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Everything posted by MirceaKitsune

  1. Works like a charm, thanks! Also some time ago, I mentioned looking for a fog light to add to my map... here's an example of what I'm trying to find:
  2. I have a question; I'm trying to test one of my missions, including AI behavior and entity interactions. However I already have AI relations established, and can only enter some areas without being attacked. Is there no cheat code to disable AI hostility and make all AI friendly, or make the player invisible to all AI? I really hope there is such a thing, I could definitely use it.
  3. AI reacting to shadows is an interesting idea: It would definitely add more realism, but at the same time might be difficult to implement as well as add even more difficulty. If we're talking AI realism, here is a fun little thing I noticed: An enemy AI that doesn't see you will react to noises you make, saying things like "what's that sound" and turning around... but a friendly AI will not! The AI shouldn't technically know whether someone making a noise is a friend or a foe, unless it has seen the source and hasn't forgotten it. Technically, if you make a noise behind a friendly AI, it too should be alarmed and turn around, until seeing that you are an ally and ignoring further noises you make for some time. This is actually a lot more obvious, and it would be interesting if a clean solution could be thought of.
  4. I like this! I am definitely a fan of properly using colored lights and unusual ambiances
  5. My instant reaction to that screenshot: "Niiiice..."
  6. The md5mesh + md5anim(s) would need to be generated first. I'm not good with animation for TDM, but I left the stock ones included for anyone with an exporter to continue from. Might be best to wait until there's an AI, then use path entities to animate it altogether... you'll probably need a special kind of animated entity definition otherwise, which is probably pointless once a functional AI will exist.
  7. Sorry for the delay. Here's my prepared version of the BGE wolf: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5lE6Cy2gg_rT3FsYzlNSWJiVkU Changes I made: Generated lower-polygon shadow mesh.Improved the UV mapping in some areas.Prepared materials with names, which should be friendly for Blender's md5 exporter.Included 4 fur color patterns: Black, white, gray, yellow.What's left to do: A few new animations might have to be added. I'm no expert here, so I simply left the animations offered by the original blend.Convert the images from png to tga. I left them png since I believe that makes the file a bit smaller and easier to share.Notice: The textures are all packed inside the blend file. Just select File - External Data - Unpack All Into Files, in order to unpack them. You might have to first deselect Automatically Pack Into .blend, within the same menu. I hope someone can pick up on this and finish the integration, and my work on those improvements weren't for nothing and will help to do this for TDM
  8. Finished the second part today. Overall it was a nice little campaign! If anything was a problem with me, it's the somewhat chaotic and hard to understand way in which the events happen, as well as the difficulty of finding the solutions on your own (I didn't try to for long). Overall the gameplay was okay enough, whereas everything else was quite good! One more thing which I guess I'll mention here: For reasons that are absolutely beyond me, my computer freezes and has to be powered off (potential kernel panic) during the cutscene after the cave where the carriage is seen carrying the coffin. No other TDM mission seems to cause this for me, and in this one it's only this particular cutscene that does it! Frankly I'm kinda mindblown, though I've seen weirder things in my time. If it's of relevance, I use Linux (openSUSE Tumbleweed) and the free video drivers (MESA 13.0.3 / RadeonSI).
  9. Thanks... I found the solution for making AI and objects appear / disappear in the scene. atdm:teleport works perfectly for this, with of course a hidden room somewhere near the skybox. I believe I'll be adding one more thing to my mission, which I saw in other missions but have no idea how to do myself: How do you have a guard that knocks on doors and yells at the people inside? I've seen missions where guards will either permanently or occasionally approach a door, knock on it, and say things like "quiet in there" or "open up".
  10. Today I learned that the Mission Success and Mission Failure logic strings are completely broken, as well as Enabling Objectives. One example: If for objective 3 you have Enabling Objective set to "1", objective 3 can only be completed after objective 1 was done... but if instead you have Enabling Objective set to "1 OR 2", and objective 1 is completed but 2 is invisible (failed too?), objective 3 cannot be completed. Same thing if you have objective 1 (completed), objectives 2 and 3 (just one or the other invisible), and for objective 4 you have an Enabling Logic of "(1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3)" or "1 AND (2 OR 3)". Can anyone explain please? Mission Failure also has a major issue: How do you setup custom failure rules?! For the mission success string, you can write something like "1 AND 2" meaning the mission succeeds if you complete objectives 1 and 2. But for mission failure, how do you specify you want it to end when failing objectives 1 and 2? I tried "1 AND 2" as well as "NOT(1) AND NOT(2)" but none work! Sadly there is zero documentation on how the mission failure string is supposed to be written... namely how you specify a failed objective as a rule. Separately I have one more question: What is the best way to make entities (both AI and static objects) appear and disappear at certain points? I believe that to make an AI appear, you need to initially place them in a hidden room on the map and use a mover entity to position them in the environment via a trigger (is this the only way?). What do you do however if you want to remove an AI... which could have walked to any point in the accessible environment, and can probably not be repositioned via a simple mover to a small hidden room.
