll.addTarget(statistic_message);                    //links the inventory scroll to the message entity


    #endif __STATISTIC_MESSAGE__



  5. I tested the new Hazard Pay version with my patch and I still get errors when starting it, because the mission contains the same statistics scroll script as my patch and doesn't like that variables and other things are reassigned. Is there an easy way to avoid missions breaking if they include duplicate scripts or do I need to rename everything in my version and hope that nobody uses the same names? I can imagine the same happening to snatchers mod, like if a mission editor likes a feature and includes it in his mission, the mission will break once snatcher's mod is installed in case names are the same...

  6. 9 hours ago, snatcher said:

    How about limiting player's actions with setImmobilization() or similar tricks while wearing a helmet? That way you organically let users know they must stay put while wearing a disguise.

    I like that idea much more than any timer, which breaks immersion for me. Maybe only walking and running is allowed when disguised, no crouching, mantling or jumping? Of course if you use lockpicks or the blackjack the disguise fails as well! You need to be able to remove the helmet then...

  7. 1 hour ago, MirceaKitsune said:

    Okay now I actually think we need a tip system, since in 10 years I never had any idea you can use lockpicks to disarm mines :D

    I didn't know this either, I will see if I can add that to the main menu tips somehow...

    P.S.: I found a suitable line where the tip is given to trigger mines with an arrow. But I can't get the menu tips to display at all! I thought they would just appear randomly on the left side, but in 2.12 I don't see them. I don't see an option to turn them on either...

  8. On 10/27/2023 at 12:38 AM, demagogue said:

    That reminds me there might be a tip like: Guards may relight torches that you douse or close doors that you open if they are responsible for them.

    There is already a main menu tip for the lights, but I will add the info about the doors for my patch. Until a global tip system is added, if it is ever, there could be many more tips added to the current system...

  9. 3 hours ago, snatcher said:

    Flashmines may be subject to modding in the future (what do we need them for?) but right now they remained unaltered:

    You might want to take a look at my patch for the flashmines, I turned them into electrical mines that knock out NPCs without killing them. I see flashbombs as last second escape tools and mines make no sense for that purpose to me!

  10. 2 hours ago, snatcher said:

    No, it's the other way around.

    Settings and defaults need to be discussed at some point. Is "Open Doors on Unlock" a "General" or a "Difficulty" setting?

    Okay, I still don't understand. Is open-on-frob going to be default or going away? Because the latter will break several missions that need to be fixed first! As for sorting the stuff on the setting tabs, as I wrote elsewhere, I would move all helper options to the difficulty settings, but not this one.

  11. 2 hours ago, snatcher said:

    - Snuffing out candles feels very natural and I don't personally perceive players could unintentionally put them out often.

    Is this bound to frob or long-frob now? Because I remember the recent mission where you had to place burning candles on a table which would be rather difficult if frob would snuff them out. I don't know if it had a slow match or flint to help. But I completely agree about the cvars, if something isn't set in the options menu, I will never use a cvar to change it!

  12. 10 hours ago, ChronA said:

    I think an argument could be made that Skyrim's controls might be theoretically more optimal than TDM's adapted Thief scheme. Skyrim does have potions, readables, consumable items, and real time inventory management; if not in the official game then in some of its million mods. It seems to work well and about 10-20 million gamers are deeply familiar with it.

    Doesn't Skyrim have a "Use Inventory Item" key? A lot of other games have something like it additional to "Use world".

  13. 1 hour ago, stgatilov said:

    Mere fact that the sounds has two beeps should be enough to warn that several items were picked up.

    What beep would that be? A new one or something that is used already? I think right now you get different sounds...

  14. 57 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

    Well, I can propose the best solution to the problem: delete the "Open doors on unlock" setting.

    Would this mean that all doors are always open on unlocking them? Because I remember another mission where this needs to be true. I don't know the name but there was a code wheel that unlocked a grate in a bank and if it didn't automatically open, you were stuck!

  15. 49 minutes ago, stgatilov said:

    I don't understand how it helps though... opening inv grid and trying to see what is new?

    Exactly. Snatcher fears to overlook a key or a scroll when also getting loot. As these all make different pickup sounds this should fix the issue! And I don't remember seeing anything else on a body than those three item classes either...

  16. 20 hours ago, stgatilov said:

    We had this concern too.
    There was even a setting where you loot one item at a time (per frob).

    As far as I remember, we did not find any simple way to show info about multiple items.
    The suggestions either would cause issues with other GUI elements (e.g. subtitles), or need some major development specifically for this detail.

    Is there a way to make multiple sounds while getting multiple items? That would be enough to make the player check the inventory. Also auto-search could be the final reason to accept the current implementation ;): short-frob shoulder body, long-frob auto-search body and grabbing it for movement.

  17. 2 hours ago, Daft Mugi said:

    This was actually the inspiration for the current design. It was considered months ago, but matching Skyrim exactly wouldn't work well in TDM.

    I am an old, tired, broken man at this point. This feature has aged me 14 years already -- at least.

    I think we are already there, except that some people, snatcher and myself, have other definitions of primary actions than others. But as Daft Mugi explained, swapping this for bodies seems to be not easy so we need to live with what we get ;).

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  18. 7 hours ago, ChronA said:

    Maybe instead we can just all agree that the general>gameplay options are getting a bit crowded. Perhaps we could split some of them off into an "appearance" or "accessibility" tag.

    As I wrote, I don't think this is necessary because there is quite some space in the "difficulty" tab and many of the "general" options make the game easier, like the helpers, and could be moved there!

    • Thanks 1
  19. 27 minutes ago, chakkman said:

    Regardless of what will be implemented in the end, it's both better than having to switch from one side of the keyboard to the other to frob the body...

    That depends on your keys setup. I use SPACE to frob (from the good old Doom times) and Q to use, so it works fine :)!

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