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Posts posted by duzenko

  1. GLSL support added.


    I will try write glsl shaders if it ever gets implemented in TDM, but good documentation needs to be made by who implements a GLSL render, about how all of it is connected into the engine and how shaders are plugged into materials, etc.


    What kind of documentation would you like?

    Assets svn now has depthAlpha.vp/fp GLSL shader as proof of concept. It's already used by the svn exe.

    • Like 2
  2. Curious: first thing I looked at the depth shader on things I did recently.

    1) can't see code that would clip a mirror near plane.

    2) can't see where the referenced clip() function is defined

    3) how is #define implemented? AFAIK it's not standard GLSL

    4) is there support for vegetation LOD alpha-test? Can't see it.


    Git status is WIP but last change was year ago. How finished is it generally?

  3. I would like to see the glsl support very much. Porting ARB to glsl can't be too hard.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but the real problem is going to be replacing all legacy stuff like modelview and texture matrixes, texgens, global vs per vertex colors and normals, etc. I presume that GLSL backend includes all of that?

  4. Anyone ever used cameras in TDM missions?

    In terms of performance, do you think it is going to be faster? I think camera is being updated each frame so one way or another it is always drawing everything.

    Does the camera still work after save/load? It does not for me.


    Regarding your problem (parasite pixels in the skybox).

    I think it's caused by the water shader in the camera view. It requires to save the current frame to the texture that is also used by the skybox pass.

    What you could try here is use a simpler, non-post-processing material for water in the camera area.

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