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Posts posted by Destined

  1. I agree, that in-game shops are not useful for the typical "heist" missions, but personally I am also a fan of city-hub structures, like in T3, where you have to find a fence for each loot-type and shops for the different tools. But these on the other hand only make sense for campaigns, not single missions. So far, I am not very experienced, but I think it is a good way to build a campaign: You start with a city-hub and add transitions to different missions as you develop the campaign. This way it is possible for players to already play existing missions and the developer does not have to publish it all at once.


    Guards walking past them does make sense, if the shops have a front and only insiders know, what they really sell.

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  2. This reminds me a bit of "Heavy Rain". Don't know, if you know the game. Actually it is more like a playable film. But this game also goes on, no matter if you accidentally kill one of the main characters. It just changes the ending (of course, since some characters are not there to do, what they would do).

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  3. I have to admit, that I found the Cradle to be particularly scary. I could not play this mission alone at night (either my girlfriend was by my side or I played during the day), but I also cannot watch ghost-movies alone at night. When I do I alsways get the feeling of being follwed (which is actually quite embarrassing being 30).


    But the scariest game I have played so far was "Project Zero", a Japanese horror-survival-game. The premise is that you are a teenage girl that is searching for her older brother in an empty mansion. The weapon you get, is a camera that can exorcise ghosts, so whenever you want to defeat a ghost you have to focus on it in 1st person (while the rest of the game is 3rd person). You discover most of the story through books and tapes, you can read / listen to. Also the number of ghosts is not too high, so that you do not get the routine of expexting on behind every corner, but still have to be careful as to not run into one unprepared. And a last point, I want to mention (which is in general a good way to increase tension) is the camera angles (of course only possible with fixed cameras). In nearly each room the camera is positioned in a way, that you would expect a ghost to appear. But mostly it doesn't. Until you get careless...

    Sorry for the long post. But if you would like to play an atmospheric horror-game: Try this one.

  4. Sorry for being a noob once again: OK, I can see in the script, that the wrench is first spawned and the given to the player (as you described, Obsttorte). But I would like to understand the whole script (as a first step to learn). Please correct me, if I am wrong, but as far as I understand it, you define an entity as "w", that is then spawned via the "sys.spawn" command. Then the entity "w" is given to the player via "w.addItemToInv($player1)". Or does the "w" have another meaning?

    Sorry again for asking here, maybe I should look for a tutorial (other than Fidcal's, since it is not finished), but I just wanted to understand this script and then finish my map.

  5. I think I am fine for now. I have not planned to use different wrenches, but it is actually a good idea to lead the player through a level. On the other hand, this would lead to a scenario where the wrenches replace the function of keys (actually in German they are called "Schraubenschlüssel" which literally translates to "screwing key"). Only the doors are a bit different... But as it is said in Fidkal's tutorial: one should start small and since this is my first FM I should not overdo it. For now it will be a tool to get around easier and maybe get access to some secret rooms, that are not accessible otherwise. So for now I am glad, when I get the wrench to work as it is.

    Regarding your suggestion to create entities in a blue room for the use of different wrenches: Is it possible to add objects on the map to the inventory? The script you gave me spawns the wrench directly in the inventory, but this also means that I have to define all spawnargs in the def-file. It might be more convenient to create the wrench as an entitiy (as you suggested) so the spawnargs can be modified directly in DR, but this means it has to be moved to and not spawned in the inventory.

    Man, I just noticed, that I will not get around learning to script myself. It opens quite a lot of possibilities, that are otherwise not available. But for now I will work with the things I can actually do and in other missions to come, I can include more comlicated stuff.

  6. Thanks for the help and further tips!

    Can I define these spawnargs in the def-file? I would assume that I can just type

    "inv_category" "Category"

    "snd_aquire" "Soundfile"

    in the def-file, just like other spawnargs are defined?


    I have avoided repeating the script by a stim/response set, that makes the toolbox unfrobable after being frobbed. Thus the script can only run once. I am also thinking about a little search sequence, where some conainers have to be searched, before the wrench is acquired and wanted to use the same stim/response set for other containers, so that the player can frob each container only once. To avoid that the player can lose the wrench I would just make it non-dropable. This reminds me, that I would have to define that in the def-file again.


    Again: thanks for the input! It is great that you guys help so much!

  7. Thank you, SteveL, for the (quicker than expected) answer. As you expected, I have an inventory icon, but no 3D model.

    To be honest, I have so far not been working with the def-files, so it took some time, to figure it all out, but with the help of the Wiki I was able to get it working. There are still some issues, like actually not wanting the wrench to appear in the Keys section (as it currently does, since I am using the same mechanism as the keys to use the wrench) and another sound on adding it to the Inventory, but I think, I can figure that out on my own.

    Thank you again!

  8. Hi Guys,


    Happy New Year! I have just recently started mapping with TDM and was able (thanks to Fidkal's great tutorial) to make my first mission. But in this mission I would like to introduce a wrench (just like in the new Thief game). Since I have no experience with modeling whatsoever, I thought about circumventing the problem by adding it after searching a toolbox. This needs no new models, but instead I need a simple script, that adds the wrench to the inventory, after frobbing a toolbox. Sadly, my sriping is in no way better than my modeling :-( and the Tutorial started by Fidkal is not finished yet. So my question would be: could someone write the few lines, I would need for this script? Just an example file, where I only need to insert the ID of the wrench.

    Perhaps this could also be quite easily implemented in Dark Radiant: A Response, that adds an item to the inventory. At least it does not seem like a big deal.


    I hope you can help me and thanks in Advance!


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