  11. Solved the objective triggering problem. I was misunderstanding the documentation... good thing the entity description had an example. What I was doing was "obj_id1 10" = "obj_state 1". What I had to do instead was "obj_id1" = "10" and separately "obj_state" = "1". The visibility triggering still remains an issue however... I would still like to avoid doing with an entity per objective if possible!
  12. I tried to define a one-map campaign in tdm_mapsequence.txt. Still nothing It seems that neither "obj_id10 1" nor "obj_id1 10" work. I am confused as to what I might be missing...
  13. So I need to place and trigger an entity for each objective I want to hide / show? I could do that... but it sounds so messy and counter-intuitive, in comparison to using the menu that's already there Is there really no way to do it via the Objective Conditions Editor, which looks like the cleanest and most correct approach? I assume that for single missions (not campaigns) "1" is the correct mission value. The tutorial I read said I should use obj_id1 (unless I trigger multiple entities or something) followed by the number of the objective I'm changing (which in my case is 10) in the property name, with "obj_state 1" as the value. I understand I got that the other way around, and should have "obj_id10 1" instead of "obj_id1 10"? I will try this and see if it works, thanks.
  14. Thanks again, I will try that advice later. I learned the objective editor better today, and I currently have two problem left with my objectives. First one: I have Objective 1 and Objective 2. Objective 1 has the visible flag on, Objective 2 does not. From the menu I created an objective condition which reads: "If Objective 1 in Mission 1 is in state 'COMPLETE' do the following: Make objective 2 visible". This does not however happen in practice, and Objective 2 stays invisible even after Objective 1 was completed! How do I fix this, so that new objectives only appear after previous ones are completed? And the second issue: I have an objective that must become true after a lever is turned on. It has one component of type "Controlled by external script". The level in cause targets an atdm:target_setobjective_state which has the property / value "obj_id1 10" "obj_state 1". Although these are the instructions on the wiki, it doesn't work!
  15. Solved the moon rays thingie. About those lights however; I got the AI to relight them, but there's one little problem: The AI walks behind the wall the switch is placed on and triggers it through the wall itself, instead of standing in front of it like it should. How do I fix diiiis?! I also need a little help with setting up an objective: I'll have a locked door with no key or ability to lockpick, which must only become unlocked once the player completes a given objective. How do I make the completion of an objective unlock a specific door? Is there perhaps a triggerable entity that can lock and unlock targeted doors?
  16. Regarding to the wolf model: I have an improved blend in the works, which I'll publish here when ready. It will mostly contain various cleanups, lower-polygon shadow mesh, and improved normal / specular textures. I'm not touching the animations like I said, but it should be easier to work with it from there on.
  17. I love making good use of the idTech 4 volume shadows
  18. I have been playing this for a few days. So far I finished part 1, and might get to 2 tomorrow. It is a lot longer than I thought at first, and I didn't realize it was a campaign either Overall it's looking nice, pretty well done! I have however read all of the solutions preemptively: This is the type of mission where I'd waste hours if I ever dreamed of finding them on my own, which would drive me insane after a while.
  19. Silly me: I was using "canLightTorches 1" and expecting that to work for switches as well Thanks.
  20. Thanks... will look at these when I get back. One more question till then: Do I need any special entities or parameters to teach AI's how to relight toggled lights? I have electrical lights in a mansion which are operated by switches on walls... when I turn them off however, the AI doesn't know to go to the switch and light it back on, and just complains about the lights going out. Many missions do that so I figure it's just some property.
  21. I actually found a gap I wasn't aware of when I designed my architecture, though closing it didn't solve the problem. What did was simply rethinking a few of the walls and re-arranging some buildings... now I have no more portal issues. All of my brushwork is very clean, and all areas are closed off... it's simply some portal alignments that dmap doesn't like apparently. For now I'm trying to find a few assets, which I saw on other maps but can't find in DR myself. They would be: The god rays texture or model, which some people place in front of windows in mansions to have moonlight shine through them. Ideally with the fireflies effect.In one mission I saw an electric lamp that had volumetric fog... as in the area the light shined through was foggy and dense. I believe it was square and the light slightly orange?I once experimented with a town skybox, which had a lot of tall and visibly lit buildings. I can no longer find it anywhere now! It is not tdm_springheel.pfb, which I'm using until I find it.I noticed that certain missions have double barn doors, used to enter basements from outside. However I couldn't find a prefab anywhere! Is there one?There was once a mission where the action took place on a galleon. The exterior model of that galleon is available in the assets. But can I also find the interior and reuse it?
  22. Everything I do is perfectly aligned to the grid, and portal brushes are always nodraw + 1 portal surface. Apparently dmap simply doesn't like certain portal alignments, even if the areas are perfectly legit. I do get both problems: Sometimes portals refuse to show (in r_showportals 1), whereas at other times the sky simply renders on top of other surfaces in places where there aren't any portals to begin with! Seems the solution is simply messing around with the map geometry and trying different patterns, until I get a combination that dmap is okay with.
  23. Yeah, that gun looks pretty simplistic. Other than that however, it seems like an interesting idea
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