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Everything posted by chakkman

  1. Bit off-topic but a big commendation to the guy/s doing the kind of ambient style soundscape when you pause a mission. Sounds rly rly great and reminds me very much of the Thief games. All in all i have to say the music/effects are very professionally done.
  2. Hi, i just tried to install the 1.01 Update using the tdm_update.exe but when i start the program it immediately shuts down again. I read in the FAQ that emptying my local/Temp folder would sort out the problem, but it didn't. I managed to do a screenshot so that you can see what the command line says before the tdm_update.exe shuts down again, hope i got everything as it is gone rly fast... Uploaded with ImageShack.us Hope you guys can help me with this one. OS is Vista 64-bit, i'm logged in as a normal user and have to execute the TDM updater as an administrator if that matters. Greetings, chk772
  3. chakkman

    Great Job

    Not that i ever tried to do so lol.
  4. I didnt mean to have it implemented in the TDM-Missionloader, i meant to have it on the TDM website on the FM's section. Of course it does not reflect the own opinion on the missions, but still... if 50 people rate it a crap then its gotta be a crap . Unless those guys are crap themselves hehe. As StiFu said, its useful to sort the missions if you like to have quality. Might not seem to be useful atm with only a double handful of missions on the TDM site, but imagine there d be plenty and you have no idea which to load. Still only a suggestion, don't sneak up on me!
  5. Hi guys, i just finished 3 of TDM's missions and what came to my mind was that it would be great to have some kind of rating system on the Mission Download page. The reason why that came to my mind was the difference in quality of these missions. While 2 of them were great fun, i didnt like the 3rd mission at all. So if people could give a rating for each mission they played it would be nice to know about the user's rating of each mission before you actually download it. I know that if a mission gets rated bad it might be kind of a demotivation for the guys who put much effort into creating it but on the other hand i think the feedback would be also interesting for them and if i take a look at this forum they seem to be keen on what people think of their work . What do you think? Greets.
  6. Definitely Catalyst A.I. is the culprit. For me the sky rotated and when i turned on bloom i had the issue you described. With Catalyst A.I. disabled i dont have any graphics issues at all, i can even turn on Bloom. I have a ATi HD 3870 as posted before.
  7. OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit CPU: AMD Athlon64 x2 5200+ RAM: 2 GB DDR2 800MHz Video Card: ATi Radeon HD 3870 Diver: Catalyst 9.10 Resolution: 1280x1024 VSync: On AA: 8x TA: 16x Bloom: Off Ambient Rendering: Standard Interaction Shader: High Quality I had a game crash in the trainings mission when i entered the back room in the inventory traings room. Installing the latest 9.10 Catalyst solved this. Also i can't turn bloom on because i get a blurred picture then and when i walk forwards the character moves sideways as well, last time i tried the whole screen was upside down which was quite wicked . Also the sky is turned upside down. I read this can be fixed by disabling Cataylst A.I. though. Apart from that no problem. I noticed that as well...
  8. Updating the graphics driver did solve the problem in the trainings mission . As for the anti-aliasing thing, activating it up to 8x does not cause the resolution to fall back to 640x480, only 16x seems to do which might be due to my graphics card, i believe it doesnt support 16x anti-aliasing. So all problems solved, thank you very much, once again the problem sat in front of the PC . Greetz, chk
  9. Thanks for the fast reply, i will try that and report back what the result is. Greetz, chk
  10. Hi guys, 1st of all i want to thank you very much for this mod, its incredible. I have come along a couple of bugs though, one of it is quite severe... the 1st bug i noticed was that the screen is kinda blurred when i choose "Bloom" in the graphics settings, the character also moves kinda weird when i activate it, like moving right when i go forward, but as i read now it can be avoided by turning off the ATI Catalyst Control Centre, so problem solved i guess... The 2nd thing i noticed is that when i activate Anti-Aliasing in graphics options and i restart the game so that it can take effect, the screen resolution always goes back to 640x480 while i ve chosen 1280x1024 when i quit the game, so i can't use Anti-Aliasing.... The 3rd bug is quite severe because i cannot play the whole trainings mission due to it. It happens every time I enter the Inventory training room, when i face the room in the back of the room with the table and the cage to move the candle around, see the picture: The weird thing is, i can even move into that room when i move backwards and not face it, but when i face from like the middle of the passage way i get an error meesage saying that doom3.exe doesnt work anymore, giving me following error report: Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: APPCRASH Anwendungsname: DOOM3.exe Anwendungsversion: Anwendungszeitstempel: 45ad459a Fehlermodulname: atioglxx.dll Fehlermodulversion: Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 49beaf3b Ausnahmecode: c0000005 Ausnahmeoffset: 0007cd10 Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6002. Gebietsschema-ID: 1031 Zusatzinformation 1: fd00 Zusatzinformation 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 Zusatzinformation 3: fd00 Zusatzinformation 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160 To make it a bit clearer, it is not a problem when i face the room in the angle displayed on the pic, but when i go further right and face the room/passage way it crashes. Here are my system specs: AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200+ ATi Radeon HD 3870 2 GBs Ram Creative X-Fi Extreme Music Windows Vista, Catalyst 9.4 Oh and i have EAX 4.0 activated in game setting, i hardly think that that causes the problem but what do i know . I hope you have an idea, thanks in advance. Greetings, chk
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