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Everything posted by Vadrosaul

  1. I voted Green. I only hope that in the future when the baby boomers die off, parties like the NDP and Green will rise while PC dies off. EDIT: That asshole better give us the GST drop he promised. No renegging on that.
  2. 'short term' pretty much meaning their term of office for many politicians. I would like a robotocracy, that way the human part of the equation is only on the ruled side.
  3. Amen! I still find books to be the ultimate medium for pure, unpolluted, concise visions of fiction.
  4. Maybe then it doesn't matter who you get elected, as long as you can sway them with the popular public opinion. Another problem with democracy is that it gives the same level of power to other people who have shit ideas and vote in shit parties who will pass bills of those ideas. I look around everyday and say to myself "I don't want to be equal with other people, I want to be more than them"
  5. HAHA Oddity has his own theme music. It's a nice Irish gig
  6. I'm enjoying it Is this how most threads develop in there, with Oddity arguing amongst himself and most of everyone else shooting his thoughts/idead down?
  7. Well I'm probably going to vote in my fed election coming up shortly because I never have any issues at the federal level except that they take too much taxes off my paycheque, and currently I'm shopping for the party that says they will reduce those. Also I have some vested interest in the funding of post-secondary institutions. I believe everyone should vote, as not only are you allowed off work early to do so, but the voting system is so easy that they've already mailed the voting card to you and you can write that one X and walk over to the closest school.
  8. No, if you are a citizen of a country, you have the right to complain about the government. In my country, every single time I've voted for a losing party. If I didn't vote, same result. Just like Springheel said, unless the country has proportional representation, then there's a purpose, but otherwise, a single vote is a waste. Currently my votes never existed.
  9. Science is a tool that can be used for good or evil, but is not inherently either. Science has been used in war for evil, and even though no war has started over science, the chance is there, perhaps over something like stem-cell research and cloning.
  10. What fingerprints? I go to the Western states all the time, I don't get fingerprinted at customs. All I need is my trusty passport.
  11. It's not like you'd purposely venture into the parts that are festering of decay and corruption. Every major city has it's good parts and bad parts. Hopefully the tourism boards are directing people to the good parts. In Vancouver there's an ultra-thin boundary between goodtowne and drugtowne.
  12. Actually I bought an SLI board so that I can extend the life of my board. I put just one card in it, and when the graphics start getting choppy, maybe 2 years down the road, the price of the exact same card will have dropped (it's already dropped by $90 in 6 months)
  13. Your first Yahoo link expired. I actually like Intelligent Design, not the actual theory, but how it will determine for me whether a person is a complete idiot by believing in it one iota. Good 'judge of character' topic
  14. Just like the patch of grass that suddenly appears in a mile long hallway of tile.
  15. In Star Trek they use a warp shell to contain the vessel within, so they use the whole 'we are not moving, the universe is moving around us' idea.
  16. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=30809 I'm a big fan of 4x space strategies, so naturally the only one on the horizon has caught my attention. After the dismal failure of MOO3, I think we all need something to cure our woes The only thing I'm leery of is the AI for micromanagement, which in MOO3 dismally failed and cost production
  17. I guess that explains your near 10 thousand posts. Are you arguing for argument's sake? EDIT: Nevermind, answered my own question
  18. The way you describe tradition is too vague. Animals follow instinct, which can lead to routine and pattern, but that is not tradition
  19. We can't just leave him here like this! ...I mean you can't just leave them there like that!
  20. Guards did not respawn either unless I also completely missed something
  21. Can't you at least give us a checkmark option, such as [] AI regains consciousness after blackjack, in which after they regain consciousness they go to a high alert mode?
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/c...for_chocolate_1 Now the reason I put this out is to gauge reaction, as I have recently learned the truth in the matter from another news source, but this type of news article is a typical first one out with only half the story.
  23. 1) 400 dollars CDN 2) Max 19 inch monitor 3) Canada (dollar is close to US dollar) 4) top quality
  24. Can I receive some help for what's the best CRT monitor to get, as mine is 6 years old and not as sharp or colorful as LCD's, but I as well dislike LCD's
  25. Umm thank you You'll need to translate. The only Welsh online translator I could find wasn't operational
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