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Posts posted by stumpy

  1. I also tried the player1 in location objective which you use to finish a map at the end when all other objectives are complete, and that wasn't working either.

    I also thought it might be the texture, cause the clip texture is usually used for item in location on the location entity as its invisible in game.

    I also tried a custom object in case it was a problem with the door entity, but nothing worked.

    I also thought it might be there's no actual info_location for the room there so I put one in and that didn't fix it.

  2. from what was posted about 12 hours ago but seems to have gone is the harddrive is on its last legs and needs to be replaced, so site will be down again for a while, while everything get migrated to new harddrive.

  3. went bad when half-life 2 was made to run on consoles, they cut the number of objects the game could have by 200 so a lot of half-life 2 mods stopped working, it all depends if valve are being told by the console makers what type of games they want to see that will run on xbox, ps4, and maybe pc, or maybe valve are being told not to make pc games at all.

  4. to find all the skin materials used on an AI they are in the AI's md5mesh file, its a text file so the names of the materials used can be read from each mesh definition in the file.


    then you create a skin file and replace the materials you need to replace to get the effect you need.


    if its not an ai then you can look at the def file to find out which model it uses, if its a ase file then it's a text file and you can open it to find the materials used,

    if its not an ase file then you need a binary/hex editor to read the file to find what materials is used.

    the def file will also say if it has a skin file, the skin file makes easier to change the skin of a object.


    an AI's head is a seperate md5mesh file, you can create a custom AI def file to make an AI use the same head. it you change the skin on a head.

    you sometimes need to do this because the game places random heads on the AI for variety.

  5. actually skins go in folder skins

    file as MySkins.skin

    general skin file for placing new skin on beams


    skin skins/beam_white {
    _default textures/darkmod/beams/beam_white




    qer_editorimage textures/darkmod/beams/beam_white.jpg

    blend add
    map textures/darkmod/beams/beam_white.tga
    scroll time * 0.2, time * 0
    blend add
    map textures/darkmod/beams/beam_white.tga
    scroll time * 0.11, time * 0


    to make security camera invisible set its model to '-' and/or skin to '-'

  6. ufo's don't actually move, the universe moves around them, while they stand still, the drives on those things are sometype of exotic gravity drive that maniplate the space around them. On the outside it looks like they move and change shape and on the inside it looks like they are moving but they aren't.

  7. can the ai shoot through tree trunks and other objects, that was one of the major problems with stalker,


    am hiding behind this tree, bang, dead, gameover. start from scratch in that swamp, with a gun with 4 bullets.


    actually finished the first game, twice due to it having an alternate ending.

    2nd game, computer died at a building with a lot of dogs, not the strange place with the warped tree, that also had a lot of dogs.

  8. medieval sewers are either an open chanel down the middle of the street, or something the romans left and is still in use, something like a box sewer underground with water running through it.. Sewers in tdm look more like modern sewers, which there are loads of different design's depends on who designed them. there are 3 types of drain, sewage, storm, french. french drains of filled with diffent sizes of gravel with a concrete base, get rid of ground water without you seeing it, storm drains are big pipes big enough to stand up in, usually square at the begining where they remove a lot of water during heavy downpours from streets or roads quickly, usually when you have a storm. sewage takes poo and wee to your local sewage farm where it gets processed into water or biofuel. for a village these pipes are usually only big enough for a single rat to walk along, it cities they are a lot bigger. usually look like medieval sewers but underground, chanel down the middle, for low usage, On heavy use the two side above the middle chanel get use, a lot of these sewers have an arched ceiling, so on a heavy load the whole pipe gets filled, there will be pipes exiting into the sewer from the walls and ceiling . Box drains are usualy used in storm drains, or cheap bridges for small streams.


    sewage and storm drains are different, depends on which country you live in and what ever waste water standards they have. or not.


    anyway whatever drain you've seen in tdm there's a chance it exists somewhere in the world, or did exists at some time.


    anyway for the torches in england they used to fill the houses with candles with a naked flame, those that could afford candles, or they used to go to sleep when it got dark, or have a big flaming fire in the middle of their house.

    although when they started to use gas lamps in the begining they were a naked flame, its only after a time that they got curved glass tops that would spread the light out.

    although technically the crystal with the water in it that attaches to the arrow don't exist in the real world, nor do the moss crystals, or the gas crystals nor would a rope arrow be able to not fall out of a wooden beam if the weight of a human pulled on it

    fire arrows existed, probably soaked in alcohol, or sometype of animal fat, and not tar like the movies use, not actually easy to get hold of unless you live near a tar pit and know that it burns. not actually sure there are tar pits in the uk even though they seem to be putting tar on arrows in movies supposily set in the uk.

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  9. that blue box appears if there's something wrong with the darkmod install or you have conflicting scripts in the script directory, normally there is only one script in the script directory and that is tdm_custom_scripts.script and that file usually has additional scripts commented out with //


    seta logFile "2"

    creates a file called qconsole.log in the fm folder contains this in the one i tried


    ----- Initializing OpenGL -----
    Initializing OpenGL subsystem
    ...getting default gamma ramp: success
    ...registered window class
    ...registered fake window class
    ...initializing QGL
    ...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
    ...calling CDS: ok
    ...created window @ 0,0 (1920x1080)
    Initializing OpenGL driver
    ...getting DC: succeeded
    ...creating GL context: succeeded
    ...making context current: succeeded



    which is where a OpenGL error would be listed if there was one

  10. there is a difference between compass.gui for tdm version 2.03 and 2.06 and compass.gui for tdm version 2.07 and that is the line "noshadows 1" the file doesn't say who added the noshadows to it, happened on 16/12/18 9:41.

    the flashbomb.gui and spyglass gui in the playertools don't have the line "noshadows 1".

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