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Everything posted by BlackThief

  1. well the guards not, but the banners also had a black spread eagle on them.
  2. dunno if I like that shape. looks a bit too spanish/portuguese to me But great texturing BTW !
  3. thx. I'll take a look at it, when you've uploaded it.
  4. well I scale all my models using the D3 player model to make the proportions right
  5. ok, thanks - that worked. fixed the size and the wood.
  6. problem is, that the arrows are ASE files and blender can't import ASE
  7. no wheels plaese :lol: looks very fine ! great work BTW you should look for some normalmap plugin for max, so that you can create your own normalmaps.
  8. here's another screen in front of Atti's bookshelf, so that you can see the proportions a bit better
  9. I made the skin for the broadhead. However the model is a bit too big ingame and it'd be great if DO could make a UV map with a bigger wood-part. the wood turns out a bit blurry ingame, because it's stretched too much...
  10. cute looks great, but I'd make him a bit fatter those burricks were never really slim...
  11. nah, we'll kick you out of the team, because there's no need for you anymore
  12. looks great so far, but I'd place the legs a bit more to the edges like on that pic:
  13. maybe you have to export it as a md5. they can have several material shaders per model.
  14. ok it's on the ftp now. (/TheDarkMod/models/Finished Game Models Only/Furniture/shelfs/bookshelf1.ase ""/bookshelf1_d.tga ""/bookshelf1_local.tga) those tgas are 1024x1024 - so everything together is bigger than 6mb...the 56k users will like that the finished game models directory is ok so far, but we should keep the same structure. here's the thread with the structure. I think we agreed on that: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?showtopic=496
  15. your bj looks much better than the one from thievery....
  16. hm, maybe the handle is a bit too curved ?!
  17. hope you guys don't have anything against good old german literature
  18. ok, I tweaked the normal a bit - the books turn out much better now
  19. it's not finished yet. the normalmap of the books sucks - I'll upload it, when I'm finished with this...
  20. yeah, there's a normalmap for everything. don't know what you exactly mean, with "that wood texture could do witha good strong bump" do you mean it should be more rough ?
  21. finally found those edges - here's the very first ingame shot (still have to tweak the normalmap though) question now is the size - what do you think ? maybe a bit higher ?
  22. yeah, I also noticed some gaps and fixed them myself. I've to look after those edges this afternoon, but if I can't find it I'll send the textures and the model to you or oDDity, because it'd be faster to redo the whole model instead of checking each edge...
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