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Posts posted by Dragofer

  1. Looks great, but the Builder altar cloth really should have its own texture. Right now it looks like someone draped a carpet over it.


    That is, indeed, a carpet. When I made the altar I looked through existing textures and saw that there was already a large selection of suitable ornate and plain fabric textures together with skins in stock, including the one you see on the altar which personally I thought was fitting, so I took those. As implied there are also non-carpet skins, but I think what you're looking for is something with Builder-themed decorations?

  2. Try:


    Thanks, with a little bit of extra work it's now looking realistic when it moves towards and away from walls and corners, except for a graphical glitch - the lamp now shines in both directions. Here were my steps:





    - textures/lights/xfalloff needs to be just lights/xfalloff

    - The falloff image wasn't quite right because it's bright only in the middle, so the lamp became very weak when it came close to surfaces.

    - So I duplicated the file and cropped off one half in Gimp so that it's bright on one end and becomes dark on the other end. The lamp intensity now changes realistically, but there's that glitchy backward ray now.

    - This was exported as .tga without RLE compression, origin at the bottom left. Also tried with RLE compression and/or origin at top left, same outcome.



    Some troubleshooting I made:

    - I've tried to exclude the possibility of a technical error by re-exporting the original. Another thing I did was to duplicate the original and inside of that file recreate the original bidirectional gradient. Both worked normally.


    - The cropped version was only half as long as the original, so I made a new version: I duplicated the original, deleted everything and filled in a new gradient. That didn't change anything - the backward ray was still there.

    • Like 1

    The LightFalloffImage should control that, what falloff image are you using?


    This is a stock light texture which uses brightround, like many others, as its falloffimage:





    lightFalloffImage makeintensity( textures/lights/brightround )



    map textures/lights/tdm_lanternlight



    red ((.02 * sintable [(time * ( 1 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.98) * Parm0

    green ((.02 * sintable [(time * ( 1 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.98) * Parm1

    blue ((.02 * sintable [(time * ( 1 + Parm3 ) ) ]) +.98) * Parm2






    I've literally been through all suitable stock light textures and they all cut off to black like this when they're set to project, it's strange.


  4. I've been processing quite a batch of lamps but this one is giving me headaches. Can projected lights gradually weaken the further they shine, instead of abruptly cutting off to pitch black?




    -I've looked more closely at the lanternbot's lantern and it turns out to have the same issue.

    -The existing lanterns don't have this problem, but that's most likely because they're using omni lights.

  5. Nice one, this is a great idea for an app. I've found the dark forest generators especially useful for zoning into the kinds of sounds you come across there. In fact, it goes so far as to let you isolate the individual sounds with sliders.

  6. You definitely did top notch work here

    Thanks a lot, I'm glad you appreciate it as both in Blender and in DR it's intensive work to make a ship. Regarding physics simulation, I do agree that Blender has fun gadgets. It turned a flat plane into a 720,000 tris ocean with sliders for wind speed, wave choppiness, foam etc. with a single modifier. But then mixing together a graphical shader for the surface amounts to arcane magic.


    It's said actions speak louder than words, and the mission I just put into testing has a nobleman admiring the model ship. :smile:

    I very much look forward to meeting this nobleman you know.
    • Like 2
  7. tl;dr: Help me make an object that gives you consumable items, but stops once you hit a cap, then resumes once you're not at the cap because you've consumed some or all of the items.

    I'd use an invisible reversible objective for this:

    - have 2 potions, success makes the chest unfrobable, failure makes the chest frobable


    You'd have to make the potions undroppable to avoid exploits, and you might need to have a delay between each potion handout at the chest to give the objective enough time to react.

  8. Thank you for this awesome list! I hope some of them will be also packed into the next TDM update? :)

    Thanks, and yes, I think good environmental sounds should find their way into the mod as they're generally short and having more varieties of these is objectively useful. For example, Gigagooga's ColdWind and CreepyWind were a godsend for one of the scenes I'm making where the winds we already have wouldn't have performed so well. And his draft sounds are a good complement to the wooden creaking sounds we already have for making desolate houses.


    Ambients-wise, there's already a huge selection of over 200 different soundtracks in the mod, but there are also 100 missions now. Looking through this list there are a lot of custom ambients made for TDM or Thief so it would seem easy to extend TDM's ambients considerably, also considering that new ambients weigh little compared to textures.


    A different option could be just to point mappers to where they can download custom ambients. Advantages I see in this are that the main TDM download stays smaller, the ambients list doesn't become overwhelming for new mappers and that it's easy to tell which ambients have been in use for the past 6 years and which ones are fresh.


    I'm happy we have a place like this for fans of unapologetically dark and moody atmosphere.

    My family and a lot of friends are perpetually sunny and it makes me want to gag sometimes.

    Agreed, that's quite essential around here. By the way, do you remember the name of the ambient composer on Youtube you mentioned in a status update last year?



    In other news:


    Added Undeclared Ambient haunted_something_is_wrong_here. An ambient that's already in the mod but doesn't show up because it doesn't have a soundshader (fixed in 2.04). It's a unique, tense piece.


    Added Uncle Peti's Sound Den


    Listening to darkwinter.com's selection, so far music for trees has stood out to me, in particular #2 and #3 in that album.

    • Like 1
  9. For example:



    These lamps have oil flames encased all around in glass except for small openings in the top. My question to TDM players is:


    Would you expect a water arrow that hits the glass to douse the flame inside? Would you aim for the top? Or would you try to hit something above the lamp so that the water can fall down into the opening?

  10. The situation

    The way the ASE exporter works now is that the model's origin is either in the middle or at the map's centre. So if you wanted to have the origin in a specific spot you'd have to move the model to the map's centre and align it on all 3 axis, every time the model is exported.



    Suggested solutions

    > I'd appreciate the functionality to type in the origin directly. This way the user can move the func_static's origin where it's needed, and then copy-paste the origin spawnarg into the exporter window. I think this would be the easiest option to implement and already on its own would be enough to make exporting ase much easier to handle.


    > Another option could be that the exporter finds and uses the origin of the selection. This would be convenient for simple objects, although it would be less straightforward if there are multiple parts in the selection. In that case it might need to go for the most recently selected part.

    • Like 1
  11. Thanks, I think that did it - I have no idea how all the lights vanished... There are four of them blasting out but no show in the game... Think something's screwey here.


    It's happened to me as well that the map loaded in with a black screen and unable to move - as in, no footstep sounds. That was solved by going to the maps folder and deleting everything but the .map and .darkradiant files to give the compiler a fresh start.

  12. Something I've changed in my map today caused it to show nothing but a black screen after it loads. I can see my lightgem and hear sound speakers that are near the starting position, but no music, no equipment, no movement, no crouching. Things I've changed:


    - Reworked the script file

    - Added a few nodrawsolid brushes and trigger entities, moved some items around

    - Deleted some patches



    My guess is the script is to blame, but even if I delete the script it loads black.



    I've seen this happen before in my test map that I used to test my scripts, there it got solved by dmapping again, but I've dmapped twice now for no gain. There's no leak. Has this happened to someone before maybe?




    [solved] Figured out the dmap wasn't updating the .cm file, only the .proc file. I've deleted the outdated .cm and ran dmap again, now it works.

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